Chapter 104 Seriously Injured Near Death
"By the way, there is a hidden benefit in the secret realm of chaos, that is, a soul beast with the blood of a divine beast evolved in the secret realm of chaos. After successfully hunting it, you can get a half of the year increase."

"In other words, if you successfully hunt down a 10-year-old soul beast with the bloodline of a divine beast, then you can increase the lifespan of your own soul ring by 5 years."

For this situation that happened to Bi Ji, Lu Yun was also a little surprised at this time.

Bi Ji was so lucky that she cooperated with the ice dragon to hunt and kill a 20-year-old dark devil tiger.

From a certain point of view, the Dark Devilgod Tiger also contained the blood of a divine beast.

After Brigitte killed him, she gained one-half of the increase in the cultivation base of the soul beast, that is, the improvement of the cultivation base of the soul beast for a full 10 years.

When Lu Yun first set up this benefit, he naturally didn't expect other soul masters and soul beasts to be able to do it.

After all, the soul beasts that contain the blood of divine beasts are at least 10 years old and above.

A 10-year-old soul beast containing the blood of a divine beast would be difficult for even a super douluo, let alone a 20-year-old fierce beast.

To a certain extent, this time Brigitte's luck is really good.

It was because of her kindness that she chose to work with Ice Dragon to eliminate the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

Perhaps the follow-up soul masters or soul beasts will not have such good luck when they enter the chaotic secret realm.

When everyone heard Lu Yun's words, their breathing became short of breath.

Everyone had an idea in their hearts, wanting to find soul beasts with the blood of divine beasts in the secret realm of chaos.

"By the way, there are quite a few soul beasts with the blood of divine beasts in the secret realm of chaos, but most of them are more than 10 years old. I hope you will enter the secret realm of chaos in the future and recognize your own strength."

"Don't forget not to fight with soul beasts that have the blood of divine beasts, otherwise you will have to bear the final consequences!"

After Lu Yun saw everyone's thoughts, he immediately interrupted their fantasies, hoping that they would recognize their own strength, and never lose their lives because of overreaching.

Soul beasts with the blood of divine beasts, each soul beast has top-level leapfrog combat capabilities.

Even if it is a soul beast of ordinary blood, it is difficult for an average soul master at the same level to defeat.

Not to mention the soul beasts that contain the blood of divine beasts, this is really no different from courting death.

Although protected by tokens, without exception, the opportunity to enter the secret realm of chaos was wasted.

As soon as Lu Yun's words fell, everyone became vigilant.

It seems that they also need to recognize their own strength, otherwise it is really possible, as the Xingdou Auction Pavilion said, to waste this opportunity.

After a while, the scene in front of everyone's eyes changed again.

The scene in front of him was exactly where Tang San was.

The blue silver grass spirit in Tang San's right hand swayed with the wind, and the three spirit rings flickered one after another, always alert to the surrounding spirit beasts.

Suddenly, a piercing sound resounded, roaring towards it!

Immediately blasted towards Tang San's back, that posture seemed to tear the surrounding air to pieces.

Seeing this situation, Tang San looked horrified, and then the first spirit ring on his body immediately lit up.

Straight and thick vines burst out of the ground, firmly blocking behind him, in response to this sudden attack.


Then a shocking scene happened, the thick vines Tang San unleashed were torn to pieces by this attack abruptly.

In the end, it turned into a little soul power and dissipated between heaven and earth.

A huge force struck, blasting heavily at Tang San's back, the powerful force knocked Tang San flying tens of meters.


Finally, it fell to the ground, and his complexion suddenly became extremely pale.

When the dust cleared, Tang San stood up tremblingly, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the burning pain in his back made him unable to calm down.

That force just now was really too strong, fortunately he used his first soul skill and released vines to further weaken that attack.

If not, he will definitely be seriously injured if this move continues.

After Tang San got up, he also saw clearly the behemoth attacking him.

A soul beast in front, with a purple body and eight spider claws, exudes a powerful aura.

It is the top soul beast among the soul beasts: the Man Faced Demon Spider.

"Damn it, why did I meet the Man-faced Demon Spider again, and its age is as high as 3000 years!"

After seeing clearly the true face of this spirit beast, Tang San looked at the lines on the Man Faced Demon Spider, and deduced that its specific age had reached the peak of more than 3000 years.

This made Tang San's expression extremely ugly, he who was cautious naturally knew that what the Xingdou Auction Pavilion said was true.

The soul beasts in the secret realm of chaos are countless times stronger than the soul beasts of the same level.

Therefore, with his current strength, he has almost no chance of winning against a 3000-year-old soul beast.

Not to mention this top-level soul beast: the Man Faced Demon Spider.

At this time Tang San had the idea of ​​running away, this time the Man Faced Demon Spider was too strong, if he continued to fight, there was no chance of winning at all.

Thinking of this, Tang San came back to his senses, and immediately ran forward.

One after another phantoms appeared under the feet, which were the ghost shadows in the Xuantian Treasure Record.

The Man Faced Demon Spider's line of sight suddenly disappeared Tang San, and the next moment only saw a flash of light in the Man Face Demon Spider's eyes, instantly sensing the area Tang San was in.

Move the huge body, approaching Tang San's direction.

Just like that, Tang San, who was stepping on the ghost shadow trail in front of him, ran fast, thinking he had thrown off the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Turning his head to look behind him suddenly, he found that the human face magic bead was still approaching in his direction, and the distance was getting closer endlessly, which made Tang San a little panicked.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on with this man-faced demon spider? I've already got rid of it before, but why does it still find me?"

Tang San felt endless confusion in his heart, all this is not in line with common sense!

Could it be that this man-faced spider has other eyes, otherwise how could it be possible to know his location so clearly?
As for all of this, it was naturally Lu Yun's method, he used the spirit beasts in the secret realm of chaos openly to play with Tang San.

As for the final result, Lu Yun did not dare to guess.

Anyway, Lu Yun had tampered with Tang San's token, and had to withstand three fatal attacks before triggering the shield of the token and teleporting him out of the secret realm of chaos.

Whether Tang San can survive three fatal attacks in the end depends on his own fortune.

"Since we can't escape, we can only fight this man-faced spider!"

After a while, Tang San discovered that even if he used all his soul power, he still couldn't escape the Man Faced Demon Spider's clutches.

That being the case, there is no choice but to give it a go.

If he really killed this man-faced demon spider, he could obtain a soul ring of more than 300 years, and take this opportunity to upgrade his second soul ring to the millennium level.

"The first soul skill: Coil!"

Tang San shouted, and with the infusion of soul power, the Blue Silver Grass martial soul suddenly exploded against the wind.

Immediately, vines quickly appeared from the ground, wrapping around the Man Faced Demon Spider at an extreme speed.

The Man Faced Demon Spider was firmly imprisoned in place.

"Second Soul Skill: Parasite."

Seeing the last scene, Tang San immediately used his second spirit ability, planting the seeds of the Blue Silver Grass into the body of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

This state only lasted for a second, and a powerful force spewed out towards the surroundings.

The vines that Tang San had entangled the Man Faced Demon Spider before were smashed to pieces by this violent force.

"It's now!"

Seeing this scene, Tang San didn't panic at all, he had long expected this scene to happen.

So the soul power surged in his hands, and he clenched his fists tightly.

From the body of the Man-faced Demon Spider, vines suddenly sprang out, imprisoning the Man-faced Demon Spider in place again.

This situation did not last for too long, after all, the strength of the Man Faced Demon Spider was too strong.

The Man-faced Demon Spider evolved through the power of rules is the most powerful existence among the 3000-year-old Man-faced Demon Spider.

Therefore, Tang San's two spirit abilities only trapped the Man-faced Demon Spider for a few seconds, and they were directly deciphered.

The Man Faced Demon Spider was also enraged by Tang San, and then quickly walked forward, quickly jumping onto the trees.


Spider webs containing poisonous gas flew towards Tang San, blocking Tang San's way, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

"Damn it, why didn't my first two soul skills have any effect on the Man Faced Demon Spider?"

Tang San's expression became a little unbelievable, even for other 3000-year-level Man-faced Demon Spiders, his first two soul skills could restrain Man-faced Demon Spiders for a period of time.

But right now, in front of this man-faced demon spider, his first two soul abilities were useless, and he couldn't control the opponent for too long.

Seeing so many spider threads flying towards his surroundings.

Tang San used Ghost Shadow Mistracking, quickly darting towards the surroundings, in order to avoid the attack of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

With sudden change, Tang San was still attacked by a spider web, and he retreated dozens of steps crazily.

Raising his right arm, he found that his skin had been eroded by this poisonous gas, Tang San's expression turned extremely ugly, and he temporarily stopped the poisonous gas from spreading with his soul power.

But this can only stop the pain for a while, the most urgent thing is to resolve this battle as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the poisonous gas erodes his whole body, he will have no strength to fight anymore.

Tang San's hands suddenly turned into jade hands, they were the Xuanyu hands in the Xuantian Treasure Record, and he jumped forward, attacking in the direction of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

The berserk soul power is generated and shakes all around, without the slightest fear of the surrounding soul beast breath.

The Man Faced Demon Spider moved its huge body, relying on its own agility, and began to fight Tang San.


Time was fleeting, the aftermath of the attack spread everywhere, Tang San was obviously no match for the Faced Demon Spider at this moment.

In an instant, the sharp claws of the Man Faced Demon Spider pierced Tang San's shoulder, and blood spurted out.

Tang San was in extreme pain, his face extremely pale.

At the critical moment, Tang San resolutely left the spot, escaping from the sharp claws of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Clutching the pierced shoulder, he looked at the man-faced spider in front of him with a painful expression.

Tang San's heart was extremely serious, he didn't know what to do next?
At this moment, a ray of light flashed again in the eyes of the Man Faced Demon Spider, continuing to attack Tang San at extreme speed.

Tang San, who was seriously injured, passively resisted the attacks again and again, and his injuries continued to worsen.

Tang San's vitality was passing by quickly, obviously he couldn't last too long.

At this time, many soul masters in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion saw everything that happened in the chaotic secret realm.

Everyone expressed sympathy for Tang San's experience. After all, everyone could see that Tang San's strength was hugely different from that of the Man Faced Demon Spider, so he was naturally suppressed and beaten.

Looking at the injuries on Tang San's body, it was extremely serious, if he were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

But what puzzled many soul masters was why at this moment, that token hadn't triggered a shield to protect Tang San and sent him away from the secret realm of chaos?
Tang San lay pale on the ground, his eyes were slightly closed, the blood was draining rapidly, he couldn't last for too long.

Just when Tang San closed his eyes, he suddenly saw the eight spider claws of the Man Faced Demon Spider, ready to stab him.

Seeing this scene, Tang San lost all strength, unable to resist.

He could only watch helplessly as the Man Faced Demon Spider came towards him.


Just when the Man Faced Demon Spider was about to kill Tang San, the token on his body suddenly released a golden light.

Immediately blocked the attack of the Man Faced Demon Spider, and soon Tang San's whole body turned into a stream of light, disappearing in place.

On the first floor of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, light flickered, and a figure suddenly appeared, it was Tang San who had fallen into a severe coma.

Dai Mubai and others saw everything that Tang San encountered in the secret realm of chaos, everyone was extremely worried.

When seeing Tang San being teleported out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Tang San's life was not lost.

So, several people hurriedly injected their own soul power into Tang San's body, helping him relieve certain injuries.

Ning Rongrong beside him also released the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul to heal Tang San's injuries.

In this way, Tang San's injury was alleviated, but it was still extremely serious.

Unable to stay in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Dai Mubai and others took Tang San and left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion first.

Lu Yun has no objection to this, let them go back, if Tang San dies in the end, it will not be fun.

After a while, Lu Yun saw that his goal had been achieved, and the next moment he exerted force with his palm.

Bursts of soul power entered the chaotic realm in an instant, and the tokens on Brigitte and Hu Liena's bodies glowed, which also turned into a stream of light, leading them out of the chaotic realm.

After the two of them came out, Lu Yun spread out his right hand, and saw the chaotic secret realm suspended in the center of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, suddenly shrunk into a tiny ball, and returned to his hand.

"I believe you should see the magic of the Chaos Secret Realm, and this token is the basis for entering the Chaos Secret Realm."

"First of all, I want to explain something in advance. After today's auction, all soul masters can pay a certain amount of soul crystals and purchase corresponding tokens to enter the secret realm of chaos."

"Of course you can only stay in the Chaos Secret Realm for a day."

Lu Yun said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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