Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 107 Dugu Bo's world view exploded

Chapter 107 Dugu Bo's world view exploded
After all the movement subsided, the valley completely changed, and the middle was directly hollowed out.

Such a scene is simply astonishing.

The Eye of Ice and Fire Yin Yang has been moved to the Primal Chaos Secret Realm intact.

Lu Yun knew that the main reason for the birth of the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan was the good fortune produced by the god bones of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King.

The two dragon kings were both top-level god-level powerhouses during their lifetimes. Their god bones were left behind, and there seemed to be nothing strange about the birth of this magical Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

Lu Yun left the valley with the two of them.

Waves of soul power in the right hand oscillated towards the surroundings, and the palm prints swelled against the wind, blasting towards the valley ahead.


Deafening voices sounded, and the valley was completely destroyed by Lu Yun's power, leaving behind ruins.

Perhaps it won't be long before this level of damage will be completely healed by time.

"Pavilion Master, what was that sphere just now? Why can it hold the Ice and Fire Yin Yang?"

Suddenly, Dugu Bo couldn't bear the kindness in his heart, and turned to ask Lu Yun beside him.

That ball is really amazing, he has never seen such a weird thing in his life.

"That sphere is the secret realm of chaos. From now on, you don't need to guard it here. You can follow me to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

"At that time, the management of the secret realm of chaos will be handed over to you."

Lu Yun handed over the management of the secret realm of chaos to Dugu Bo.

Next, Lu Yun plans to sell the token to enter the secret realm of chaos.

At that time, almost all soul masters in Douluo Continent should not miss this opportunity.

If the soul masters and soul beasts of the entire Douluo Continent come to him to buy tokens, wouldn't they exhaust him to death?

This burden can only be handed over to Dugu Bo, who will be responsible for selling these tokens.

However, Lu Yun will not let Dugu Bobai do these things.

He can give Dugu Bo some treasures, which can improve his strength extremely quickly.

Even reaching the legendary Limit Douluo is not an exaggeration.

With the treasure he gave, even becoming a god-level powerhouse is not a big deal.

"Next, let me tell you about the secret realm of chaos..."

After seeing Dugu Bo's puzzled expression, Lu Yun told Dugu Bo all the magic of the Primal Chaos Realm, and let him know what he was going to do next.

When Lu Yun and the others left the Sunset Forest, Dugu Bo listened to Lu Yun talk about the secret realm of chaos on the way.

"This...Pavilion Master, I heard you right. Hunting and killing soul beasts in the secret realm of chaos can increase the lifespan of the soul ring. Is this method really a human soul master can do?"

After understanding it clearly, Dugu Bo's world view has undergone a major change, and his heart has set off a turbulent wave.

The news he heard today is really surprising. Can this method really be achieved by manpower?
Anyway, Dugu Bo had never heard of someone being able to do such a miraculous method.

Generally speaking, the lifespan of spirit rings and spirit bones is determined from the moment they are absorbed.

How can it be possible to increase the number of years through external force?This really made Dugu Bo fall into confusion.

After hearing Dugu Bo's doubts, Lu Yun didn't say anything, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.


After all, for soul masters in Douluo Dalu, they would naturally feel surprised when they heard such things.

Lu Yun didn't give too much explanation, and let Dugu Bo discover the strength of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion by himself.

Lu Yun didn't fly directly back to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, but strolled in the bustling human city together with Jiuyou and Dugu Bo.

Since coming to the Douluo Continent, he has really never felt the customs of the Douluo Continent.

Lu Yun walked all the way, feeling the lively atmosphere of the soul masters, and finally spent most of the day before returning to the Star Forest.

Along the way, Dugu Bo naturally heard about the profound background of Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Dugu Bo looked at Lu Yun at the side with admiration. He never thought that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would be so powerful.

During the time he stayed in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, the situation in Douluo Continent underwent shocking changes.

Whether it is a 10-year soul bone, a 10-year soul, or other precious treasures, they all flow out from the hands of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

It's hard to imagine the background of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, how powerful it is, it's simply unimaginable.

Dugu Bo couldn't help sighing in his heart. Fortunately, he chose to join the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before, and he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

He hugged the thigh of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and his future is bound to be unlimited in the future, and he may even have the opportunity to touch the level of the legendary Limit Douluo powerhouse.

Dugu Bo secretly vowed in his heart, and decided that he must work hard for Xingdou Auction Pavilion in the future.

As for the task that Lu Yun gave him before, he certainly took it without hesitation.

This is a rare opportunity, and Dugu Bo is unwilling to miss it.

"Is this the Soul Pavilion?"

In front of Dugu Bo and the others, a surprising scene appeared.

I saw a simple and unsophisticated small building in front of me, and there was a long queue outside, and the crowds coming and going were even busier than in the busy city of soul masters.

The eyes of each soul master were filled with anticipation, and then Dugu Bo saw the name of this attic, which was Soul Pavilion.

Dugu Bo is very curious about souls, so he wants to go in and have a look, what kind of magical things are souls?
"If you want to see the soul, go for it."

Lu Yun saw Dugu Bo's expression and became curious, so he asked him to take a look.

After all, no one can turn a blind eye to the magic of the soul.

"Okay, Pavilion Master!"

After Dugu Bo heard Lu Yun's agreement, he immediately looked overjoyed and entered the Soul Pavilion without stopping.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and he soon listened to everyone's introduction.

He never thought that there were so many souls in the Soul Pavilion, and there were all kinds of souls, which surprised him.

After Dugu Bo left, Lu Yun planned to build a place dedicated to selling tokens.

After all, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is mainly responsible for auctions, if all soul masters come to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to buy tokens, wouldn't it be a bit crowded.

Therefore, Lu Yun chose an attic from the god-level store, which was almost exactly the same as the Soul Pavilion.

The technique of space expansion is still used. Although the outside is just a kind of quaint attic, the space inside is endless, and there is no end in sight.

The price of this kind of attic is not very expensive. Lu Yun really spent a lot of auction sites and bought one directly.

Put it next to the Soul Pavilion, and engrave a few large characters directly on the top plaque: Chaos Pavilion.

Lu Yun looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction. From now on, this place is dedicated to selling tokens for entering the secret realm of chaos.

(I have something to do today, so I can only update these, and I will replenish you tomorrow, sorry, woo woo woo...)
(End of this chapter)

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