Chapter 108
Less than a moment later, Dugu Bo walked out of the Soul Pavilion with a lot of enthusiasm, and returned to Lu Yun's side.

It's just that he was still shocked in his heart by what he had seen, that there was such a mysterious thing as a soul in the world.

"How is it? The soul is not bad!"

Lu Yun said to Dugu Bo with a smile all over his face.

"It's against the sky. I never thought that there are such things as souls in Douluo Dalu. It's just a pity that I can't comprehend the mystery of souls!"

A look of amazement appeared in Dugu Bo's eyes, and soon the look of surprise subsided, and a gloomy look flashed across his face.

After all, his own nine soul rings are full, so naturally he has no way to absorb the soul and understand the mystery of the soul.

"Don't worry, if you do this well, I might as well give you a martial spirit."

Hearing this, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

Let Dugu Bo work hard in the future, and he will have the opportunity to obtain the second martial soul in the future.

Become one of the few twin martial soul owners in the Douluo Continent.


As soon as the words fell, Dugu Bo's eyes lit up. On the way here, he heard that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion had auctioned martial souls.

For such a method, Dugu Bo still couldn't recover for a long time, and he believed in Lu Yun very much in his heart.

As long as he completes the tasks that Lu Yun entrusted to him, perhaps in the future he will also become the owner of twin martial souls.

At that time, he can completely comprehend the mystery of the soul.

Lu Yun nodded lightly, and let Dugu Bo manage the attic.

By the way, I told Dugu Bo the selling price of each level of tokens, and then only need to pass these prices to sell tokens.

After Dugu Bo heard the price mentioned by Lu Yun, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, it was too expensive!

Especially the seventh-level and eighth-level tokens, the selling prices of these two level tokens have exceeded [-] soul crystals.

This is too amazing!
As for the selling price of other grades of tokens, it is also extremely difficult.

Suddenly, Dugu Bo thought of the number of soul masters in Douluo Dalu.

Facing the increase in the age of the soul ring and soul bone, I believe that no one can refuse, so the pavilion master can use this opportunity to restrain a large number of soul crystals.

Dugu Bo has heard about how difficult it is to condense soul crystals, but when he thinks of all kinds of things, Dugu Bo is quite amazed.

It's hard to imagine how huge soul crystals the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will get by selling tokens in the future.

"In the future, this Chaos Pavilion will be a place dedicated to selling tokens, and this important task will be handed over to you."

Lu Yun had already decided to hand over the management of Chaos Pavilion to Dugu Bo, and then slowly left the place, waiting for a large number of soul crystals to arrive.

Lu Yun, who returned to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, stepped into the secret realm of chaos and came to the place where the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye was placed.


The power of rules in the right hand gathered and slowly rippled around.

Numerous mountain peaks rose from the ground, completely surrounding the Binghuo Yangyi Eye, surrounded by mountains on all sides.

In the very center of the mountains is the Eye of Ice and Fire, which looks mysterious as a whole.

Next, Lu Yun used the power of the rules to pour a steady stream of soul power into this area, constantly nourishing the immortal grass of the Ice and Fire Yinyiyan.

Soon, these fairy grasses matured at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"That's not bad. If it is nourished by strong soul power, I'm afraid it won't be long before another batch of fairy grass is about to mature!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Yun nodded in satisfaction. The secret realm of chaos is good. These fairy grasses can grow and mature continuously.

Lu Yun felt the strong soul power around the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and the powerful power of Binghuo.

Immediately sat cross-legged on the spot, and began to absorb the surrounding soul power for cultivation.

After all, the secret realm of chaos is also a very good place for cultivation, where you can use the power of rules to gather a large amount of soul power.

Compared with the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the speed of cultivation here is obviously much faster.

As a result, Lu Yun fell into a deep retreat.

The Douluo Continent also caused waves of storms due to the creation of the Chaos Secret Realm.

After hearing the news, countless soul masters went to the Star Dou Forest, hoping to buy the legendary tokens, enter the secret realm of chaos, and increase the lifespan of their soul rings and soul bones.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion did it again, a thing that shocked the entire Douluo Continent.


At this time in Shrek Academy.

A group of people surrounded a wooden room, it was the dean of Shrek Academy, teachers and other students.

A pale boy lay on the bed.

Although the aura in his body has temporarily stabilized, the injuries in his body are extremely serious, and there is no sign of recovery at all.

This person is Tang San who almost lost his life in the secret realm of chaos.

"Dean, is there really no way to heal the third brother's injury?"

At this moment, Xiao Wu at the side looked worriedly at Tang San who was lying on the bed, and asked Dean Flender in an anxious tone.

Want to know how to completely recover Tang San's injury?
"This one……"

Flender fell into hesitation, after his previous investigation, he found that the injury in Tang San's body was really too serious.

With his strength, there is naturally no way to heal with all his strength. If there is a healing soul master at the level of Contra or even Title Douluo, there may be a chance of survival.

But with the conditions of Shrek Academy, how could it be possible to invite such a powerful healing soul master to act?

Tang San is an extremely outstanding disciple of Shrek Academy, and he doesn't want to see Tang San become like this.

So he turned his head and turned his gaze to another man, who was Yu Xiaogang.

"Xiao Gang, what do you think we should do?"

Flender, who had no choice but to ask Yu Xiaogang beside him, hoped to get some surprising answers.

"Mubai, you said that Xiao San's injury, how did it come about?"

Yu Xiaogang also looked worriedly at Tang San lying on the bed, but his heart was full of anger.

After all, Tang San is his No.1 disciple, extremely talented, and the owner of twin spirits in the Douluo Continent.

Now it has become like this, not to mention how angry Yu Xiaogang is in his heart.

However, Yu Xiaogang felt very difficult about Tang San's state, and didn't know where to start.

They had no choice but to ask the source of Tang San's injury, hoping to find a solution.

"Is such that……"

Dai Mubai told everyone present about the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the Secret Realm of Chaos and some things that happened there.

When they heard the last word, everyone's face showed horror.

The first one expressed disbelief!

Why is there such a magical mystery?
The lifespan of the soul ring can be increased by hunting the soul beasts evolved from it.

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible, but seeing Dai Mubai's swearing appearance, and the news probably has spread throughout the Douluo Continent.

Maybe they just need to go out and ask, and they will be able to get the final answer.

Even so, several people still couldn't believe it.

They had heard of the magic of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before.

So mysterious!

But they don't know where the power of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion came from.

This made the Xingdou Auction Pavilion a force that countless powerful people in the Douluo Continent feared, making people dare not make any changes.

Originally they planned to go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion next time to see if they could find other treasures, but they heard the sad news that Tang San was seriously injured and dying.

"Teacher, is there really nothing to do about Xiaosan's injury?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and soon Dai Mubai couldn't help asking Yu Xiaogang.

After all, with Yu Xiaogang's knowledge and talents, he should be able to find a way to treat Tang San.

"Well, the current solution is what Flender said before, but we simply can't spend enough money to get a healing soul master above Contra level to do it."

"You guys go back first, I'll protect Xiaosan and see if I can think of other ways."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang shook his head secretly, expressing that he has nothing to do for the time being.

He said to everyone with worried eyes, letting them do their own thing.

Before this, Flender and Zhao Wuji had already used their soul power to suppress Tang San's injury, and they could persist for a while without making the injury worse.

But such a situation must not last for too long, otherwise no one can predict the final consequences.

In an instant, Yu Xiaogang thought of someone, maybe he was the only one who could save Xiaosan.

With this in mind, Yu Xiaogang dismissed everyone and waited for that one person to arrive.

The day passed, and night came.

Yu Xiaogang sat next to Tang San, a little in a trance, and he, who hadn't closed his eyes for a day, couldn't hold on at this moment.

Suddenly, there was only a shaking of the window outside the door, and a black shadow suddenly appeared in the room.

A powerful aura quickly spread towards the surroundings, and Yu Xiaogang immediately woke up after sensing this powerful aura.


Yu Xiaogang suddenly stood up and shouted loudly.

His eyes were fixed on the black figure in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the face of the person coming.

There was an unconcealable look of joy in the depths of his eyes.

"it's me!"

The black-robed man in front spoke hoarsely.

There was a trace of murderous intent in the voice, and his sight fell on the unconscious Tang San with dark color, feeling a little distressed in his heart.

"Haotian Douluo, I'm sorry, I didn't protect Xiaosan's safety."

Yu Xiaogang expressed his apology to the middle-aged man in front of him.

The man in front of him is Haotian Douluo of Megatron Douluo Continent: Tang Hao, whose strength is enough to shock the entire Douluo Continent.

After Yu Xiaogang found out about Tang Hao's arrival, he immediately expressed his apology and let down Tang Hao's expectations of him.

Before that, Tang Hao had already entrusted Tang San to him, asking him to take good care of Tang San in the next time.

But in the end it caused Tang San to be seriously injured to the point of death, but he was helpless. In any case, Yu Xiaogang felt extremely uncomfortable.

"I know about this matter, and the injury of Xiaosan will be handed over to me."

Tang Hao came in front of Tang San, stroked his cheek, and the titled Douluo level soul power in his palm instantly entered Tang San's body.

Check the specific injuries in Tang San's body, and suppress the deterioration of the injuries.

After investigating Tang San's injuries, Tang Hao's expression was extremely serious, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes, which was impossible to ignore.

In Tang Hao's perception, he found that the injuries in Tang San's body were so serious that they couldn't be more serious.

If it wasn't for a spirit power before, it would have contained this situation.

I am afraid that Tang San at this time has already returned to heaven and earth. Tang Hao will not let it go when he sees his son injured like this.

Before that, Tang Hao knew that Tang San was injured in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

As for how to do it, you still need to think carefully, Tang Hao knows the mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, as well as the possible strong ones.

Tang Hao hesitated in his heart, and soon recalled a woman in a blue dress in his mind, and his face suddenly became extremely firm.

Xiaosan is their child, even if Xingdou Auctione cannot match, he will make Xingdou Auction pay a certain price.

At this time, a series of plans came into Tang Hao's mind. The Xingdou Auction Pavilion could not be so comfortable, otherwise his son's injuries would have been in vain.

Tang Hao poured his soul power into Tang San's body again to help him suppress the injury, within ten days there was no serious problem.

During this time, he was going to trouble the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, after this matter was over, he could take Tang San to treat his injuries.

In Tang Hao's heart, he already had a specific method to treat Tang San.

It's just a pity that originally this matter was still early, but for the sake of Tang San's future, it had to be brought forward.

"I temporarily used my soul power to suppress the injury in Xiaosan's body. There will be no serious problems within ten days. Please help me protect Tang San in these few days. I will do one thing first."

Tang Hao said to Yu Xiaogang on the side with a solemn tone, hoping that Yu Xiaogang would help him take care of Tang San next.

"Don't worry, Haotian Douluo, leave this matter to me."

"However, I know what you are about to do, but the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really too mysterious. None of us know what kind of strong people there are."

"Haotian Douluo, you must be careful on this trip."

When Yu Xiaogang heard these words, he naturally guessed what Tang Hao was going to do, and reminded Tang Hao cautiously.

Ever since he heard about the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he used all means to find out the specific news.

The answers that can be obtained are all mysteries, making it impossible for people to guess.

Based on the fear of the top forces in the Douluo Continent towards the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, specific conclusions can be drawn.

Do not provoke the Star Auction Pavilion!

Thinking of Tang Hao's strength that overwhelms the Douluo Continent, as long as he is careful, there shouldn't be any problem.

"Don't worry, if you dare to hurt my son, no matter who he is, I will make him pay a certain price."

A moment later, Tang Hao's murderous tone reached Yu Xiaogang's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a dodge turned into a black shadow and disappeared in place in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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