Chapter 113
The power of the blue silver grass in this forest poured into Tang San's body.

Less than a moment later, Tang San's injuries were completely healed by this gentle force of life.

Tang San's appearance has changed drastically, becoming more handsome, his short black hair suddenly turned into long light blue hair, exuding a peaceful and gentle aura all over his body.

At this moment Tang San had successfully awakened the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline, becoming the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass Clan.

The entire forest became much darker. After all, the Blue Silver Grass Clan had consumed most of the power in this forest in order to help Tang San awaken the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline.

That's why this scene was created, Tang San, who was suspended in the air, gathered these blue light spots in his body, and slowly fell to the ground.

Tang San slowly opened his eyes, eyes full of confusion.

After a while, Tang San gradually sat up, thinking about all these things clearly.

He remembered that when he was in the secret realm of chaos, he was seriously injured. How could he suddenly appear in this forest?
"What's going on? Why is your injury completely healed?"

Suddenly, Tang San realized that he didn't have any pain himself.

Carefully observe the wound on his body, healed at this moment, even much better than before.

Tang San began to observe the surrounding scene, and saw a man lying on the ground beside him.

For some reason, Tang San suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness, and hurried over.

After seeing clearly the figure lying on the ground, Tang San's face changed dramatically, this person was his father.

Tang San used to call Tang Hao, but he didn't hear a response, he couldn't believe it, he didn't sense any breath of life from his father.

So the whole person panicked, squatted down, and tested Tang Hao's breath.

After getting the final answer, Tang San's face became extremely pale, and finally he sat down on the ground with a face full of panic.

how could be?

Why did his father die, how is this possible?
"who is it!"

After Tang San knew his father was dead, he was very angry, and then roared angrily, looking up to the sky and howling.

Want to know who the culprit who killed his father is.

Tang San's eyes were full of scarlet light, he wished he could immediately tear the culprit into pieces.

But he has no clue at all at the moment, he can only vent his inner pain and hatred.

"Great Blue Silver Emperor, before your father died, I asked me to convey a word to you."

"He told you not to avenge him."

Lan Yinwang's weak tone reached Tang San's ears, and also conveyed Tang Hao's previous words to Tang San.

The reason why Lanyin King told Tang San this sentence was naturally his concerns.

Before that, he also tried to use the power of the Blue Silver King to heal this human soul master, but it didn't work.

Even the energy he injected into Tang Hao's body was swallowed up strangely, unable to heal Tang Hao.

The Blue Silver King guessed that to be able to release that devouring power, the strength of that existence must be extremely strong.

If Tang San made a move towards that enemy, he might not be able to escape at that time, and his final fate would be to fall.

The Blue Silver King didn't want to see this scene happen. After all, the Blue Silver Grass Clan had just given birth to an emperor, so how could it be possible to lose him again.

"Do you know who it is?"

Tang San obviously didn't pay attention to the words of the Blue Silver King, his eyes were scarlet and asked the Blue Silver King, he should be very clear.

"I haven't seen who seriously injured your father? When he brought you here, he was on the verge of death, and there was no possibility of recovery."

"The existence of seriously injuring your father is extremely powerful. With your current strength, you can't resist at all. Please consider the great Blue Silver Emperor carefully."

The Lanyin King sighed leisurely, and reminded again and again.

Let Tang San focus on developing his own strength, and remember not to be blinded by hatred and cause irreparable consequences.


Tang San, who didn't get the answer he wanted, was inevitably a little disappointed in his heart.

However, the hatred in his heart became more and more intense. No matter what, he wanted to find out the culprit who killed his father.

If he didn't avenge his father in this life, he would be a son of man in vain!
After a long time, Tang San gradually sobered up after getting angry.


Being able to get rid of his father must be extremely powerful, and he is powerless to resist with his current strength.

Perhaps it will be like moths to a flame, with no possibility of victory.

So Tang San swore secretly at this time, in the next period of time, he would work hard to improve his own strength, and find the murderer along the way.

Wait until he is strong enough to avenge his father.

Just like that, Tang San buried his father here with a face full of grief.

This forest is a peaceful place.From now on, his father will be buried here forever.

Tang San stayed in this forest for a while, then left the forest.

The top priority, he still has to improve his strength as soon as possible to avenge his father.

Tang Hao's death was unknown to Douluo Dalu soul masters.

Therefore, Douluo Continent is relatively calm at present.


In the secret realm of chaos.

Lu Yun sat cross-legged around the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, continuously absorbing the soul power in the secret realm of chaos to improve his soul power level.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Yun withdrew from the cultivation state, took a long breath, and opened his eyes.

Feeling the improvement of his own strength, a joyful smile appeared on his face.

"Sure enough, I still stay in the secret realm of chaos, and my cultivation speed is very fast."

Lu Yun couldn't help sighing again that cultivating in the secret realm of chaos has great benefits.

In just a few days, his soul power level had risen to around level three, which was the result of his constant compression of soul power.

If this news gets out, it will definitely shock the soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent.

As we all know, even if a soul master has just awakened a martial soul, it is impossible to break through the third level of soul power within two or three days.

Tell it, absolutely no one will believe it!
But this impossible was completely realized in Lu Yun's body.

Lu Yun stood up, stretched all his muscles and bones, left the secret realm of chaos, and returned to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Lu Yun, who appeared in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, suddenly noticed that Queen Medusa had left the customs.

And Dugu Bo also stayed in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, seeing Lu Yun in this situation, he was puzzled.

This is how it happened?
Logically speaking, there is no doubt about Queen Medusa's exit, but why is Dugu Bo not in the Chaos Pavilion now, selling tokens, but here instead?
Could it be that something happened?

"Did anything happen during my absence?"

Lu Yun dodged, came to Queen Medusa's side, and expressed his doubts.

"Pavilion Master, during the period of your retreat, I was selling tokens in the Chaos Pavilion, but I was suddenly attacked by Tang Hao."

"Fortunately, Master Medusa made a move and repelled Tang Hao."

Dugu Bo at the side told Lu Yun everything that happened before.

After all, this matter is no small matter, and I don't know if Tang Hao is still alive today?
Although from Queen Medusa's words before, it can be concluded that Tang Hao will definitely die, and no one can save him.

But Dugu Bo was still a little worried, he knew that Tang Hao's talent belonged to the top level in Douluo Continent.

If he waited for him to recharge his batteries, then the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would inevitably welcome an extremely powerful enemy.

This is not a scene that Dugu Bo would like to see.

"Tang Hao? I didn't expect him to be so impatient, to attack the Xingdou Auction Pavilion so soon!"

Hearing this answer, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows, as if he was not surprised that this happened.

He knew that Tang Hao was very protective of the calf, secretly protecting Tang San's life.

He seriously injured Tang San in the Chaos Secret Realm, and he understood that Tang Hao would attack the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in a short time.

Unexpectedly, the time came so quickly, Tang Hao couldn't bear his temper so much, and shot at Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Could it be that he didn't investigate clearly the true background of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?

I really don't know if Tang Hao's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or because he has the power to explode the ring, he can fight against everything.

However, when Lu Yun heard that it was Queen Medusa who made the move in person, Lu Yun had some guesses about the result.

Continue to confirm and ask Queen Medusa: "That Tang Hao, how is it now?"

"He blew up all his soul bones and soul rings, and left out of my sight, but at the last moment, Tang Hao hit me with the power of the seven-colored sky-swallowing python."

"If calculated according to the current time, that Tang Hao should have fallen."

Hearing this, Queen Medusa said casually, as if she didn't pay attention to the previous incident.

After all, in the eyes of Queen Medusa, Tang Hao's episode was too insignificant, not worth her heart.

After hearing this answer, Lu Yun knew everything. It seemed that Tang Hao was really in danger this time.

I don't know if Tang Hao has completely fallen as Queen Medusa said.

"System, is Tang Hao still alive?"

Lu Yun's mind sank into his mind and asked the system.

【Tang Hao has fallen in the Blue Silver Forest. 】

At this moment, the system told Lu Yun the news of Tang Hao's death.

After hearing that Tang Hao finally died, Lu Yun nodded slightly.

He is very satisfied with this result!
Although Tang Hao is insignificant to him, if he keeps asking for troubles in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it will make him extremely unhappy.

Lu Yun heard the system tell him where Tang Hao fell, and after some deep thinking, perhaps Tang Hao helped Tang San recover from his injuries before he died.

Unless the healing system soul masters above Contra attack Tang San, there is absolutely no possibility for Tang San to recover.

And with the background of Shrek Academy, how could it be possible to invite such a rare healing soul master to act?

There is only one way, and that is to help Tang San awaken the Blue Silver Emperor blood in his body, through the inexhaustible wild fire of the Blue Silver Grass, and the effect of rebirth with the spring breeze, completely complete the cure.

The current Tang San should have fully recovered from his injuries, as for Tang Hao, he has completely disappeared in Douluo Dalu.

"I'm clear about this matter, Tang Hao's soul has returned to heaven and earth, but regarding this matter, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will definitely not let it go!"

"From today onwards, we will announce to the outside world that Tang Hao attacked the Xingdou Auction Pavilion and executed him on the spot."

"In addition, give Haotianzong a warning. Within three years, Haotianzong is not allowed to participate in the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

Lu Yun said to Dugu Bo in front of him with a serious expression.

Let him make this news completely public, let the forces of Douluo Continent see, and dare to provoke the consequences of Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Clear Sky School is naturally implicated, after all, as we all know, Tang Hao has already been expelled from the school by Clear Sky School, and overall he is not a member of Clear Sky School.

However, in order to avoid subsequent incidents, Lu Yun still wanted to give Haotianzong a punishment.

No rules no standards!
Only in this way can we prevent the occurrence of subsequent hidden dangers.

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

When Dugu Bo heard the news of Tang Hao's final death, he couldn't help but sigh.

The Haotian Douluo of Megatron Douluo Continent completely fell today.

Dugu Bo did not have any doubts about Lu Yun's words, after all, in his opinion, the means of the pavilion master were extremely mysterious.

Now that it is said that Tang Hao has fallen, it is almost inseparable.

But upon hearing the last sentence, Dugu Bo wanted to laugh.

Tang Hao offended the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and eventually got involved with Haotianzong.

Dugu Bo could imagine, if this news spread throughout the Douluo Continent, what would Haotianzong think of Tang Hao?

But this matter is not what he pays attention to!
He is only responsible for spreading the words of the Pavilion Master throughout the Douluo Continent, so that everyone can experience the fierce methods of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Afterwards, Dugu Bo left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and completely spread the news.


On the second day, a news that shocked Douluo Continent came out.

It was Tang Hao's death, and Haotianzong was banned from participating in the auction by Star Auction for a period of three years.

The moment this news appeared, the soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent were extremely shocked.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion can be said to be the most mysterious force in the Douluo Continent, so every word and deed of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion drives the rhythm of the entire Douluo Continent.

Countless forces are paying attention to the movements of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

All the top forces began to discuss this matter, and the Haotian School was considered to be implicated by Tang Hao.

Within three years, being unable to participate in the auction will eventually lead to the consequences, perhaps the Haotian School will be reduced to a low-level force.

Everyone knows that the auctioned items from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion are all rare in the world.

The Haotian School has no chance to obtain these treasures, and after three years, its strength will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Most of the forces secretly gloated over Haotianzong's misfortune.

After all, no one hopes that Haotianzong can return to its peak period, and when the time comes, they will be overwhelmed by their power and make it difficult for them to breathe.

Clear Sky School's inherited martial soul: the Clear Sky Hammer, to a certain extent, is the first martial soul in Douluo Continent.

The rest of the forces naturally don't want to see the Haotian School regain its former strength.

(End of this chapter)

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