Chapter 102 The Three Lucky Ones

Seeing the look of expectation in everyone's eyes, Lu Yun did not delay any further.

Immediately afterwards, the three tokens in his hand were thrown upwards, but no numbers appeared on the back of the tokens.

Which three soul masters get these three tokens, and then rely on their soul power level to automatically manifest the specific token level.

With a wave of Lu Yun's hand, the three tokens suddenly disappeared in place, hiding in the void, and began to look for the three predestined people.

After seeing the three tokens flying away, Lu Yun showed an ambiguous smile on his face, and Lu Yun tampered with one of the tokens.

In this way, the traces of these three tokens completely disappeared before everyone's eyes, and they could only secretly look forward to, hoping that these three tokens could select them.

A moment later, there was a sudden space fluctuation in the first floor loft, and a token appeared in front of Tang San.

"This... one of the lucky ones is me?"

Tang San stared blankly at the floating token in front of him, murmured inconceivably, his heart filled with fanaticism.

He didn't expect such a big pie to fall on his head.

He knows the chance in the secret realm of chaos, which is unimaginable. According to the introduction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, nine out of ten are true.

He was so lucky that he got the token to enter the Chaos Secret Realm for the first time.

It's just a pity that Tang San at this time didn't understand that this token was not luck for him, but bad news.

One of Lu Yun's tampering tokens fell into Tang San's hands.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun showed a calm expression on his face.

Let Tang San enter the Primal Chaos Secret Realm, and how the situation will develop at that time is not in his hands.

As for the two tokens, they appeared in the box on the second floor.

A token appeared in box No. [-], and the people standing in this box were the fierce beasts from the Star Dou Great Forest and others.

"A token actually came to me!"

Brigitte looked at the floating token in front of her, and stood there with an extremely shocked expression.

So, Bi Ji took the token and turned to look at Di Tian and Wan Yao Wang.

"I never thought that our soul beast family would be so lucky to get a token to enter the secret realm of chaos."

"Bi Ji, you must take advantage of this opportunity and strive to improve your strength."

Di Tian was extremely excited, originally he didn't have too much hope before, thinking that these three tokens would all fall into the hands of human soul masters without exception.

As a result, Bi Ji got a token, and quickly told Bi Ji to seize this opportunity, enter the secret realm of chaos, and improve her strength.

However, what Ditian and Wan Yao Wang are more worried about is that no one knows how powerful the soul beasts evolved in the secret realm of chaos have.

Although Brigitte has a lifespan of 50 years as a soul beast, she is not bad at fighting, but good at healing.

How long they can persist in the secret realm of chaos, even Di Tian and Wan Yao Wang can't predict.

Fortunately, with the protection of the token, there shouldn't be too many problems.

As for the other token, it fell into the No. [-] box, which was the person from the Wuhun Palace.

The token fell into the hands of a young girl, who had long golden hair fluttering in the wind.

Exuding a charming aura all over her body, she looked at the token in her hand with a shocked expression.

"Teacher, this token..."

After a while, the girl came back to her senses and asked Bibi Dong who was beside her.

I don't know if I want to take this token and go to the secret realm of chaos?
"This time is your opportunity, don't let it miss you, you'd better do your best to increase the lifespan of your soul ring."

Bibi Dong looked gently at the girl beside her, and said softly.

This girl is Wuhundian, Hu Liena, the Pope's disciple, is also the saint of Wuhundian.

Seeing that Hu Liena got another token, Bibi Dong was genuinely excited, but luckily she didn't fall into other forces.

So next, I told Hu Liena to seize this opportunity and increase the lifespan of the spirit ring and spirit bone.

Soul rings of different ages have very different powers of the soul skills released, this is an opportunity to change one's destiny.

"Understood, teacher."

After hearing these words, Hu Liena's expression suddenly became extremely serious, and she nodded fiercely.

I swear in my heart that I must cherish this hard-won opportunity.

"First of all, congratulations to the three of you for getting the opportunity to enter the secret realm of chaos, but let me tell you in advance that the token in your hand will automatically change into a token of the corresponding level when you enter the secret realm of chaos."

"The Secret Realm of Chaos is divided into nine areas. Whatever number your token is, you must stay in that area. Only in this way can you protect your own safety to the greatest extent."

"If you have the courage to go to a deeper area, then don't blame me for not reminding you that this token may not be able to help you resist a fatal blow. I hope you can weigh it clearly."

Lu Yun was surprised when he saw the owners of the other two tokens.

Those two tokens were indeed randomly thrown by Lu Yun, but Hu Liena and Bi Ji got them, but Lu Yun didn't say anything.

Lu Yun specially reminded the three people present that they must not leave the area where the token is located without authorization.

Lu Yun transformed the secret realm of chaos into nine areas, such as No. [-] token, which can only stay in No. [-] area and cannot go to other areas.

Logically speaking, under the limitation of Lu Yun's power, no one can break through the area they belong to and go to other areas.

But it is inevitable that accidents will happen, so I still made a sound and reminded a few people carefully.

If all the soul masters go deep, and the tokens can't protect them at that time, wouldn't they all lose their lives.

If things go on like this, who would dare to step into the secret realm of chaos?
And how does he restrain a large number of auction points?Therefore, for long-term consideration, Lu Yun decided to divide the secret realm of chaos into nine regions.

"Chaos Secret Realm, open!"

The violent soul power in Lu Yun's hands surged and poured into the secret realm of chaos.

At this moment, the mutation protruded!
The tokens in the hands of Tang San, Hu Liena, and Bi Ji suddenly turned into a bright golden light, instantly bringing the three of them away from where they were.

Holding the token in hand, the three of them entered the chaotic realm.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun urged the Primal Chaos Realm to reveal all the places where the three of them were in front of everyone.

It's best for everyone to see clearly how they have changed, so that more soul masters can be attracted to the secret realm of chaos.

The light in front of the three people who got the token changed, and when they came back to their senses, they found that they were already in the secret realm of chaos.

The three of them saw the astonishing environment in front of them and the strong soul power around them. No matter how they observed it, they felt as if they were in the Great Star Forest.

"What a magical method. In this forest, it really seems to have returned to the Star Dou Great Forest. I don't know how the Star Dou Auction Pavilion did it?"

Among them, Bi Ji felt the deepest. She has always lived in the Star Dou Forest, and she is very clear about all the changes around her.

So when she came to the secret realm of chaos, she found that she seemed to have returned to the Star Dou Great Forest, without any difference, which was so unbelievable.

Suddenly, Brigitte didn't know what she noticed, and the token in her hand suddenly became slightly hot.

Noticing this change, Brigitte turned the token over, and immediately saw the back of the token, and a word nine appeared.

It is the ninth-level token.

Although Bi Ji is not good at fighting, she is also a soul beast of more than 50 years. It should not be a big problem to deal with ordinary 10-year soul beasts, so Bi Ji came to the ninth-level area.

Hu Liena and Tang San on the side both obtained third-level tokens.

To some extent, the division of Lu Yun's nine regions is almost related to the color of each soul master's soul ring.

Brigitte was in the area where 10-year-old spirit beasts lived, while Tang San and Hu Liena were in the third-level area, where 1000-3000-year-old spirit beasts frequently appeared.

In this way, after the three of them adapted to the environment in front of them, they carefully explored everything around them.

They knew the introduction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, that the soul beasts that existed in the secret realm of chaos were extremely powerful.

They didn't dare to take it seriously at all, so they released their martial souls one after another, and were on guard for the next attack.


Hu Liena walked all the way forward, paying attention to the movement around her mentally.

"Huh? Is there any movement?"

Suddenly, there were noises coming from the grass ahead, and Hu Liena became extremely vigilant.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared intently at the grass in front of him. If nothing else happened, it must be that a powerful soul beast was coming.

A burst of white light flashed, and a white fox suddenly appeared in front of Hu Liena, with three tails swaying in the wind behind it, releasing a powerful spirit beast aura around it.

"This is a three-tailed fox with a lifespan of more than 2000 years."

At this moment, when Hu Liena saw this fox, a long memory emerged in her mind, and she immediately knew the name of this fox and the specific age of the soul beast.

When seeing this fox, Hu Liena couldn't help but admire the methods of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The soul beasts evolved from the power of rules in the secret realm of chaos are exactly the same as the soul beasts in Douluo Dalu, and there is no difference.

However, what surprised Hu Liena the most was that the three-tailed fox was almost extinct on the Douluo Continent, extremely rare.

Among the three tails of the three-tailed spirit fox, there are three different attributes, namely the charm attribute, the spirit attribute, and the attack attribute.

Therefore, a soul beast like the three-tailed fox is very suitable for a kind of soul master, that is, a soul master with a fox-like martial soul.

Not surprisingly, Hu Liena's demon fox spirit can perfectly inherit the power of the three-tailed spirit fox's spirit ring.

Unfortunately, the three-tailed fox has disappeared on Douluo Dalu, and she has never seen the appearance of the three-tailed fox.

As a result, as soon as I came to the secret realm of chaos, I saw the legendary soul beast, and I was a little shocked.

All the soul masters in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion stared closely at everything that happened in the chaotic secret realm.

Seeing the first soul beast that appeared in the secret realm of chaos, the three-tailed spirit fox, everyone was extremely surprised.

On the whole, it is exactly the same as the soul beast in Douluo Dalu, and there is no slight flaw.

The methods of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion are really too powerful.


At a certain moment, the three-tailed spirit fox released a powerful soul beast breath, and rushed forward fiercely.

A pair of sharp claws swiped towards the air, and the attack roared towards Hu Liena's front.

Hu Liena released the demon fox martial spirit, ready to face the next attack.

Time flies, and Hu Liena and the three-tailed fox began to fall into a big battle.

The further back the fight, the more difficult Hu Liena felt.

"What's going on, why is this soul beast so powerful."

Hu Liena couldn't help being surprised and confused in her heart, what's going on?
According to the ancient records, the three-tailed spirit fox is a soul beast at the 2000 level. Although it has three attributes and powers, its combat power is far from being so powerful.

But in the battle with the three-tailed spirit fox, she always fell into a disadvantage and fell into a passive state.

It's really weird!
Hu Liena's thoughts were only fleeting. After all, the battle with this soul beast had entered a fierce stage, and she was absolutely not allowed to be distracted.

If she is not careful, she may be defeated by this fox, and it may passively activate the protection mechanism in the token and teleport it outside the secret realm of chaos.

This time she was not representing herself, but carrying the expectations of her teacher.

No matter what, she must not be defeated by this soul beast.

Half an hour passed, and after some fighting, Hu Liena finally dealt with the spirit beast, sitting on the ground, panting heavily.

This battle is really not easy.

Next, under Hu Liena's curious eyes, the body of the three-tailed fox suddenly turned into a white light.

Entered into Hu Liena's body.

"Huh? This is..."

Hu Liena noticed the strange movement in her body, and remembered the introduction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, so she pulled this power of rules into the first soul ring.

Under the effect of the power of rules, the color of Hu Liena's first soul ring began to change towards dark yellow.

In the end, the age of this soul ring was increased by more than 200 years.

Hu Liena clearly felt that the age of her first spirit ring had increased, and a joyful expression appeared on her face.

The introduction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion turned out to be true. Sure enough, the soul beasts in the secret realm of chaos can be used to increase the lifespan of the soul ring.

Hu Liena continued to walk around, and began to look for other spirit beasts to hunt and kill, so as to enhance the lifespan of her spirit ring.

When the outside soul masters saw the changes in Hu Liena's body, their expressions were extremely exciting!
It's true!
They could clearly see that Hu Liena's first spirit ring had changed from more than 400 years to nearly 700 years. This method is really unbelievable.

However, many people are obviously puzzled, that three-tailed fox is only over 2000 years old, why is it so powerful?

"The soul beasts evolved in the secret realm of chaos, each soul beast has a fighting power that far exceeds that of the same level, and can even be said to be the top existence among the same level of soul beasts."

"It is even more difficult to defeat the soul beast in the secret realm of chaos."

Seeing the doubts in everyone's eyes, Lu Yun explained to them why this three-tailed fox is so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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