Chapter 120 Qian Daoliu intends to make a move

"Thirty thousand soul crystals!"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from a box on the second floor, choosing to participate in the competition for this blind box.

As soon as the voice fell, individual soul masters also participated in the competition.

They were rather curious about this blind box. It was the first time they had seen the Star Dou Auction Pavilion adopting the blind box method for auction.

I am very curious about the specific age of this soul bone, will it really disappoint them?
Some daring soul masters chose to gamble on this glimmer of hope. After all, they believed that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would never come up with a fake thing to fool them.

This blind box is a soul bone that is at least ten thousand years old. According to the rules of previous auctions, each auction item is much more precious than the last one.

Therefore, the age of the soul bone in this blind box is definitely not low, and as for the attribute issue, they don't need to consider it for the time being.

In this way, more and more soul masters participated in this competition, and the prices soared all the way.

"Seventy thousand soul crystals!"

In that box, an astonishing price continued to be shouted out.

After this incomparably heaven-defying price appeared, the rest of the soul masters struggled, and finally sighed, and had no choice but to give up the blind box auction.

After all, no one knows whether this blind box is really what they expected.

It is not clear whether it is countless times more precious than the first three auction items!

They dare not gamble, this is more than tens of thousands of soul crystals, if there is only one soul bone that has just reached [-] years, then they will be at a loss.

After knowing this situation, most soul masters chose to be conservative and gave up the competition for this auction item.

The remaining small group of people are because they don't have enough soul crystals in their pockets, so they can't support the competition for this auction item.

"Seventy thousand soul crystals once!"

"Seventy thousand soul crystals twice!"

"Seventy thousand soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one has raised the price again, this blind box belongs to the NO.20 box."

After Xuanshuang saw that no one raised the price, he immediately announced the blind box and finally owned it.

"Next, let me reveal to you the true face of this blind box."

In order to satisfy the curiosity of all the soul masters present, Xuanshuang chose to reveal the true face of this soul bone on the spot.

Xuanshuang herself didn't know exactly how old this spirit bone was.

It was in this state when the Pavilion Master handed over the auction item to her.

With her Ultimate Douluo's strength, she couldn't see through this white mist to find out what was inside.
All of this should be attributed to Lu Yun's use of the invincible domain in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to cover up the true face of this soul bone.

Even if a god-level powerhouse investigates, they will not be able to see the real age and attributes of the spirit bone.

Immediately afterwards, under the curious eyes of Xuanshuang and many soul masters, the white light around the floating soul bone in front of him slowly dissipated.

The next moment, bursts of glowing green light burst out, exuding a powerful soul bone coercion.

The soul bone became extremely clear, a whole green soul bone, mixed with blue lines, the soul bone exuded a powerful force of wind and thunder.

The coercion released by this soul bone made all the soul masters present tremble.

"This is a 5-year-old soul bone, from the right leg bone of the Thunder Demon Tiger."

"This kind of soul beast contains the top bloodline of the soul beast family, and has the power of wind attribute and thunder attribute at the same time. Let us congratulate the NO.20 box for obtaining such a treasure."

When Xuanshuang introduced the information about this soul bone, he was surprised that the age of this soul bone had reached more than 5 years.

But generally speaking, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion did not suffer a loss in this auction.

If this 5-year-old soul bone is put up for auction, the final transaction price should not exceed [-] soul crystals.

After everyone saw the true face of this soul bone, most of the soul masters showed annoyance.

After all, they didn't expect that the lifespan of the soul bones in this blind box would reach 5 years.

What a pity!

Individual big powers also regret not bidding for competition, which is why this top soul bone was missed from their hands in vain.

Most people's eyes fell on the NO.20 box, and they lamented that the people in the box were really lucky.

It was so easy to obtain this 5-year-old spirit bone.

Everyone in the NO.20 box was full of surprises, but the age of the soul bone in this blind box was beyond their expectations.

The soul master in this box is from the Divine Wind Academy, one of the five elemental academies in the Douluo Continent.

"Hahaha, it's really a big profit. I didn't expect it to be a soul bone of more than 5 years, and it also has the attribute of wind and thunder, which is very suitable for the martial soul attribute of our Kamikaze Academy."

At this moment, after seeing the soul bone in the blind box, the dean of the Kamikaze Academy instantly brightened his nervous mood.

Before that, he had a full sense of anticipation for this blind box, as if there was a voice in his heart telling him to auction off this blind box immediately.

That's how the scene just happened!
Regardless of the objections of the rest of the Kamikaze Academy, he resolutely took the blind box.

Fortunately, the final result did not disappoint him.

As we all know, spirit bones of more than 5 years are extremely rare on Douluo Continent.

But they only spent [-] soul crystals to buy an extremely precious soul bone that matched the attributes of their martial soul.

At this time, the dean of Shenfeng Academy, let alone how happy he was.

"Okay, the first four auction items are over, let us look forward to the real finale item of this small auction."

"I believe that most of the soul masters present here will participate in this small auction mainly because of the opportunity related to the last auction item, which is related to the god-level martial soul."

"As for the god-level martial soul, I believe that most soul masters don't know its existence, but there are indeed some people in Douluo Continent who have a god-level martial soul. If a person with a god-level martial soul does not die in the future, it is easy to Break through the god level and reach the legendary realm of Douluo Continent."

"The last auction item in this small auction is indeed related to a god-level martial soul. Your trip is definitely worthwhile."

Xuanshuang said to everyone mysteriously, seducing their interest, and by the way let them realize the power and mystery of a god-level martial soul.

When Xuanshuang aroused everyone's curiosity, he didn't continue to keep the secret, and then spread his right hand.

A blue light flashed, and a transparent bottle quietly emerged, with half a bottle of seven-color liquid in it.

Lu Yun only took out half of the god-level martial soul evolution liquid, which is enough to make a top-level martial soul evolve into a god-level martial soul.

"Huh? The liquid inside is the chance related to the god-level martial soul?"

"Is it really possible to evolve a martial soul into a god-level martial soul?"


When everyone saw the last auction item, everyone had a look of doubt on their faces.

Among them, the top powerhouse showed eagerness, staring at the colorful liquid in the bottle.

According to the previous information, this bottle of liquid can make the martial soul evolve into a god-level martial soul.

There is no way to refuse this temptation!
Therefore, these top powerhouses can't wait to drink this bottle of seven-color liquid immediately, so as to evolve into a real god-level martial soul.

Many forces could only suppress their inner urgency, impatiently waiting for the auction to start.

"This bottle of seven-color liquid is the finale item of our small auction. The name is: God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid. As the name suggests, as long as you take this bottle of seven-color liquid, your martial soul will definitely be able to evolve. It is a god-level martial spirit."

"I don't need to tell you what a god-level martial soul means. I can tell you that a god-level powerhouse is countless times stronger than the strongest in Douluo Continent."

"One more reminder, this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid has no effect on the owner of the god-level martial soul."

"The first auction price of this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid is: [-] soul crystals."

After the introduction, Xuanshuang immediately announced the first auction price of this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid. It was [-] soul crystals that reached such a terrifying price!
If converted into gold soul coins, this is a full billion gold soul coins.

This is only the first auction price, and no one can really guess what the final transaction price will be.


When this price appeared, most soul masters kept their mouths shut.

Originally, they also wanted to participate in this competition.

It's a pity that the first auction price reached [-] soul crystals, and all the soul crystals in their hands did not have such a terrifying amount.

They could only watch others compete. What everyone was curious about was whether this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid could really make a martial soul evolve into a god-level martial soul?
"13 soul crystals!"

When the competition for the final auction item began, a strong man took the lead in bidding, adding a total of [-] soul crystals.

No matter what, this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid must be taken down.

In this way, the competition for the final auction item became fiercer than ever.

Less than a moment later, the price had soared to 20 soul crystals.

It was much more expensive than all previous auction items, and looking at the intensity of the scene, the final transaction price far exceeded 20 soul crystals.

At this moment, there were two figures in a quiet box, one of them was a middle-aged man with blond hair, exuding a dignified aura.

Beside him is also a golden long-haired woman, charming and charming, with a sacred and inviolable face, which makes people unable to resist taking another look.

This middle-aged man is none other than the Limit Douluo who claims to be invincible in the sky: Qian Daoliu.

The girl beside him is his granddaughter Qian Renxue.

"Grandpa, this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid is very likely to be real. The colorful liquid in the bottle can actually cause seraphs to throb."

Qian Renxue murmured in disbelief that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion refreshed her worldview again.

Originally, she was curious about the last auction item.

On a certain level, it feels like this is just fake news.

However, her grandfather didn't know what was going on, and suddenly asked her to come with him to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to participate in this auction.

Before that, Qian Renxue was still skeptical.

But it wasn't until the moment the bottle of seven-color liquid appeared that Qian Renxue realized how naive her previous thoughts were.

Something that can cause the seraphim's martial soul to move is extraordinary.

When this bottle of colorful liquid appeared, the divine power of light in her body began to vibrate violently, as if reflecting each other with the colorful liquid in front of her.

"That's right, there is a kind of power contained in this colorful liquid, which can indeed make the martial soul evolve into a god-level martial soul."

"I didn't expect that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could even take out such a thing. Could it be that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion came from the power of the God Realm?"

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu fell into confusion.

I really don't understand why the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has so many rare treasures?

Even the seven-color liquid that can evolve a martial soul into a god-level martial soul can be taken out.

This made Qian Daoliu very puzzled about the origin of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Qian Daoliu guessed in his heart that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion was most likely from the God Realm, otherwise it would be impossible to bring out so many rare treasures, the treasures that shocked the entire Douluo Continent.

However, what is the purpose of Star Dou Auction Pavilion coming to Douluo Continent?

All these doubts stuck in Qian Daoliu's mind, making him unable to solve them for a long time?

"Grandpa, should we take down this bottle of seven-color liquid?"

At this moment, Qian Renxue turned her head and asked Qian Daoliu beside her.

At this moment, Qian Renxue really wanted to take down this bottle of seven-colored liquid.

However, as the Xingdou Auction Pavilion said before, this bottle of seven-colored liquid has no effect on the owner of a god-level martial soul.

Therefore, it is useless for her and her grandfather to take down this bottle of colorful liquid.

But if other people get this bottle of liquid and evolve the martial soul into a god-level martial soul, it will definitely become a threat to her in the future.

Therefore, Qian Renxue would rather destroy this bottle of seven-color liquid than let other soul masters get it.

Undoubtedly, it has set up a big enemy for Wuhundian.

"It must be won. If this treasure is missed, it will be difficult to have a chance to meet it again."

"This bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid has no effect on the owner of the god-level martial soul, but we can keep it for future use!"

"Didn't the Star Dou Auction Pavilion have auctioned a martial soul before? When the next auction shows a martial soul, I will auction it off at all costs."

"At that time, let it become your second martial soul, and then take this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid, then you will have twin martial souls, and both martial souls are god-level existences."

An ambition emerged in Qian Daoliu's heart. After all, he had to know before that that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion had auctioned martial souls.

Qian Daoliu completely considers Qian Renxue!

If Qian Renxue obtained the second martial soul, and then took the god-level martial soul evolution fluid, her future achievements would be unbelievable!
Perhaps being a god-level powerhouse is just the starting point for Qian Renxue.

For this opportunity, even Qian Daoliu, who has already been reclusive, is not willing to miss it.

For the sake of his granddaughter's future, he was willing to take a gamble and take this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid at all costs.

(End of this chapter)

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