A vast white light filled the field of vision, and Chenfeng stood blankly in this world of white light, with no figure around him.

A moment later, there was a circle of light not far away from him. Without hesitation, he walked towards the circle of light and stepped into it.

The moment he entered, Chenfeng took out a Bodhi Pill. As for the Bodhi Seed extracted from the Bodhi Incarnation, he had given it to Cao Ying before.

After entering, there was no illusion in Morrowind's sight.

"It seems that the Bodhi Pill can also have some effect!"

Chenfeng murmured in his heart that at this moment, he was already in a space full of green.

In this space, an ancient tree about ten feet long stands here as if it has existed forever. This tree is emerald green throughout, as if cast from extremely fine emerald jade, releasing an astonishing power. vitality.

This tree is exactly the same as the ancient Bodhi tree in the outside world that is nearly [-] feet tall, except that it looks smaller by countless times.

Under the gaze of Chen Feng, the green ancient Bodhi tree suddenly trembled slightly, and light groups flew out from its body, finally suspended in front of Chen Feng.

The light group changed, and various images came from it. Chenfeng glanced around and found that the people inside were Hunyu and others who had entered the ancient Bodhi tree together before. Obviously, at this moment, they were all trapped. In their own illusions.

Soon, another beautiful figure broke into the place in panic.

"Ying Er!"

Chenfeng stepped forward and grabbed Cao Ying.

"Brother Feng?"

The moment she saw Chen Feng, Cao Ying was very excited, but the next second she was a little hesitant. She suspected that the Chen Feng in front of her was still an illusion.

"Ying'er, this is no longer an illusion..."

"So that's how it is..."

After Chenfeng's explanation, Cao Ying finally showed a look of surprise.

At this moment, the ancient Bodhi tree swayed again, and a light group emerged. Within the light group, there was an ancient Bodhi tree that was ten thousand feet high. However, Chen Feng's eyes did not freeze on the ancient tree; In front of the ancient tree, in the mid-air there, a figure dressed in black stood in the air. An aura like the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth slowly spread out from the human body.

Under this kind of atmosphere, even the gigantic ancient Bodhi tree seemed rather insignificant.

"Is this Dou Emperor?"


Chenfeng and Cao Ying stared at the black-clothed back in surprise. Although it was just an image, the aura made their souls tremble.

In the light group, the black figure stood in front of the gigantic ancient Bodhi tree. Suddenly, this figure began to attack the ancient Bodhi tree, and facing his attack, within the ancient Bodhi tree, also A monstrous terrifying energy permeated the air. In this terrifying confrontation, even this piece of heaven and earth collapsed.

Chenfeng didn't mean that this ancient Bodhi tree had ever fought against the powerful Dou Di.

Continuing to watch, the images in the light group danced faster, and finally stopped at the last scene. The black figure was suddenly severely beaten by a destructive wind that swept from outside the light group. In the end, his body and the world exploded into nothingness.


Seeing this scene, Cao Ying was extremely shocked. Even if Chenfeng had expected it, she was still a little confused. The sudden attack from before should also be from a strong Dou Di who was not weaker than the black-clothed Dou Di. Then, with the cooperation of the ancient Bodhi tree and another mysterious Dou Emperor, the black-clothed Dou Emperor was just shaken into nothingness.

Although this is just an image, the unique supreme aura still makes people's souls tremble.In the light group, the image did not stop because of the death of the black-clothed Dou Emperor. In the void, a trace of black air suddenly emerged.

As soon as these air currents appeared, they quickly rushed into the ancient Bodhi tree. As these air currents entered, the fresh air that pervaded the ancient Bodhi tree was obviously filled with a faint hint of coldness.


The ball of light slowly dimmed, and then condensed into an invisible object. It rushed into the minds of Chen Feng and Cao Ying like lightning, and finally turned into a flow of information and spread out.

"I see!"

Absorbing that information, Cao Ying had an understanding in her eyes.

The ancient Bodhi tree in front of us has existed for who knows how many years. However, after countless years of precipitation, this ancient Bodhi tree has not evolved complete spiritual wisdom.

Perhaps it is because it has existed for too long, but it has made the spirit and wisdom unable to be healthy. No matter what the reason is, this ancient Bodhi tree does not have real wisdom. It only has some basic functions of spiritual things, such as autonomous Protect or fight back.

The previous image in the light group was that a long time ago, there was a Dou Di strongman who was seriously injured and wanted to forcibly draw out the tree spirit of the ancient Bodhi tree to treat his injuries.

But in the end, he was killed by his opponent and the ancient Bodhi tree.

The moment the black-clothed Dou Di died, some of his negative emotions gathered together and invaded the ancient Bodhi tree.

And these so-called negative emotions have gradually eroded the ancient Bodhi tree over countless years.

The ancient Bodhi Tree's uncomplicated spiritual wisdom began to lean towards darkness and coldness. In other words, the Ancient Bodhi Tree was eroded by the negative emotions of the powerful Emperor Fighter over a long period of time and gradually turned towards the evil side. .

Over the past countless years, no one knows how many powerful people have lost themselves in the illusion.

The current ancient Bodhi tree, to put it simply, has two pieces of spiritual wisdom in its body.

One part originally belonged to it, which can be called a kind wisdom, while the other part was caused by the influence of negative emotions. This kind of wisdom is biased toward evil.

"Brother Feng, what does this ancient tree want to do by summoning us here?"

"It wants us to help it!"

"Is that right?"

Cao Ying seemed to be asking about the ancient tree.


The leaves of the ancient tree branches clicked, and then green light spots flew out from its body, and finally floated in the morning breeze and in front of Cao Ying and Cao Ying. The light gradually weakened. These were actually Bodhi seeds, and look at the crystal clear ones. The clear color is obviously many times purer than their bodhi seed.

"It turns out that Bodhi seeds are used to eliminate those negative emotions!"

Cao Ying understood this.

The next moment, she directly summoned the strange fire, then threw a Bodhi seed in and started refining it, and a stream of fresh air filled the air.

(End of this chapter)

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