Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 103 Ice Dragon and Dark Devilgod Tiger

Chapter 103 Ice Dragon and Dark Devilgod Tiger
This is the soul beast evolved by Lu Yun. If the strength of the soul beast is too weak, it is obviously unreasonable to easily increase the lifespan of the soul ring and soul bone by hunting the soul beast.

Douluo Dalu's soul ring configuration cannot be completely out of balance. On the other hand, it is also to earn auction points for a long time.

If the lifespan of all soul masters' soul rings and soul bones were raised to 10 years, then naturally very few people would go to the secret realm of chaos.

No matter which aspect you start from, Lu Yun must evolve the strength of the soul beast in the secret realm of chaos into the most powerful existence at its level.

When everyone heard Lu Yun's words, they nodded slightly, and their eyes once again fell into the secret realm of chaos.

Immediately afterwards, the screen in front of everyone switched to the ninth-level area where Brigitte was.

Brigitte looked around aimlessly, and vaguely noticed that there were several powerful 10-year-old spirit beasts around.

Bi Ji didn't make a move immediately. With her current strength, it is not very difficult to deal with a 10-year-old soul beast alone.

It would be terrible if they met a few 10-year-old soul beasts and joined forces.

Brigitte had no choice but to walk towards the depths cautiously, hoping to find a single soul beast.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, the sound of fighting came from not far from Brigitte, and the aftermath spread throughout the forest.

A burst of dust was splashed, and countless trees were cut off in half, turned into little pieces, and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Brigitte walked forward with curious thoughts, and two huge soul beasts came into view.

One of the spirit beasts was huge. It looked like a giant tiger with a pure black body, without a trace of variegation. Its red eyes were full of a sinister aura. It was more than eight meters long.

The king character on the forehead is also black, but unlike the black of the fur, it is a gloomy black like mist.

The most peculiar thing is its tail, compared with ordinary tiger spirit beasts, its tail is much longer.

And it stands upright, composed of countless joints, and at the top is a huge barb, shining with a gloomy light.

As for the other soul beast, it was an ice-blue dragon-type soul beast, exuding a powerful icy aura.

Everything around was directly frozen into ice sculptures by the power of the ice, and the whole scene was extremely spectacular.

"This is……"

"It's actually an ice dragon and a dark devil tiger!"

When Bi Ji saw this scene, she was obviously a little shocked. This time, she actually encountered these two top-level soul beasts.

As for why these two soul beasts fought, it was naturally Lu Yun's idea.

If one of the soul beasts evolved in the secret realm of chaos stayed in place quietly, it would be a little quiet.

In order to avoid this situation, Lu Yun used the power of the rules to plant an idea in the hearts of all the soul beasts, that is, the fighting consciousness.

It can be like the original soul beasts in Douluo Continent, because of resource wars, this can also add a little excitement to the secret realm of chaos.

It took Lu Yun a lot of effort to evolve these two kinds of soul beasts.

A soul beast like an ice dragon is undoubtedly a very powerful existence among dragon martial souls. It is the blood of the ice dragon king who once belonged to the dragon god, and it contains the powerful blood of a beast.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger on the side also contains the blood of the Devilgod. A soul beast like the Dark Devilgod Tiger has six attributes, and this kind of soul beast is a heaven-defying soul beast.

In the Douluo Continent, there exists a 6-year-old Dark Devilgod Tiger, whose strength is comparable to that of a 10-year-old soul beast.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger is too powerful a soul beast, so it is not tolerated by Douluo Continent soul beasts and soul masters. Whenever a Dark Devilgod Tiger is born, it will definitely not live for too long.

The reason why the Dark Devilgod Tiger existed in the Star Dou Great Forest for more than 6 years may also be due to luck.

These two top-level soul beasts with god-level blood have reached 20 years.

It can be said that it is an extremely powerful existence in the entire chaotic secret realm.

Randomly pick out an existence that is invincible in the Douluo Continent, especially the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

The two soul beasts are in a fierce battle. Although they are both fierce beasts of more than 20 years, the ice dragon still loses to the dark devil tiger and gradually falls into the lower division.

When Brigitte saw the appearance of these two soul beasts, her pupils constricted as well. When she encountered two soul beasts, they reached the 20-year level.

Among them was an ice dragon that had long been extinct in the Douluo Continent, and the other one also terrified her immensely.

Brigitte didn't make any changes at the first time, but looked at the blood flowing from the ice dragon, which had already stained the whole land red.

As the battle progressed, the ice dragon's injuries gradually intensified.

On the contrary, the Dark Devilgod Tiger became more courageous as he fought.

Seeing this situation, Brigitte's eyes showed a kind of unbearable color.

In the battle of soul beasts, Bi Ji naturally didn't want to see the soul beasts get injured. It can be said that Bi Ji is the kindest soul beast in the entire Star Dou Forest.

He looked at the Dark Devilgod Tiger not far away again, his expression was startled, he thought for a while, and then stood up decisively.


With a slight movement of his hands, bursts of green light spread towards the surroundings, and a strong breath of life injected into the ice dragon's wound.

On the one hand, she doesn't want to see the ice dragon get injured, even if it is a soul beast evolved from the secret realm of chaos, she can't see such a miserable scene.

On the other hand, she wanted to get rid of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

No matter where it is, the Dark Devilgod Tiger symbolizes the existence of evil, and naturally it will not be allowed to exist.

Brigitte chooses to heal the ice dragon, and the two work together to successfully kill the Dark Demon Tiger.


From the moment Brigitte's figure appeared, two fierce beasts stared at her firmly.

The ice dragon noticed that Bi Ji was using the power of life to help it heal its injuries, its eyes became docile, and it calmly accepted Bi Ji's power of life.

The originally terrible wound on the ice dragon gradually healed under this huge healing power, and the aura on his body became stronger again.

Bi Ji's body is an emerald swan more than 50 years old, and it is the top soul beast with life attributes in Douluo Continent.

It can be said that among the soul beasts, the soul beast that is best at healing is the Emerald Swan, and its healing power can be called the best in the Douluo Continent.


The Dark Devilgod Tiger roared angrily after seeing the ice dragon's injuries gradually recovering.

The powerful evil force blasted towards Brigitte, trying to get rid of the woman who helped the ice dragon heal.

Seeing this scene, the ice dragon was naturally unwilling, and immediately moved its huge body.

The ice-blue tail whizzed forward, and slammed heavily on the Dark Devilgod Tiger's body.

In this way, the two fierce beasts continued to fight again.

Bi Ji spread out her hands and gradually suspended in the air, constantly using the life force in her body to heal the ice dragon's injuries.

As time passed, the battlefield reversed, and the Dark Devilgod Tiger gradually fell into the lower ranks.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger stared at Bi Ji with hatred, and it had to face the violent attack of the ice dragon, so it had no way to separate its mind to deal with Bi Ji.

The outside world's titled Douluo powerhouse is extremely puzzled about who this woman is?

Why has such a powerful healing power, and has not seen her release the martial soul, how can she release the power of life?

All the top powerhouses had an idea in their hearts, and then they must find out the identity of this woman.

Titled Douluo level healing power is really too rare, if pulled under their influence, it will definitely strengthen a top powerhouse.

Di Tian and Wan Yao Wang were also sweating for Bi Ji, they didn't expect that Bi Ji would encounter two soul beasts fighting for more than 20 years for the first time.

It is also a soul beast with a god-level bloodline among soul beasts.

Bi Ji's soul beast has reached about 50 years, but she is not good at fighting.

At this moment, Bi Ji is helping the ice dragon to deal with the Dark Devil Tiger. It is not known whether the ice dragon will attack Bi Ji after the Dark Devil Tiger is dealt with.

The time is long, and the war continues!
The Dark Devilgod Tiger's aura gradually weakened, obviously it couldn't last for too long.

On the other hand, the ice dragon on the side is full of momentum and attacks fiercely.

Bi Ji couldn't take such a long time of treatment. Even though her soul beast had a very high lifespan, she couldn't afford such a huge loss of life force.

At a critical moment, the ice dragon suddenly spit out an ice blue beam of light, carrying all its own power, and blasted directly at the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

After the Dark Devilgod Tiger was hit, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and his vitality began to pass away quickly.

Seeing this scene, Brigitte felt relieved, withdrew her strength, and landed on the spot.

Suddenly remembered the purpose of this trip, so he condensed a powerful attack in his hand, instantly ending the life of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

After a while, Brigitte breathed a sigh of relief, and looked warily at the ice dragon in front of her.

At this moment, after the death of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Ice Dragon took one last look at Bi Ji and ignored her.

Moving the huge dragon body, it disappeared in place.

"Fortunately, the ice dragon didn't attack me!"

After the ice dragon left, Brigitte stood where she was, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After everything was over, the corpse of the Dark Devilgod Tiger in front suddenly disappeared in place, turned into a black light, and entered Brigitte's body.

A shocking scene happened, I saw that Bi Ji's soul beast cultivation began to rise, and finally reached 60 years.

A more vast pressure of the soul beast spread towards the surroundings, even affecting the entire ninth-level area.

Brigitte's body was wrapped in green light, and she looked miraculous.

After a while, Brigitte came to her senses, and looked at her soul beast age with dull eyes.

how could be?

Could it be that she made a mistake in probing, and after a few more probings, it was still the same.

The age of her own soul beast has indeed increased by 10 years, which is incredible!
Why is it different from what Star Dou Auction Pavilion introduced?

As for the human soul masters in the outside world, they were very curious about this scene. Why didn't this woman release her soul ring?

Di Tian and Wan Yao Wang in the private room on the second floor couldn't hide the shock on their faces when they saw the changes in Bi Ji, they stood up suddenly, full of ecstasy.

"Bi Ji's soul beast lifespan has actually reached 60 years. After the death of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, a full 10 years of life for Bi Ji's soul beast has been added."


Di Tian couldn't help but exclaimed.

That's right!

The change in Bi Ji just now is obviously a breakthrough in the age of the soul beast.

In other words, Bi Ji's soul beast age has been fully increased by 10 years.

It may be due to the special features of the secret realm of chaos that the soul beast catastrophe did not come.

Even so, Di Tian and Wan Yao Wang became short of breath and couldn't keep calm.

The method of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is unimaginable, and Brigitte got such a big harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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