Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 421: Break out of the beast tide, the ancient Bodhi tree!

"The Medicine Saint is here. This trip to the ancient Bodhi tree may be a bit troublesome!"

In the soul clan camp, a young man in black said with some worry that his cultivation had reached the peak of Dou Zun and was about to become a semi-saint. Such a talent was very good.

The man's long black hair was casually draped behind him, and he looked quite chic and unrestrained. His face was as white as jade, giving people a very gentle feeling. The first impression of this kind of person was that he was very handsome. Have a good impression.

Behind the young man in black, there was also an old man in black robes. The aura of the old man was extremely powerful. Even compared to Yaochen, it was not much different. It seemed that he should be a strong man of the Four-Star Fighting Saint.

In addition, Gu Qingyang from the ancient clan also brought a four-star fighting saint elder from the ancient clan.

The Thunder Clan and the Flame Clan also sent a four-star Dou Sheng strongman.

The reason for such synchronization is that there are family covenant restrictions between various ancient races, and strong men with cultivation levels above the Four-Star Fighting Saint are not allowed to take action easily.

In comparison, the people from the Medicine Clan and Stone Clan did not send anyone. They probably gave up because they knew they would not get any benefits this time.

"Brother Feng, I asked about it. If you want to reach the ancient Bodhi tree, there is still a checkpoint, because a hundred miles away from here, there is an army of ferocious beasts. They surround the depths, and we have to go in. We must break through that sea of ​​ferocious beasts.”

After a while, Cao Ying, who was inquiring about the news, came back and told a piece of news.

"It doesn't matter, these army of ferocious beasts can stop Dou Zun, but they can't stop us!"

Hearing Cao Ying's words, Chenfeng smiled and shook his head.

In the following time, those few powerful people organized everyone present to start sprinting towards the depths of the Wilderness Ancient Territory.

"Everyone, let's move!"

In the sky, Hun Yu laughed loudly, and took the lead in flying towards the northern sky with the powerful soul clan. Behind it, a large number of black crows also followed quickly with the sound of rumbling wind. Go up.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng smiled and led Cao Ying, Zi Yan, and Yao Chen to follow the large army.

The dark crowd, like dark clouds, flew across the sky like lightning. It took less than 10 minutes for a hundred miles to arrive. When the large army flew over a lush mountain peak, there was an endless landscape The black plain appeared in the eyes of everyone.

On the endless plain, black clouds filled the air, and on the ground, huge beasts filled the eyeballs, densely packed like a blood-colored ocean, spreading to the end of the line of sight.

The roaring and roaring sound filled with violence, like thunder, resounded endlessly throughout the world.

"Is this the beast tide in the ancient wilderness!"

Compared with the beast tide, these people are simply a drop in the ocean.

In the sky, the dark team formed an arrow-like formation.

At the forefront of that formation was a group of people from the Soul Clan. If this team were to really explode, its explosive power would undoubtedly be extremely terrifying.


Seeing the formation taking shape, the soul jade in front waved his hand and moved first, causing a harsh sound of breaking wind and rushing towards the beast tide not far away.

Following his movements, the black arrow formation behind him also rumbled up, and the sound of breaking wind resounded throughout the sky. "Ho ho ho!"

Such a large battle was detected by many ferocious beasts when it was still a thousand feet away from the beast tide, and it was filled with violent roars, which resounded like thunder, and finally spread far away Come on, cause more and more rants.


A thousand feet away, in the blink of an eye, terrifying fighting energy surged out from the bodies of Hunyu and the others in front, and finally swept out.

All the ferocious beasts within a hundred feet were shattered into blood almost in an instant. At the same time, the huge team also rushed into the beast tide!


The moment the team came into contact with the beast tide, an astonishing impact broke out, and powerful fighting spirit spurted out.

Almost all the ferocious beasts within a hundred feet of the surrounding area were shocked to death. The roars of the ferocious beasts when they were about to die resounded endlessly throughout the world.

Among them, there are many people who have contributed, and some big forces like the Soul Clan also understand that the rest are just cannon fodder and can be abandoned at any critical moment.

The team, under the trembling of the ground, moved forward rapidly, blood and the corpses of fierce beasts filled the ground they passed, but the scarlet blood not only failed to frighten the beast tide, but became more and more terrifying. Frantically rushing towards the team without fear of death.

Roar! "


All kinds of ferocious beasts, with blood-red eyes, rushed towards the team crazily. Although most of the ferocious beasts would be killed by some strong men working together, there were also some particularly powerful ferocious beasts that rushed closer. team.

As a result, casualties finally began to appear among the team, and screams were heard continuously from all directions.

At this moment, the frontmost team is a group of strong men who are constantly being pushed out by the back team. They can't retreat, they can only charge forward.

Facing the numerous ferocious beasts in front of them, they could only attack with all their might, but every time they killed some ferocious beasts, they would be exhausted by the endless tide of beasts. By the time they wanted to, they would be exhausted. When they were about to retreat, they suddenly discovered that under the siege of the beast tide, many people were red-eyed and desperately trying to push forward, so... they had no chance to retreat.

And after these people were eaten to death by the ferocious beasts, a group of people at the front of the team were once again pushed out by the team's advancement. The cyclic impact started in this crazy situation.

At this time, the team no longer needs anyone to push forward. Everyone is looking ahead to survive.

Therefore, there is also a steady stream of people who are pushed to the front and become cannon fodder for advancement.

As the team gets deeper and deeper, there are fewer and fewer people in this team. Many people lose their minds in this situation, which causes the team to lose control.

In this situation, those big forces sprinted quickly to break out of the encirclement.

"it's time!"

Seeing this, Chen Feng also led Cao Ying, Zi Yan, and Yao Chen to attack, and quickly rushed out of the range of the beast tide.

At this moment, about several thousand feet away from their group, an ancient tree with an extremely large shade stood alone on this vast plain. A breath of fresh air rippled in the air above the ancient tree, changing from time to time. In various shapes, it appears mysterious and unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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