Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 428: Xingyun Pavilion’s decisive battle with the Styx Alliance, the soul clan emblem!

"In half a month, the strong men of our Styx Alliance will gather together in Xingyun Pavilion. At that time, it will be a showdown. The winner will be the king, and the loser will be the bandit!"

A few days later, Yao Chen received a battle note from a strong man from the Styx Alliance in Xingyun Pavilion.

"Haha, I really don't know where they got the courage?"

Looking at the content on the battle post, Yao Chen couldn't help laughing.

In the Styx Alliance, so far there has been no news about the powerful fighting saints. The strongest person is just the old Styx demon who has stopped being a high-level semi-saint.

Such a leader, with a group of Dou Zun, Dou Zong, and Yao Chen, can solve the problem by himself.

However, even so, Yao Chen used the communication stone to tell Morrowind the news.

"Let them come, destroy them in one fell swoop, and let Xingyun Pavilion stand at the top of the mainland!"

After hearing the news, Morrowind replied casually, and those clown-like characters could only earn him a contemptuous smile.

Now that his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Seven Stars Fighting Saints, and with various trump cards, even if a powerful being like the Void Swallowing Flame comes, he may not be able to defeat him. Even in the Soul Palace, no matter how he tries to cause harm in secret, it will be in vain.

(Sorry, I wrote the protagonist’s cultivation level wrong in the previous two or three chapters. When Morrowind obtained the Ten Thousand Realms Teleportation Talisman, he also obtained twenty high-level experience pills, and he had already broken through to the late stage of the Seven-Star Fighting Saint!)
"Yes, Master!"

Over at Xingyun Pavilion, Yao Chen looked at the message sent by Chenfeng and replied respectfully.

But afterwards, they were treated indifferently, with no preparations made at all, and none of the personnel who were outside were transferred back.

A few days later, the strong men of the Styx Alliance began a large-scale operation. They went straight to the location of Xingyun Pavilion. During this period, the strong men in the city controlled by Xingyun Pavilion did not make any obstruction.

Some Zhongzhou strong men who were still waiting to watch, or who wanted to watch the excitement, came early to wait outside the Starfall Pavilion.

They want to know who can take the upper hand when the two most powerful forces collide in recent years.

For these people who came here with the mentality of watching a show, Xingyun Pavilion did not expel them, and even gave them a place.

But at the same time, they also dispatched powerful people in the pavilion to enforce strict martial law here. Anyone who makes the slightest move will be killed on the spot as an enemy.

And under the anticipation of so many people, the day above the battle post finally came slowly.

Outside the main pavilion of the Xingyun Pavilion, there is a green peak as high as a thousand feet. The green peak is extremely steep and steep, and it is difficult for ordinary people to climb. The top of the green peak, like a giant ax that opened the mountain, turned into a piece. The extremely spacious and smooth boulder plaza, here is the reception place for Xingyun Pavilion.

In the square now, there are thousands of disciples practicing fighting skills. The expressions on their faces are quite relaxed, and they don't feel at all like they are facing a formidable enemy.

Suddenly, a cold breath, like an evil ferocious beast, rushed into this space arrogantly, filled with some cold laughter, and also sounded like thunder in this space. .

"Yao Chen, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here without any problems!"

Immediately afterwards, a figure in dark gray robes came out of the air. This person had long gray hair and a face with no wrinkles. Instead, it looked unusually fair.

If it weren't for the aura of age in those blue eyes, no one would think of him as an old demon who had lived for hundreds of years.

The arrival of this old man also made the Xingyun Pavilion disciples in the square below stop.

"All disciples, continue to practice!"

Seeing this scene, Yao Chen gave instructions to many disciples, then squinted at the old man in the sky, and said softly: "Old Demon Tian Ming, I didn't expect you are not dead yet. The cultivation of this Star Fighting Saint is the result of accepting the soul." Let’s take advantage of the palace!”


Seeing Yao Chen's nonchalant look, Old Demon Tian Ming felt humiliated. "Yao Chen, don't be arrogant. There are many people in this world who are stronger than you!"

In the sky, the old demon Tianming pointed his finger at Yaochen and shouted angrily.

"Really? It's a pity that you are not that kind of person!!"

Yao Chen spoke with contempt.

"Stop talking nonsense, today, I will destroy your Xingyun Pavilion!"

The old demon Tian Ming looked gloomy. Behind him, more than 100 people came quickly, half of whom had reached Dou Zun cultivation level.

Such a force is really impressive. You must know that many of the so-called first-class forces in Zhongzhou only have a strong Dou Zun in charge.

"Jiejie, Yaochen, what happened today, I'm afraid your Xingyun Pavilion will be destroyed!"

At this moment, a cold laughter came from the sky again. This person was the elder soul box of the soul clan who was defeated by Yao Chen in the ancient wilderness. At this time, his cultivation level had improved compared to last time. With his cultivation in the middle stage of the Four-Star Fighting Saint, he felt more confident.

"I'm afraid it won't be enough for you alone!"

Seeing the soul box appear, Yao Chen was a little surprised, because at this moment, even if he was restrained, the people of the Styx Alliance were not much different from his Xingyun Pavilion in strength, not to mention that the soul box could not restrain him at all.

As both four-star fighting saints, Yao Chen's strength is obviously not comparable to that of the soul box. Yao Chen is about to enter the five-star fighting saints, while the soul box is forcibly promoted to the middle stage of the four-star fighting saints.

"Haha, Yaochen, have you forgotten how you were expelled from the Yao Clan in the first place?"

The soul box smiled coldly and expressed the pain in Yao Chen's heart.


Hearing this, Yao Chen's complexion immediately became ugly, but soon, he thought of something.

The Soul Box is a member of the Soul Clan, and possesses the power of the Soul Clan's bloodline in his body. Almost every ancient race has a clan crest, and the Soul Clan is no exception.

In today's Dou Qi Continent, apart from the Xiao Clan's clan emblems, which are the strongest, the Ancient Clan and the Soul Clan's clan emblems are the strongest.


While Yao Chen was thinking in his mind, the soul box that appeared in the sky quickly made its handprints, the power of blood burst out, a black mist appeared between the eyebrows, and finally a simple black mark was engraved on the eyebrows.

After the black primitive mark appeared, the aura of the soul box had surged to the peak of the Four-Star Fighting Saint, reaching a level similar to that of Yao Chen.

"If you have the ability, use the medicine clan's clan pattern today!"

The soul box laughed wildly, and quickly made a black palm print. This kind of power was much more powerful than the last time he was in the ancient wilderness. This is the advantage of being born in the ancient race.

"Damn clan emblem!"

Seeing this, Yao Chen felt something bad in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't blame the soul box for underestimating it, so he immediately stepped forward and fought with the soul box.

As a result, Xingyun Pavilion had no other strong men to resist the old demon Tian Ming who had broken through to the level of Dou Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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