"The ancient Bodhi tree?"

At that moment, a series of exclamations, with a bit of shock, came from the mouths of those ancient races.

Even though they are an ancient race, they have never seen this kind of thing in legends. They can only see it occasionally in some ancient books.

"What a big tree!"

Cao Ying murmured in a low voice, even though she was extremely far away from the ancient Bodhi tree, she could still feel the hugeness of the ancient Bodhi tree.

The shade of the tree spreads over the sky and the earth, like an ancient holy object standing in the time of heaven and earth, filled with antiquity and vicissitudes of life.

"Is that the ancient Bodhi tree?"

Many more people passed through the tide of beasts and landed on this land. They were still a little staggered, but when they saw an ancient giant tree standing between heaven and earth in the distance, their eyes suddenly surged. strands red.

However, looking at the ancient Bodhi tree growing larger and larger in his eyes, a faint sense of awe also rose in his heart.

Facing this ancient divine object that has existed for who knows how many years, no one can remain calm in front of it.

Viewing the ancient Bodhi tree up close is undoubtedly another shocking sight. It has a huge trunk of several thousand feet, like an Optimus Prime connecting heaven and earth.

The trunk is densely covered with ancient aura. The shadow of the ancient Bodhi tree is so huge that when spread, it can cover a small part of a city. A stream of extremely rich fresh air permeates from the ancient Bodhi tree. Open it, causing all kinds of magical phenomena to appear in the sky from time to time.

The sunlight in the sky poured down at this moment, shining on the ancient trees. There was a faint feeling of transparency, and a shocking and powerful vitality spread out.

At this moment, Chenfeng's eyes were also fixed on this indescribably huge ancient Bodhi tree.

That kind of fresh air gives people a feeling of relaxation and joy. However, in this clear air, there is another kind of turbid air.

"Everyone, why don't we go together for such a treasure as the ancient Bodhi tree!"

When they arrived here, the people from the Soul Clan, the Ancient Clan, the Thunder Clan, the Flame Clan, and the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan did not move again and stayed in place one by one.

The Ancient Bodhi Tree is a natural and earthly treasure that is enough to rank among the top three in Dou Qi Continent. It would be impossible to say that it is not dangerous.

If this ancient Bodhi tree can also give birth to spiritual wisdom and cultivate it, it will undoubtedly be one of the most terrifying creatures on Dou Qi Continent. With the people here, I am afraid that it is not enough for others.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the cautious look of those people, Chen Feng smiled, and then led Zi Yan, Cao Ying, and Yao Chen forward, seemingly without any scruples.

"Is this guy so reckless? It's okay, let them try the ancient Bodhi tree!"

Watching Chenfeng and his party walking towards the trunk of the ancient Bodhi tree, Hunyu thought secretly in her heart and continued to stand still. Except for the ancient tribe, the other ancient races also had the same intention at this moment.

Hun Yu vaguely remembered that in an ancient book of the Soul Clan, it was recorded that a semi-saint ancestor of the Soul Clan also encountered the ancient Bodhi tree. However, in the end, the news was lost. When he sent a message to rescue him, both the man and the ancient Bodhi tree disappeared completely, so he was so cautious.

When Chenfeng came to a distance of about a hundred feet from the ancient Bodhi tree, he saw a ball of bright brilliance. This ball of brilliance was like a huge energy heart about [-] feet long, faintly bursting out with a powerful beating sound.

"Is this bodhicitta?"

Looking at that ray of light, Chen Feng murmured.

At this moment, the ancient Bodhi tree standing quietly on this grassland suddenly made a subtle clattering sound.

Immediately, everyone saw densely packed branches, intertwined and hanging down from the shade.

And when these branches touched the ground, they split slowly, and five figures stepped out of them with expressionless faces.

"Five half-saints?"

Seeing this scene, some people waiting behind thought thoughtfully. The ancient Bodhi tree was indeed not that easy to get close to.

"Yao Chen, take action to deal with these five puppets!" Morrowind acted extremely calmly. How could five half-saint level puppets stop their progress?

"Yes, Master!"

Yao Chen replied respectfully, and then he flashed out, and with just one finger, the head of a semi-holy puppet shattered into pieces.

Seeing this, some of the powerful ancient races behind them also reacted. They all brought Dou Saint warriors with them on this trip. What could this mere semi-holy puppet do to them?

At the moment, when Yao Chen was dealing with the five semi-saint puppets, each of their forces rushed in with their people.




When people from the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan arrived, three more Semi-Saint puppets were killed by Yao Chen and completely lost their ability to move.

The heads exploded, and a strange wave spread. The bodies of the semi-holy puppets suddenly aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into powder and floated down.

"Medicine Saint, leave this last puppet to us!"

Finally, several people from the ancient races worked together to smash a semi-holy puppet to pieces.


As soon as the puppets blocking the road were dead, Chen Feng took Cao Ying and Zi Yan towards the huge tree trunk without hesitation.

"We'll follow too!"

Under the temptation of Bodhicitta, the other ancient races quickened their pace. However, as they got closer to the ancient Bodhi tree, everyone became extremely nervous.

They don't know whether the Ancient Bodhi Tree will have any tricks, and it is this unknown that makes people feel frightened.


Subtle footsteps sounded slowly, and everyone gradually reached the bottom of the ancient Bodhi tree.

Standing here, looking up, they could feel how huge this ancient tree that had survived for who knows how many years was.


When everyone arrived at the bottom of the ancient Bodhi tree, a bright light suddenly burst out from the tree that was a hundred feet high and turned into a beam of light, directly covering all those who were close to them.

"what's the situation?"

The sudden scene shocked everyone. They were about to use their fighting energy, but they were shocked to find that all the fighting energy in their bodies had disappeared at this moment.

"Ying'er, don't resist, just come with me!"

Of course, the situation of the four people in Chenfeng, including those strong fighting saints from ancient races, was slightly better, and they would not be unable to mobilize their fighting spirit. At this moment, Chenfeng told Cao Ying that she would no longer resist that force.

"call out!"

Soon, in a burst of panic, the light pillar shrank rapidly, and with a hiss, it retracted into the tree like lightning.

Also disappearing at the same time was the group of people who had arrived at the bottom of the tree earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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