
Under the gaze of many eyes, the ancient Bodhi tree finally slowly dived into the ground.

As the last ray of emerald green light disappeared, the grassland became empty again.

"Strange? Why can't I see the soul jade?"

At this time, the four-star Dou Sheng expert from the Soul Clan finally noticed something unusual and quickly asked the people around him.

"Elder Soul Box, it was him, he killed the Soul Jade!"

Several young people from the Soul clan who entered the ancient Bodhi tree with Soul Jade pointed in the direction of Chenfeng and spoke loudly.

"What, Hunyu is dead?"

After listening to those people's words, the face of the elder of the soul clan, known as the soul box, changed drastically.

Soul Jade is a divine bloodline person who has appeared in the Soul Clan in recent years, and will be able to cultivate into a high-level fighting saint in the future.

Of course, there are two divine bloodlines among the Soul Clan, and there is another person named Hun Feng. In terms of talent and background, Hun Jade is far inferior, because that Hun Feng is one of the four demon saints of the Soul Clan. Descendants of Yuan Tian.

But no matter what, if Hun Yu was killed by an outsider, this would be a slap in the face of the Hun clan.

"You crazy guy, you think you have the backing of an old guy like Yao Chen, so you dare to act like this. Today, I will make you pay for the soul jade with your life!"

The next moment, the soul box stepped forward, and an incomparably vast aura suddenly surged out from his body in an overwhelming and unreserved manner!

"If you dare to take action against the young master, you must get through me first..."

The medicine dust flew out in one step and blocked a few meters in front of Chen Feng. An aura larger than that of the soul box filled the air.

Of course, Yao Chen knew that Moro Feng was stronger than him, but he just wanted to hide his strength from being exposed, and for such a small character, Moro Feng didn't need to take action.

"Yao Chen, do you want your Xingyun Pavilion to be removed from the mainland?"

The soul box said coldly, his voice full of threats.

"Haha, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Yao Chen was not afraid of this threat at all and replied disdainfully.


The soul box's face was gloomy, and his handprints transformed into complex seals one after another. The cold black fighting energy in his body condensed in front of him like lightning, forming a dark palm print that was so dark and scary.

Above the palm print, shrill screams continued to be heard, and a face with a ferocious soul faintly appeared above it.

"Soul Slayer Palm!"

As the screams above the palm prints became more and more intense, the soul box also roared angrily, and the dark palm prints flew out in an instant, like thunder, and struck in the direction of Yaochen.

Although the dark palm print was not large in size, it contained extremely cold and huge fighting spirit.

Obviously, this soul box also understands that Yao Chen's cultivation is in the late stage of Four-Star Dou Sage, and he is only in the early stage of Four-Star Dou Sage. If he doesn't put in his best efforts, it will be difficult to win.

"It's up to you, let's do it in the next life." Facing this powerful palm print made with all the strength of the soul box, Yao Chen's eyes were filled with teasing.

The next moment, Yao Chen took two light steps and appeared directly in front of the palm print in the shocked eyes of the soul box.

On his right hand, the fiery fighting spirit energy suddenly surged out, and then lightly patted on the dark palm print.


The two collided and were in a stalemate for a short moment. Then, everyone was horrified to see that the dark palm print that condensed most of the soul box's fighting spirit was destroyed and exploded under Yao Chen's casual slap. .

"Withdraw... Yaochen, if you go against my soul clan, you will feel fear!"

Knowing that he was outmatched, the soul box evacuated after the move was over, and said a harsh word before leaving.

"Gu Qingyang, I've traveled thousands of miles to come here this time. I'm afraid I'll lose face when I go back. These Bodhi seeds are given to you!"

After Yao Chen repelled the soul box and others, Morrowind threw a few bodhi pills in the direction of the ancient clan. This kind of thing was of little value to him, because there were already hundreds of bodhi pills rewarded by the system. , and the increase probability of the Bodhi Pill rewarded by the system has reached a terrifying 50.00%, which is not comparable to this ordinary Bodhi Pill.

"Thank you!"

When Chenfeng presented the bodhi seed to him, Gu Qingyang was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

This scene made people from other ancient races very envious, but they also knew that Morrowind had a close relationship with the ancient race, and envy was of no use.

After this trip to the ancient wilderness, Yao Chen announced to the outside world that he could refine the Bodhi Pill, and many powerful people came here because of his reputation.

Some of the extremely low-key Dou Zun peak masters could not bear it anymore, and finally secretly became the guest elders of Xingyun Pavilion.

Bodhi Pill's temptation to them is too great, enough to make them sell some freedom of time.

Of course, it was impossible for Yao Chen to give Bodhi Pills to these guest elders who came here because of their reputation. And these powerful people were not stupid, and they also understood that there were no such good things in the world.

Therefore, they usually try their best to make some contributions to Xingyun Pavilion, hoping to gain Yao Chen's trust, get a Bodhi Pill, and then break through to the coveted level.

And under this virtuous cycle, the strength of Xingyu Pavilion has undoubtedly skyrocketed, and it has faintly become a tyrannical existence on the side of Zhongzhou that is not weaker than the long-standing old forces like Tianmingzong.

However, in the face of the skyrocketing power and reputation of Xingyun Pavilion, Tianming Sect was somewhat unable to sit still. Tianming Sect was always domineering and expanded its power everywhere. In the past, Xingyun Pavilion's scope of influence was not large, so there was nothing wrong with the two. Conflict, but as the Xingyun Pavilion's sphere of influence becomes more and more extensive, and eventually gradually intersects with the Tianming Sect's sphere of influence, in this way, conflicts will inevitably break out.

An established force and a new emerging force, the confrontation between the two is indeed quite fierce.

But then, Tianming Sect suddenly announced an alliance with Glacier River Valley and some other famous sects in Zhongzhou, and called it the "Styx Alliance"!
This kind of alliance undoubtedly made Tianming Sect's reputation greatly increase, and many powerful people gathered together, but it caught Xingyun Pavilion by surprise, and its scope of influence also shrunk a lot.

Xingyun Pavilion has developed too fast, and although its sphere of influence is vast, it is a bit frivolous and unstable after all. After this war, it is a good time to rectify it.

Therefore, facing the shrinking of Xingyun Pavilion's sphere of influence, Yao Chen did not organize a major counterattack, but kept retreating, because if he wanted to, he could directly kill the old demon Tianming.

Old Demon Tianming, a high-level semi-saint, actually dared to challenge Yao Chen. There must be support from other forces behind him, and Yao Chen knew that it was the Soul Palace without even having to think about it.

During this period, many Starfall Pavilion guests took action to build space wormholes in these cities, directly linking all these important cities together.

(End of this chapter)

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