Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 447: Confrontation with the Ancient Powerful One!

Chapter 447: Conversation with the Ancient Powerful One!
"The soul of the Great Perfection in Heaven... Junior, you are outstanding. You are the person with the strongest soul power who has come here in so many years..."

A very majestic voice came from the figure's mouth. This sentence was regarded as recognition of Morrowind's talent and strength.

"Good eyesight... I came to see Senior this time for a very simple purpose. I just want the blood of the Demon Saint!"

Seeing that the other party's attitude was not bad, Chen Feng also praised the Underworld Demon Saint.

"But no matter what, the rules I set back then must still be implemented!"

Demon Saint Huangquan shook his head gently. He was just a remnant soul, and many things had to be done according to the consciousness before his death.

"Okay, then please use Huang Quan's Wrath. Let me see the power of Huang Quan's Wrath!"

Chenfeng said bluntly that she knew the other party's rules, which was to follow up with the Wrath of the Underworld.

The next moment, Demon Saint Huangquan did not hesitate, he formed a strange handprint with both hands like lightning, and then put the handprint to his mouth.

Immediately, an extremely terrifying fluctuation rose up. Under such fluctuation, the sky and the earth split apart in an instant, as if the doomsday was approaching.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is a commotion, and the space is violently fluctuating at this moment.

And amidst such fluctuations, strange ripples suddenly appeared around the remnant soul of the Underworld Demon Saint.

These ripples faintly merged into an invisible figure that was thousands of feet tall.

The invisible demon saint's true form transformed by the sound wave slowly lowered his head, and his indifferent eyes were fixed on the morning breeze in the distance.

Then, its mouth slowly opened, and a syllable with an ancient aura, like a thunder dragon shuttled out from the thunder clouds, showed its majestic appearance!


With one word blurted out, the invisible real body of the demon saint immediately collapsed away, but at the same time it collapsed, there was still this space.

The space was shattered inch by inch under the spread of the sound wave, and the devastating sound wave impact surged in at a speed faster than light.Facing this move, Morrowind came from behind, and the jet-black spears condensed out and stood in front of him, blocking most of the soul impact.

Sound waves swept through this space like a storm, and everything was reduced to nothingness under the impact of the sound waves.

Dark light shrouded the place, leaving only a solitary mountain peak standing in this dark void.

On that mountain peak, the Underworld Demon Saint also sat back on his throne.

The already illusory body became much more transparent. Obviously, the previous attack consumed too much of his strength.

"Demon Saint of Huangquan, you can donate your essence and blood now..."

After this huge movement, Chen Feng was actually safe and sound.

"In these years, you are the first person who can withstand the wrath of the underworld."

The remnant soul of the Demon Saint of Underworld stared at the morning breeze. After a while, a rare smile appeared on his face. He slowly leaned against the throne and said in a sad tone: "This day has finally come. !”

Next, the Demon Saint of Underworld taught Chenfeng all three of his fighting skills.

"Thank you Demon Saint!"

Chenfeng cupped his hands and thanked him.

"My mission is to wait for someone to defeat me and pass on what I have learned... Your current soul power has met the conditions for cultivating the wrath of the underworld..."

Demon Saint Huangquan smiled slightly and spread his palms. As he spread his palms, a thin stream of light gold suddenly appeared on his originally seemingly illusory body.

All the trickles converged on his palm, and soon turned into a ball of golden liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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