Chapter 112 Tang Hao, fall!
"What's going on? What kind of coercion is this? It actually made my soul beast blood tremble."

At this moment, Di Tian murmured in disbelief.

how could be?

Why did Douluo Continent appear, such a powerful bloodline power?

You must know that he is the power of the blood of the beast, but the blood of the Golden-eyed Black Dragon King family.

Second only to the Dragon God back then, which is now the Silver Dragon King and the Golden Dragon King.

It can be said that the only one who can completely defeat him in Douluo Continent's bloodline coercion is his master.

But why did there appear another bloodline coercion, far surpassing him.

As for the other ferocious beasts who felt the same way as Ditian, they were all amazed at the coercion of this bloodline, it was so powerful that they had no power to resist at all.

After all, for the soul beast family, blood is paramount!
A soul beast with a high bloodline can make a soul beast with a low bloodline lose its fighting power just by releasing the pressure of the bloodline.

What's more, this kind of blood coercion is too strong, they have never seen it before.

Even the coercion of the blood of the master back then was not as strong as this blood.

"Could it be that... another soul beast comparable to the blood of the Dragon God appeared on Douluo Continent?"

Suddenly, Ditian muttered incredulously in his heart, but no matter how he thought about it, it was unrealistic.

On the whole, it is impossible for the soul beast clan to produce a soul beast whose bloodline is stronger than that of the Dragon God, but this kind of bloodline coercion really exists, making it impossible for them to refute it.

"The direction where the blood pressure appears seems to be the area of ​​the Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"

On the side, Brigitte looked puzzled, and said in a soft voice, this kind of movement may be something made by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

But what makes her more curious is, what is it that has this kind of blood pressure?

When the rest of the beasts heard Bi Ji's words, their mental strength moved towards the outside world.

Perceived the place where the blood pressure appeared.It is indeed located not far from the Star Auction Pavilion.

So many ferocious beasts could only suppress their inner curiosity and choose to keep their mouths shut.

It is not surprising that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has such miraculous means to be able to do this, so they had no choice but to practice quietly.

It's a pity that Di Tian and the other ferocious beasts didn't realize at all that it wasn't a soul beast that possessed such blood pressure, it was just a person's martial soul.

To some extent, the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python contains ancient power, and it is one of the ancient behemoths in the Dou Po world.

Its bloodline level is far higher than that of the Dragon God of Douluo Dalu, there is no doubt about it.

Now Queen Medusa, who has completely integrated her own martial soul and blood power, can fully display the true power of the colorful sky-swallowing python.


"How could it be? This coercion!"

Feeling this coercion, Tang Hao couldn't help shaking his heart.

He was the closest, so he could naturally feel the aura of the abyss like the sea, which made the soul power in his body freeze instantly, and he had no strength to fight anymore.

The Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul in front of Tang Hao trembled slightly, unable to resist this terrifying coercion at all.

After Tang Hao saw Queen Medusa's martial soul clearly, he couldn't help trembling in his heart. What exactly is this martial soul?
Why has he never heard of it? Logically speaking, he should have heard of it with such a powerful martial spirit level, but there is no information in his mind.

"It's time to end it!"

Queen Medusa ignored Tang Hao's shocked look, and the colorful sky-swallowing python behind her burst out endless martial soul power.

The palm of his right hand was filled with bursts of seven-colored light, and the Clear Sky Hammer in front began to tremble violently.

Next, a shocking scene was discovered.

"Crack!" A sound.

I saw cracks appearing on the surface of the Clear Sky Hammer Wuhun in front of Tang Hao, quickly spreading towards the surroundings like a spider's web.

Tang Hao felt this change, and found that his martial soul was gradually shattered.

"not good!"

Thinking of this, Tang Hao's expression was startled. The shattering of his martial soul meant that his own soul power would come to an end.

How can he display his full strength without a martial soul?
Therefore, the Martial Soul is the most important thing, and it must not be destroyed.

But he found that under the shroud of this colorful light, he couldn't take back his Clear Sky Hammer martial soul at all, and could only watch helplessly as his martial soul gradually shattered.

Queen Medusa sneered when she saw Tang Hao's bewildered look.

The colorful journey burst out in the palm, and only a "click" was heard at the next moment.


The entire Clear Sky Hammer exploded into fragments one by one in an instant, and Tang Hao, whose martial soul was shattered, retreated several hundred steps crazily, spitting blood continuously.

The soul power in his body gradually overflowed, and from this moment on, Tang Hao's martial soul shattered in Megatron Douluo Continent.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he will be no different from a useless person.

"After suffering such a serious injury, he is still alive!"

Queen Medusa saw Tang Hao and was still standing on the ground. Although the vitality was slowly passing, it did not reach the end.

Logically speaking, with his injuries and broken martial soul, he couldn't hold on at all, but in the end...

Seeing this situation, in Queen Medusa's palm, a burst of energy shot forward, wanting to finish Tang Hao with one blow.

Tang Hao found that he was temporarily unable to move, and imagined his future fate.

His martial soul was shattered, his injuries could not be healed, and his future fate was already doomed.

However, Tang Hao still refused to accept his fate. He knew that he had no way out, so he wanted his son to live no matter what.

If he falls here today, I'm afraid his son will never recover.

In any case, he must persevere until the day his son recovers.


In an instant, Tang Hao made a cruel movement, and then his limbs exploded, and blood gushed out.

Rays of light flickered, and several soul bones appeared in front of Tang Hao.

Tang Hao took out a wooden box, opened it, and a blue-gold soul bone was suspended in the air, exuding the aura of a 10-year-old soul beast.

This is the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor. The former Tang Hao took out this soul bone from the mountain behind the holy soul village.

He planned to use this soul bone to help his son complete the blood transformation and heal his injuries.

But in the current state, this soul bone can no longer be kept.

For the current state, he only has to fight to the death in order to have a glimmer of life.


The chaotic soul power in Tang Hao's body began to flow away continuously, injecting all the soul power in his body into the several soul bones in front of him instantly.

Detonating it, the final power should be able to block the woman in front of her.

He wants to take advantage of the remaining time to help his son complete the last thing.

"Bang bang bang!"


These soul bones exploded immediately, and endless power spread towards the surroundings.

Medusa, who was at the center of the explosion everywhere, was stunned for a moment, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Under the shroud of mental power, he realized that Tang Hao wanted to escape, and then another attack gathered in the palm of his hand, and instantly blasted forward.

This colorful ray of light was reaching its limit, piercing through Tang Hao who was running away ahead.

A burst of blood spurted out, Tang Hao still ran away quickly.

Seeing this situation, Queen Medusa couldn't help but sigh, that middle-aged man's vitality is so tenacious.

But at this time Tang Hao was already far away from the envelope of her spiritual power, Queen Medusa did not continue to chase.

Originally, he wouldn't be able to survive for a long time after blowing up his own martial soul, and finally he endured the original power of her seven-colored sky-swallowing python.

Within a day, he would surely die, and no one could successfully treat him.

Not far away, Dugu Bo wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, still feeling very shocked by the coercion before.

After all the aftermath of the attack dissipated, Dugu Bo breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Tang Hao's fleeing figure, he asked Queen Medusa in front of him with a worried expression: "Tang Hao has escaped from the Star Dou Great Forest now, and he is afraid of hidden dangers. Should I catch up now and kill him?"

"No, he doesn't pose any threat. He has withstood a few attacks from me, and his martial soul is broken. His vitality will be completely lost within a day, and there will be no cure for him."

Queen Medusa uttered this cruel fact, and after saying this, she didn't say anything to Dugu Bo.

A dodge left here and returned to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Dugu Bo stood there with a puzzled expression, digesting what Queen Medusa said earlier.

I probably understand, I'm afraid Tang Hao really doesn't have a few days to live.

However, when he thinks that the once majestic Haotian Douluo is about to perish in the Douluo Continent, he cannot help but feel regretful.

After all, he used to regard Haotian Douluo as a goal in his life.

But Tang Hao actually made a move on Xingdou Auction Pavilion, that death was also his final fate, and he didn't deserve anyone's sympathy.

After learning about this, Dugu Bo began to return to the Chaos Pavilion, waiting for the next opening.

After this battle, there should be no soul masters coming here in the next few days.


Shrek Academy.

A black shadow fell into the room where Tang San was in an instant, the figure knelt on one knee, and his mind was gradually in a trance, this person was Tang Hao.

Tang Hao's soul power was still rapidly draining at this time, not to mention the wound on his shoulder was filled with rich colorful light, which kept devouring the vitality and soul power in his body.

Tang Hao knew that he would not live long, so he had to complete the matter completely within this period of time.

He propped up his body, stood up with the last bit of consciousness, glanced at Tang San, carried him on his back, and left Shrek Academy.


This is a forest. The forest is eerily quiet, and there are blue and silver grasses everywhere, symbolizing the peaceful atmosphere of life.

In this area, there were no powerful soul beasts, and it seemed very peaceful.

At this moment, Tang Hao and Tang San appeared in this forest.

Every time Tang Hao took a step, he was in a trance for a while, and his vitality disappeared quickly, leaving drops of blood behind him.

Tang San on his back seemed to feel something, the Blue Silver Grass spirit in his right hand emerged involuntarily.

The entire forest seemed to become active, and countless light blue spots emerged.

The blue silver grass covering the entire forest swayed in the wind, as if welcoming something.

"Great emperor, is that you? Have you come to see your people?"

Suddenly, an old man's voice came from the depths of the forest, full of peace and expectation.

As the sound fell, the endless blue silver grass immediately released a bright blue light, rendering the entire forest into a blue kingdom.

Seeing this situation, Tang Hao put Tang San on his back on the ground, and under the continuous life force of the Blue Silver Grass, Tang San's injuries began to gradually recover.

Tang Hao sat paralyzed on the ground in an instant, and began to use these life forces, hoping to last a little longer.

Next, a huge blue silver grass appeared, exuding a powerful 8-year soul beast aura.

This is the Blue Silver King, the power of his bloodline is second only to the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline.

The Blue Silver Grass clan can only give birth to one Blue Silver Emperor, and with the disappearance of the previous one, the next Blue Silver Emperor will be born.

Facts proved that the Blue Silver King saw that Tang San was the heir of the previous Blue Silver Emperor, inheriting the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline.

Naturally, he is qualified to become the new emperor of the Blue Silver Grass Clan.

"Heir of the Blue Silver Emperor, let us awaken for you next, your supreme Blue Silver Emperor bloodline!"

The Blue Silver King made a devout voice, huge branches and leaves swayed with the wind, endless life and harmony power poured into Tang San's body continuously.

The surrounding Blue Silver Grass followed the Blue Silver King's movements, transporting the life force in Tang San's body.

On the one hand, it treats Tang San's serious and hard-to-heal injuries, on the other hand, he awakens the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline for Tang San.

At this moment, Tang Hao's mental strength has recovered a little, but his vitality is still passing away quickly.

Tang Hao looked at the power of the Blue Silver Emperor's blood in Tang San's body, which was constantly awakening, with a gratified smile on his face.

At this moment, the colorful rays of light on the shoulders erupted with even stronger devouring power, aggravating Tang Hao's injuries again.

At this moment, Tang Hao knew that he couldn't hold on any longer, he exhorted the Blue Silver King in front of him panting.

"Tell him, don't avenge me, don't avenge me..."

Tang Hao said this sentence with difficulty and repeated it over and over again.

After all, the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is too powerful, and I don't want Xiaosan to go to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion for him.

If not, the final result will be the same as him, with no bones left.

Tang Hao hopes that the only blood left by him and Ah Yin can spend his life safely.

When Tang Hao finished his last sentence, he didn't wait for the Blue Silver King's response.

The spirit gradually turned back and forth, and he was in a trance for a while, as if he saw a girl in a blue dress walking slowly towards him.

Seeing this woman, Tang Hao showed a last touch of relief on his face, followed her in a trance, and left here.

At this moment, Tang Hao's vitality was completely exhausted!

From today onwards, Tang Hao, the Haotian Douluo who once shocked the Douluo Continent, has just fallen.

On the Douluo Continent, there is also one less legend.

(End of this chapter)

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