Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 446 The remnant soul of the demon saint!

Chapter 446 The remnant soul of the demon saint!

"Lord Morrowind, back then I tried once to get the "Wrath of the Underworld" cultivation method and the blood of the demon saint contained in the stone tablet. However, when my soul power just invaded the stone tablet, I was so shocked that I vomited blood and collapsed. It took me half a year to recover!"

Yao Ming spoke to Chen Feng with some lingering fear.

"There is indeed a good soul power in the stone tablet, but it is just a residual soul, not in its peak state. To me, it is not very strong..."

Hearing Yao Ming's words, Chenfeng smiled and shook his head, with a confident smile on his face.

The next moment, he walked to a stone pier directly in front of the stone monument and slowly sat cross-legged. The soul in his eyebrows was also ready to move.

Immediately, a slightly illusory figure stepped out from between Chen Feng's eyebrows, and finally floated in front of the stone tablet.

"Yao Ming, during this period, don't let anyone disturb this place..."

The soul phantom spoke directly to Yaoming.

"Yes, Lord Morrowind!"

Hearing this, Yao Ming replied respectfully.

This was the first time he had seen someone able to condense an ethereal soul into a physical form.


As soon as Yao Ming's words fell, Chenfeng's soul hit the stone tablet and then merged into it like water waves.


Soon, the soul of Morrowind appeared in the sky filled with ancient atmosphere.

Above the sky, thunder roared like a furious dragon.

The loud noise caused the entire world to tremble violently.

"Is this the space hidden in the Huangquan Stele..."

Chenfeng's soul was suspended in the air, looking at this strange space, and made a tut-tsk sound: "Creating a space in the stone tablet, the Demon Saint of Huangquan is truly worthy of his reputation." The next moment, Chenfeng slowly walked towards the depths of the space. , and at this time, the thunder in the sky seemed to be pulled, and suddenly bombarded it overwhelmingly.

However, for this kind of offensive, Morrowind did not stop at all. Whenever those thunderbolts entered the ten-foot range around him, they would be sucked away by an invisible force.

The Heavenly Realm Dzogchen Soul has the same strength as the body in the late stage of the Seven-Star Dou Sheng, and this level of thunder can be regarded as a kind of nourishment for the Morrowind soul who practices thunder-attribute fighting spirit.

Suddenly, a dark yellow cloud appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful wind suddenly tore apart the heaven and earth, pressing hard against the morning breeze.


Seeing the huge finger poking it down, Morrowind waved his sleeves and destroyed it easily.

However, just when the underworld finger dissipated, a yellow palm print appeared in that place again, pressing down quickly.


Calm syllables were slowly spit out from Chen Feng's mouth, and immediately, a powerful soul storm swept out in an instant, directly shaking the palm to burst open.

"Demon Saint Huangquan, it's time to show up. This kind of trick is useless to me..."

Looking at the shattered palm print, Chen Feng said lightly.


Just as the thunderous voice of the morning wind came out, a mountain peak suddenly broke through the ground and rose up from the ground not far ahead.

On the top of the mountain peak, there was a huge throne. On the throne, a figure in a yellow fur robe sat upright.

A breath that made even the heaven and earth tremble slowly spread over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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