Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 451 The powerful man from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan!

Chapter 451 The powerful man from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan!
An hour later, what appeared in front of Chen Feng and Feng Qing'er was a piece of gold and green, gorgeous and magnificent.

This is a huge mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the phoenix sycamore trees are full of golden light, and the ten thousand-year-old trees are soaring up to the sky and into the clouds.

The trunks of the ancient trees are extremely thick, and some are even ten feet wide.

It is much larger than the trees in some ancient forests.

On those ancient trees, huge golden leaves seemed to block out the sky and the sun.

And among the golden yellow, some dots of green complement each other, making it a spectacular sight.

Thousands of years old trees form a forest, reflecting the golden color of the sky and the earth.

At the same time, it still exudes an ancient and deep atmosphere, which is the trace of time.

The annual rings of history are engraved on it circle after circle. All around, there are bursts of birdsong and the fragrance of flowers, which is refreshing.

I have to say that a place like Danxue Mountain is like a paradise.

When it comes to pleasing the eyes, this place is thousands of times better than the Dragon Island of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

Of course, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan is unconventional, extremely arrogant, domineering and barbaric, and

The Tianyaohuang Clan prides themselves on elegance, so the style of the place where they live is naturally very different.

“What a nice place!”

Even though they were far apart, Chen Feng could see that the golden sky above and the blue sky suddenly rippled slightly.

In the blink of an eye, the transparent fluctuations turned into a solid golden color, and the beautiful scenery in his eyes was blocked in an instant.

In the end, only a golden shield of light flipped down, swallowing the entire mountain range inside.


A long, high-pitched cry pierced the sky, and the shocking sound was enough to make people's souls tremble.The huge ancient phoenix icon engulfs the entire Dancai Mountain.

The shining golden wings are like a Kunpeng, but they are curled up in a hug at this moment. If they were spread out, they could cover the sky.

The huge wings overlap each other, and golden light shines on them. The wing feathers are like oars, spreading out, and the huge shadow they form is like a bell of light, protecting the people of the clan under it.

And the huge phoenix head that towered into the clouds slowly reached down from the clouds, looking down at the land with blood-red eyes.

The vast soul pressure came from the horizon, that ancient and long gaze, even Chenfeng's face changed slightly.

"It's great that the ancient Sky Phoenix's residual power can be so powerful. It's just a pity that the leader of the Sky Demon Phoenix couldn't see the situation clearly and chose the wrong path..."

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was slightly surprised, and then shook his head.

In this situation, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix clan's clan-protecting formation had obviously sensed him, and the long cry just now was a warning.

Chenfeng only felt the space barrier that suddenly rose up on Danxue Mountain, and then he was able to draw a conclusion.

This kind of barrier cannot be crossed by ordinary five-star fighting saints.

However, this kind of barrier would be in vain for the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, the enemy of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan.

In this world, there are really not many space barriers that can hinder the footsteps of the powerful Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

After a while, a red figure flashed out of the huge golden barrier and rushed towards the direction of Lu Chuan and the two of them.

This red figure is a beautiful woman in a red dress. The beautiful woman looks to be in her thirties. Her aura is very powerful. A pair of slightly slender eyebrows are slightly raised, revealing evil aura.

"Two Star Fighting Saint! This beautiful woman should be the Phoenix, the head of the Three Heavenly Demon Phoenixes of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan!"

Sensing the aura emanating from the visitor, Chenfeng guessed in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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