"Just treat it as a trial for Tianming Sect to temper Xingyun Pavilion!"

Morrowind also maintains the same attitude. Things like Tianming Sect, Glacier River Valley, and the like, even with the Soul Palace behind them, can't make much trouble.

"During this period, the number of Dou Zun cultivators in Xingyun Pavilion has increased to 60. This force is already quite strong... The master's arrangement can screen out some people with ulterior motives..."

Yaochen replied respectfully.

"Well, if I want to take action, the Soul Palace can be destroyed quickly!"

Morrowind waved his hand, not intending to continue this topic.

In the next few days, a piece of news that came from unknown sources set off a storm.

The protagonist of this news is the Spirit Race, one of the eight ancient clans.

Apart from the murderer of this matter, only Morrowind had known about it a long time ago.

Many forces also learned about the sudden closure of the Eldar space not long ago.

But at that time, the news was only spread among some big forces, and they didn't know what happened, so the news didn't spread.

But not long ago, a strong person discovered that the spirit clan's space was opened again.

People discovered that the spirit world was now empty, with no one around, and even the descendants of the spirit clan had disappeared without a trace.

This thing is so weird. In the spirit world, including the descendants of the spirit tribe, there are at least millions of people.

However, now so many people have evaporated out of thin air!

When this incident reached the ears of the other tribes, it undoubtedly caused a huge shock.

People from all the ancient races immediately sent strong men to the spirit world. However, no matter how they probed, they never found even half of the spirit race.

The people of the Spiritual Race seemed to have completely disappeared during the period when the space was closed and no guests were seen.

The Spirit Race is also one of the eight ancient clans. Although it has gradually declined over the years, after all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

With their strength, they can join the ranks of Zhongzhou's superpowers. If they are to massacre the clan, I'm afraid no one in Zhongzhou can do it.

Of course, in addition to the words of the Tuzu, some people speculated that the spirit clan might migrate to another self-created space.

But it was obviously impossible for this great migration to be hidden from the top experts in Zhongzhou, but even they had never felt this movement.

With the strength of the Spirit Clan, how could it be possible to quietly take away all those millions of descendants.

In any case, the disappearance of the Spirit Tribe has caused a big stir in Zhongzhou, and all forces are constantly speculating on the cause of the matter.

When the outside world was making random speculations, several ancient races also had huge differences because of this matter.


A long time ago, a war broke out among the eight ancient tribes, and the cause of the war was the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

It is said that the legacy of the last Dou Emperor warrior holds the secret of reaching Dou Emperor. For this secret, the eight ancient tribes fought fiercely, and finally the complete Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade was divided into eight.In other words, if anyone wants to get what the ancient emperor Tuoshe left, he must gather eight pieces of ancient jade. And all tribes regard ancient jade as more important than life, so naturally they cannot hand it over for no reason. .

Therefore... some people speculate that the disappearance of the Spirit Clan this time was caused by people from the ancient race, and their purpose was to obtain the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in the hands of the Spirit Clan.

Although the Spirit Clan has declined, the foundation is still there. They want to wipe out all of them without anyone noticing. Among the remaining six clans, probably only two clans have this ability.

That is the ancient clan, and, the soul clan!
The ancient race, on the surface, is the strongest race among the six ancient races, and no one doubts their strength.

The soul race, if you really want to talk about it, this race can be regarded as the race with the longest inheritance among the eight ancient races. In ancient times, this race existed. This race has always been mysterious and strange.

In the past, the Soul Clan was not the most powerful, but if you are careful, you can find that no matter what, the Soul Clan has never been at a disadvantage...

Invincible and invincible, from a certain point of view, is actually a rather terrifying level. Therefore, for this mysterious ancient race, even the ancient race, they maintain a very serious fear.

These two ancient races almost represent the most powerful power level on the Dou Qi Continent today. If they want to slaughter the entire spirit race without knowing it, apart from these two races, I am afraid that no power can do it!

Therefore, the most suspected of this change in the spirit clan is undoubtedly the ancient clan and the soul clan, although the other four clans have no absolute evidence to point out who is the murderer.

But it is obvious that after what happened to the Spirit Clan, they will remain most vigilant towards the Soul Clan and the Ancient Clan.

If the other party is really coming for the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, they will definitely not stop, and they who have the other four ancient jade will become the next target.

As for this kind of suspicion that came out of nowhere, the Gu clan seemed quite depressed, but they also knew the seriousness of the matter.

At this time, any action may lead to some unnecessary speculation, so they can only remain silent. At the same time, the Soul Clan is also following their usual style, ignoring it and doing what they should do. .

Anyway, the Soul Clan doesn't need any allies. They don't care what others think.

Therefore, with the silence maintained by both sides, the matter of the spiritual clan change was gradually suppressed, and the six ancient clans did not start a war because of this matter.

Today's six ancient tribes have once again created gaps between each other, and they are wary and wary of each other.

The matter of the Spirit Tribe caused quite a stir in Zhongzhou, but these ancient races usually kept a low profile, so the heat dissipated not long after.

Above Zhongzhou, there are wonderful births every day, and there are countless various topics. Even such a big event as the disappearance of the Spirit Clan cannot continue forever.

"Brother Feng, you seem to know something about this matter?"

In the wind world, Xun'er asked very curiously.


"This matter was done by the Soul Clan!"

Chenfeng smiled and nodded. He did not hide this matter. Now, he can completely trust Xun'er.

"It's actually the Soul Clan!"

Hearing Chenfeng's answer, Xun'er was very shocked, and at the same time very curious about how Chenfeng knew.

She did not continue to ask. She knew that since Moro Feng had not finished speaking, it was not appropriate to let too many people know at this time. (End of chapter)

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