Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 420: In the ancient domain platform, various tribes send out powerful fighting saints!

As soon as they entered the outskirts of the ancient wilderness, there was poisonous fog around them. These poisonous fogs were so fierce that some high-level Dou Zong died from the poison just after they stepped in.

Even some strong men who have reached the level of Dou Zun will be killed by this poisonous mist if they are careless.

As it went deeper and deeper, the poisonous mist around it became thicker and thicker, and the screams coming from the surroundings became more and more shrill.

Later, there were still some extremely violent fighting energy fluctuations coming out. It seems that some of the poisoned strong men were forced to lose their minds and were attacking randomly.

Looking at a blackened corpse in the open space in front of him, fear and regret still remained on the corpse's face.

"Master, these are not poisonous mist, but poisonous insects!"

Yao Chen is an alchemist and has a certain understanding of poisons. Now he can see the problem at a glance. After all, people with Dou Zun cultivation have Dou Qi to protect their bodies. Ordinary poisons can't do anything about it, but the poison here makes Dou Zun Those who respect the strong are unable to defend themselves.

"These poisonous insects are very small, so small that they are invisible to the naked eye... They float in the forest, and what those people inhale are actually billions of these tiny poisonous insects..." Yaochen continued to explain.

"So it is!"

After listening to Yaochen's words, Zi Yan and Cao Ying were thoughtful. Fortunately, their group's cultivation level was very high, so even if they didn't discover this, they wouldn't be poisoned.

In the forest filled with poisonous miasma, the shrill screams still spread far away, making this forest in an extremely gloomy atmosphere.

The deeper you go, the surrounding poisonous miasma becomes thinner and thinner, until finally, the poisonous miasma completely disappears.

After breaking out of the poisonous miasma, Chenfeng and the others swept up on the boulder on the side. Their eyes swept forward and saw a huge sky stream hundreds of feet long appearing in front of everyone.

This day's stream is extremely deep, and the poisonous gas is lingering in it, making people unable to see where it ends. When one looks up, behind the day's stream, there is an endless mountain range. , an ancient, reckless breath diffused from it, rippling between this piece of heaven and earth.

"Let's go!"

Chenfeng didn't hesitate. He touched the boulder with his toes, and his body rose up like a roc. Then he stepped into the void and quickly swept towards the other side of the sky stream. Behind him, Cao Ying, Zi Yan, and Yao Chen The three of them followed closely.

The distance of several hundred feet seemed wide, but at the speed of Moro Feng and others, they appeared on the opposite side in the blink of an eye.

Just when they stepped into the sky, several roars of beasts suddenly sounded on the ground, and then several black shadows, carrying a rich and disgusting smell, attacked several people like lightning. passed.

"court death!"




Seeing those huge ferocious beasts rushing towards him, a trace of disdain flashed in Chenfeng's eyes. After drinking, those huge ferocious beasts were beaten into blood mist and scattered in the air.

"Brother Feng, these ferocious beasts are too smart. Even if they know that the enemy is stronger than them, they will rush over without fear of death!"

Cao Ying frowned slightly.

If in other places, these seventh-level or early-eighth-level monsters would have disappeared long ago after sensing their auras, how could they rush up?

"Well, that's true. Because of their low IQ, some monsters may not be able to transform even when they reach the eighth level!"

Morrowind nodded.

Next, Morrowind and his party quickly shuttled through the forest, and all the monsters they encountered along the way were eliminated by them. "Woo!"

In the region filled with ancient times, the long and violent howls of beasts continuously resounded in the sky.

There are many teams from other forces in this dense forest, and Morrowind and his party have never communicated with them at all.

Everyone is here for the same goal. Unless the relationship is particularly special, they will end up taking action against each other in the end.

That kind of fragile friendship is basically broken by the temptation of the ancient Bodhi tree.

Therefore, along the way, although many forces recognized Morrowind and his group and wanted to talk and show their goodwill, Morrowind did not give them any chance, which made those guys feel frustrated.

With such an unimpeded journey, Morrowind and his party only spent nearly two days gradually approaching the area where the Ancient Domain Platform was located.

Ancient Domain Terrace, it is said that in ancient times, this place was once an ancient battlefield, and many powerful men once fell here.

Therefore, there was a strange pressure here, and it was this pressure that made this place the only place in the ancient wilderness where ferocious beasts did not dare to set foot.

In addition, this ancient domain platform is located at the junction between the middle part of the Manghuang ancient domain and the depths. From here, you can directly enter the depths of the ancient domain.

Therefore, this place was unanimously chosen by many forces as the safest foothold in the wild ancient land.

After approaching the Ancient Domain Platform, Chen Feng and others flew over for a minute, and a huge square suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

There were dense crowds in the square, including some saints.

"Haha, it seems I shouldn't let you come this time!"

Sensing several huge auras from the crowd below, Chen Feng smiled at Yao Chen beside him.

He remembered that in the original book, during this trip to the ancient wilderness, not even a semi-saint strong man appeared, only some young people came here.

But this time, on the ancient domain platform, the aura of the world of the five powerful fighting saints appeared.

"The people from Xingyun Pavilion are here!"

The arrival of Chenfeng and his party immediately attracted the attention of these major forces. Among them, a man in white robes whispered softly among the people of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan.

This man was dressed in white robes. What was strange was that his eyes were colored, which looked extremely strange.

Behind this man, there is a taciturn old man in black robes. His cultivation has reached the middle stage of the One-Star Dou Sage. There are also more than twenty strong men from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan who have reached the Dou Zun stage.

Such a lineup, if placed in normal times, would surely amaze everyone, but on today's Guyu stage, it seems a bit insignificant.

You know, the Ancient Clan, the Soul Clan, the Flame Clan, and the Thunder Clan all sent elders with Dou Sheng cultivation to help out.

The reason, of course, is because the news that the Medicine Saint from Xingyun Pavilion came to the Wilderness Ancient Territory was leaked.

They all know that with a strong man like Yao Chen here, if they only send these juniors, they will undoubtedly not get any benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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