Chapter 109 Tang Hao's Shot
One night passed, and the next day came, the sun shone on the earth, and everything ushered in a new life.

The Star Dou Forest in the early morning ushered in a lively atmosphere.

In front of the Soul Pavilion and the Chaos Pavilion, there was a long queue, and everyone was looking forward to buying a token or a soul to improve their strength.

Tang Hao, who was hiding in the crowd, knew after a night of observation that this Soul Pavilion and Chaos Pavilion belonged to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

As for the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he has no way to go deep into it, so he should destroy these two lofts first.

It can be regarded as a lesson for the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Tang Hao focused his gaze on the two attics ahead, intending to pick one to destroy.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion is not far from these two attics. If you want to quickly destroy the attic and get out, you can only choose to destroy one of them.

Tang Hao's eyes fell on the Chaos Pavilion, intending to destroy the attic.

In an instant, Tang Hao moved with the wind, and the Wuhun of the Haotian Hammer in his right hand emerged.

Exuding a thick, invincible aura, the nine soul rings around him flickered one after another.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red.

Especially the last 10-year-level soul ring, the powerful coercion unleashed cannot be ignored.

Countless soul masters queuing up, when they felt this aura, they immediately showed terrified expressions.

Seeing the configuration of the soul ring on Tang Hao's body, everyone ran away in all directions.

They didn't dare to get close to this kind of strong man, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be crushed to pieces by this coercion on the spot.

When Tang Hao saw the crowd scattered, he ignored it, just in time for him to destroy the Chaos Pavilion.

Tang Hao jumped up, raised the Haotian Hammer martial soul with both hands, and immediately poured soul power into it.

The volume of the Clear Sky Hammer swelled against the wind, fully expanding about five times, exuding an aura as if it surpassed the heavens and the earth.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Martial Soul Avatar."

The seventh soul ring on Tang Hao's body immediately released a dark light, and displayed his martial soul avatar.

At this moment, Tang Hao's aura became even stronger.

"Fifth soul skill, Haotian Strike."

Behind Tang Hao who cast Wuhunzhen, his strength increased greatly, the fifth spirit ring on his body continued to flicker, he swung the Clear Sky Hammer fiercely, and smashed it towards the Chaos Pavilion below.

An earth-shattering momentum burst out.

From the moment the Chaos Pavilion and the Clear Sky Hammer touched, the whole world seemed to be shaken by half.

"Bang bang bang!"

A loud noise filled the entire Star Dou Forest.

When the two sides collided, the aftermath of the attack caused all the surrounding trees to be chopped off in half, and they were shaken into countless sawdust, which were scattered between the sky and the earth.

Dugu Bo in the Chaos Pavilion suddenly noticed a loud noise, and then the Chaos Pavilion began to shake violently.

Feeling a breath of Title Douluo level, a green light flashed in his eyes.

"Huh? Who is the titled Douluo powerhouse who dares to provoke the Xingdou Auction Pavilion? You can't find death!"

Dugu Bo had already become a member of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion at this time, so he was naturally unwilling to see other strong men come to provoke the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

This period of time was his performance, this person actually came to interfere with him, Dugu Bo did not intend to let go, this soul master who came to seek death.

Dugu Bo's whole body trembled, and the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Wuhun emerged.

The whole person left the Chaos Pavilion, the huge soul power spread, and instantly bombarded towards the outside world.

"The Clear Sky Hammer? Are you from the Clear Sky School?"

After Dugu Bo saw the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul in front of him clearly, he was stunned.

Never thought that this unknown strong man came from the Haotian School.

Dugu Bo pondered in his mind, who are the titled Douluo powerhouses of the Clear Sky School?
But the strength of this person has obviously reached the realm of Super Douluo, so who is this person?
Why did Haotianzong provoke Xingdou Auction Pavilion for no reason, all this is not in line with common sense?

"what happened?"

After Tang Hao saw that the Chaos Pavilion was intact, great doubts appeared on his face. As for Dugu Bo, he was the first to ignore it.

He knew that Dugu Bo's name was just a titled Douluo powerhouse who broke through recently.

For him, there is no threat!

But what puzzled Tang Hao was why he didn't completely destroy the Chaos Pavilion with all his strength.

The entire attic was still standing in place, which made Tang Hao's face look ugly, and his fear of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in his heart increased.

"How dare you ignore me. No matter who you are, if you dare to come to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to act wildly today, then don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing Tang Hao completely ignoring him, Dugu Bo became extremely angry.

The powerful Title Douluo's aura around him instantly blasted towards Tang Hao in front of him.

This person must be arrested and handed over to the Pavilion Master.

"Hmph, even a mere little snake dares to provoke me. Could it be that you think the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is standing behind you, so I dare not do anything to you?"

Tang Hao, who was in an extremely upset mood, snorted coldly when he heard Dugu Bo's words, and became extremely angry.

Even a small snake dared to provoke him.

"court death!"

After Dugu Bo heard this sentence, he was furious. He hated people the most in his life, and that's what he called his Wuhun.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Martial Soul Avatar!"

Thus, Dugu Boshi used the seventh soul skill, Wuhun Avatar, and a huge poisonous gas spread towards the surroundings.

All of Dugu Bo's strength was released at this moment.

Tang Hao in front of him felt this momentum, his expression froze for a moment, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"This is... when did your soul power rise to level 95?"

Tang Hao couldn't help asking doubtfully, he had heard of Dugu Bo before, and at that time he was just a soul master who had just broken through the title of Douluo.

But why in just a few years, his soul power level has been raised to 95, which is obviously unreasonable.

It stands to reason that the time and energy consumed by a titled Douluo level powerhouse to raise one level of soul power is immeasurable.

But at Dugu Bo's place, breaking through the level of soul power is as simple as eating and drinking.

"It's up to you, you don't deserve to know!"

After Dugu Bo heard Tang Hao say his soul power level, there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

He didn't choose to tell Tang Hao why his soul power increased so quickly.

As for why his soul power has reached level 95, it is naturally Lu Yun's masterpiece.

When Lu Yun handed over the Chaos Pavilion to him for management, he also gave him a few poison pills.

At that time, Dugu Bo couldn't wait to take it, and his soul power directly broke through to level 95.

It took a whole night to stabilize the level of soul power, and only then did he have his current strength.

After taking these poisonous pills, Dugu Bo's own poison gas has reached a state of perfection, which is more pure and several times stronger than before.

It can be said that today's Dugu Bo is an invincible existence among Title Douluo of the same level, and he is no longer the weakest Title Douluo powerhouse in the past.

Today's Dugu Bo is full of self-confidence, he is not afraid of the titled Douluo powerhouse who has the Haotian Hammer martial soul.

After Tang Hao felt Dugu Bo's aura, he couldn't help being surprised.

Dugu Bo in front of him actually gave him a sense of danger.

Originally, he was planning to leave this place and look for another opportunity to trouble the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, but Dugu Bo in front did not intend to let him go at all.

Terrible poisonous gas spread around, Tang Hao knew that he had to fight against such a situation.

In this way, the two began to fall into a big battle, and the strength of both was above that of Super Douluo.

"Bang bang bang!"

The resulting aftermath of the attack was really astonishing. Everything around was shattered by this powerful force, only the two attics still stood in place.

These two attics are systemic things, and it is impossible to be destroyed.

Otherwise, Lu Yun will feel distressed, after all, he bought the Chaos Pavilion from a god-level store.

It cost him a lot of auction points.

The powerful aura generated by the battle between the two gradually alarmed the spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, and these spirit beasts stayed away from this area one after another, for fear of being affected by these two forces.

Xuanshuang and Jiuyou in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion naturally noticed this change, and a coldness flashed in their eyes.

The Xingdou Auction Pavilion does not allow any provocation from outsiders, so Jiuyou and Xuanshuang stood at the door and looked at each other.


He was about to take action to deal with the troublemaker, but at this moment, a stronger momentum burst out from the third floor of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, behind Jiuyou and Xuanshuang, a woman with a hot figure walked towards her, who was officially the Queen Medusa who had practiced in seclusion before.

At this time, Medusa has completely integrated her own power perfectly.

Queen Medusa has fully adapted to the Douluo Continent and can display her full strength.

Even Medusa doesn't know, what is her ultimate combat power in this world?
"Leave this matter to me. It happens to be closed for a long time, and it's time to exercise your muscles."

At this time, Medusa's mental power moved, and she felt the battle situation not far away.

Although she is in seclusion, she is very clear about what happened in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion recently.

She intends to try her own strength. According to her perception, the guy who came to make trouble has good strength, and it is worth her using a little bit of strength to subdue him.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you."

When Jiuyou and Xuanshuang heard what Queen Medusa said, they didn't say anything, and acquiesced to let Medusa go to solve the matter.

The two went back to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. With Medusa's strength, it wouldn't take much effort to deal with Xiaoxiao.

The two of them are responsible for guarding the safety of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. Currently, the owner of the pavilion is not in the pavilion, so this matter is left to the two of them.

Medusa walked forward with light steps.

A strange scene happened. Every time Queen Medusa took a step, she seemed to walk hundreds of meters.

In less than a few seconds, Queen Medusa's figure suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, no one saw this kind of weird and unpredictable method, otherwise they would be extremely surprised.

This is Queen Medusa's peak strength after fusing her own strength and martial spirit.

"Fried rings!"

Suddenly, for some reason, Tang Hao felt a deadly sense of crisis.

This made him very confused!

But for a strong man like him, any bad premonition may come true. Dugu Bo in front of him is really too difficult to deal with, and he has no intention of continuing to pester him.

The next moment, the Wuhun of the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand swelled violently, the first three spirit rings burst suddenly, and endless power poured into his body.

After adapting to the strong power in his body, Tang Hao instantly moved above Dugu Bo, and smashed the Clear Sky Hammer forward.

Endless power was released, and it hit Dugu Bo heavily.

"not good!"

Dugu Bo felt that Tang Hao's strength had suddenly increased so much, and his expression changed suddenly, and he had no time to resist the fatal blow of this Clear Sky Hammer.

So he directly used his martial soul to block in front of him, and the powerful force formed a shield to deal with Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer.

It is a pity that Dugu Bo still underestimated Tang Hao who used the power of exploding rings.

The shield in front of Dugu Bo was instantly bombed, and from the moment his body touched the Clear Sky Hammer, endless power exploded from his body.

Dugu Bo immediately vomited blood, and he frantically backed up dozens of steps, before finally hitting the ground heavily.

"I didn't feel sick to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion today, if that's the case, I'll take you first!"

Tang Hao knew that he couldn't stay any longer, but he was not reconciled. There was nothing to be gained from this trip.

So, Tang Hao's eyes contained a shocking killing intent, and he was about to get rid of Dugu Bo.

In his opinion, Dugu Bo should have joined the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Naturally, the Xingdou Auction Pavilion would not add another top expert, so Tang Hao had the idea of ​​getting rid of Dugu Bo.

Just do it!

Tang Hao picked up the Haotian Hammer Wuhun in an instant, and walked towards Dugu Bo in front of him.

Seeing this situation, Dugu Bo's expression flustered, Tang Hao's attack just now had seriously injured him.

If Tang Hao used it again, he would be unable to resist the previous peak-level power.

At this time, Dugu Bo stood up with difficulty, and used his soul skills again, preparing to deal with Tang Hao's next attack.

In his heart, he hoped that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could send out strong men to support him as soon as possible.

Just when the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul in Tang Hao's hand was about to fall, a light laughter suddenly sounded in the whole quiet atmosphere.

"It's you Xiaoxiao who disturbed my cultivation?"

A shocking scene happened, the space in front of Dugu Bo flickered, and Queen Medusa suddenly appeared in front of Dugu Bo.

He stared at Tang Hao in front of him with serious eyes.

When Tang Hao saw a woman suddenly appearing, his pupils constricted immediately, and the alarm bell rang in his heart.

He immediately realized that the strength of the woman in front of him made him unable to resist.

So Tang Hao inevitably had a hint of fear in his heart, wanting to run away.

He had to face the fact that even if he blew up all his soul rings, he would still be powerless against this woman's attack.

This was Tang Hao's premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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