Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 448 The Obsession of the Underworld Demon Saint!

Chapter 448 The Obsession of the Underworld Demon Saint!
"Alas, I have been practicing for thousands of years, and my soul has advanced to the legendary imperial realm, but I still cannot take that last step!"

Huangquan Yaosheng gently stroked the golden liquid with his palm, and there was endless melancholy and unwillingness in his voice.

"Actually, there are many people in this continent who have the ability to become an emperor. Unfortunately, there is one thing missing, which ultimately leads to the absence of Dou Emperor for ten thousand years!"

Sensing the reluctance shown by the remnant soul of the Underworld Demon Saint, Chen Feng also sighed.

"Young man, have you noticed this too?"

Hearing Chenfeng's words, a gleam suddenly appeared in the unwilling eyes of the Demon Saint of Huangquan.

The original idea of ​​giving the blood of the Demon Saint to Morrowind was temporarily shelved.

Because once this essence and blood leaves the remnant soul, it will truly disappear. Originally, he had given up hope, but at this moment, he began to miss this world.

After all, all the years of training and regrets during his lifetime were all because of the word Dou Di.

"There is a lack of energy, an energy known as origin energy. Without that kind of thing, it is extremely difficult to become a Dou Emperor!"

"It's extremely difficult. In other words, without that kind of thing, is there still hope of becoming an emperor?"

Hearing this, the Underworld Demon Saint became even more interested.

"Well, the Origin Qi has almost disappeared in Dou Qi Continent. Nowadays, only a little bit of Origin Qi still exists in the Cave of Na Tuoshe Ancient Emperor... If you want to become an emperor without relying on Origin Qi, you have to follow Tuo She Ancient Emperor. road!"

Chenfeng replied seriously, perhaps as a recognition of the once extremely talented Huangquan Demon Saint. A person with such talent may have achieved very high achievements if he did not stay in Dou Qi Continent.

"There are actually two ways to become emperor?"

At this moment, there was shock in the eyes of the Underworld Demon Saint. What he wanted in his life was to become an emperor.

"In the Ancient Emperor's Cave, eight pieces of ancient jade need to be collected. It is very difficult to gather them together. The other way is to merge the world's strange fires into one, because the ancient Emperor Tuoshe was a strange fire. He Swallowed all the strange fires on the strange fire list and became the Emperor Flame!"

"Di Yan... I understand. No wonder, as the Dou Emperor thousands of years ago, it stands to reason that he should leave behind one of the most powerful ancient races today, but how could Yi Huo have heirs!"

After listening to Chenfeng's explanation, Huangquan Demon Saint instantly cleared his mind.

"Young man, who are you and why do you know such secrets?"

Demon Saint Huangquan raised his head and looked at Chenfeng again, his eyes full of curiosity.

However, Morrowind was silent at this time.

"Demon Saint Huangquan, I have you now, don't you want to disappear like this?"

After a while, Morrowind asked.

"It's true. With the hope of becoming an emperor, I'm not willing to disappear into the world like this... If you want this blood essence, I'm afraid I can't give it to you!"

Demon Saint Huang Quan also nodded honestly.

"It doesn't matter, I originally took this thing to give away!"

Chenfeng waved his hands and said, for someone with his level of cultivation, the blood of the demon saint would not be able to provide much help. Unless he had a powerful elixir like the ninth-grade ultimate elixir, it would be able to increase his level of cultivation in the later stages of the Seven Stars Fighting Saints.

"Since you are not willing to disappear, how about I make a deal with you? As long as you agree to serve me for a hundred years, I will let your remnant soul reappear in the world!"

Chenfeng made an offer that the Demon Saint of Underworld could hardly refuse at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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