Doupa: More sons, more blessings, I build the strongest family

Chapter 452 The Patriarch of the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan, Huangtian!

"Who is here, dares to break into the Holy Land of our Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan?"

The beautiful woman in the red dress looked at Chenfeng and shouted loudly, releasing the pressure of the Two-Star Fighting Saint.

"Feng Qing'er has met the Supreme Elder!"

Chenfeng was about to speak, but Feng Qing'er had already bent down to salute in the direction of the beautiful woman in the red dress.


"It's actually my clan's bloodline, and it has reached the Dou Sheng level!"

After careful sensing, the face of the beautiful woman in the red dress suddenly showed disbelief, and then ecstasy.

The blood aura of the Demon Phoenix Clan in Feng Qing'er cannot be faked at all, and it is definitely a happy event for Feng Qing'er to have such a talent.

Soon, two more old men rushed here. The cultivation of these two people was all at the level of one-star fighting saint. They must be Kunhuang and Yinghuang among the three phoenixes of the demon.

"Sister, I seem to remember that there is a junior in the clan who went to Fenglei Pavilion to learn to control this dual-attribute fighting energy because of the special wind and thunder attribute fighting energy! That junior's name is Feng Qing'er!"

Kunhuang came here, recalled something, and slowly spoke.

"Haha, our clan can have such a genius, and we will have another top strong man in the future!"

Yinghuang burst out laughing.

Obviously, Tianyao Sanhuang was very happy that such a talented clan member appeared in the clan.

"Is it you, Morrowind?"

Not long after, an elder from the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan recognized Chen Feng and immediately shouted: "Three Supreme Elders, that person is Chen Feng, the murderer of the young patriarch!"


Upon hearing this, the expressions on the faces of the Heavenly Demon Three Phoenix instantly froze.

"You are so brave. You killed our clan's young clan leader and you actually dare to come to our clan's holy land!" Fenghuang, Kunhuang, and Yinghuang looked at Chenfeng with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Three Supreme Elders, Jiu Feng obviously brought the blame on himself in the ancient wilderness of the wilderness. A peak Dou Zun went to tease and provoke the saint. It is not a pity for him to die!"

Hearing this, Feng Qing'er stood on Chenfeng's side very clearly and spoke for Chenfeng.

"How dare you stand next to Morrowind. Do you want to be a traitor to the clan?"

After hearing Feng Qing'er's words, several elders of the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan immediately scolded them. However, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Tribe did not express their stance yet.

They had also heard about what happened before. It was indeed Jiufeng who didn't know the heights of the world and took the lead, but was easily wiped out in the end.

At that time, some people in the Tianyaohuang Clan said they wanted to take revenge. However, considering the power of Xingyun Pavilion, they took no action.

The biggest reason is that the clan leader Huangtian is in deep retreat, and no one dares to disturb him. Even if the young clan leader Jiufeng dies, no one dares to disturb Huangtian's retreat.

"Haha, there's no need to talk nonsense. If you, the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan, want to avenge those Nine Phoenixes, just come and do it!"

Chenfeng didn't want to argue with these people. With the strength of the Seven Stars Fighting Saints in the late stage, the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan was nothing to be afraid of.

"What a big breath!"

After a while, an extremely deep voice suddenly came from the Danxue Mountain.

There was a strong coercion in this voice.

"It's the clan leader. The clan leader is finally out of seclusion!"

Hearing this voice, the expressions of many powerful people from the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan here became respectful, and they all looked sideways to the rear.

Behind that, there was a golden light approaching quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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