Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 121 Preparing to Establish a Sub-Government

Chapter 121 Preparing to Establish a Sub-Government
Qian Daoliu told Qian Renxue all of his plans, with an extremely determined look in his eyes.

When Qian Renxue heard that everything her grandfather said was for her consideration, a touch of emotion flashed in her eyes.

She is also unwilling, her grandfather also paid so much for her.

But she is very clear that the preciousness of this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid has moved the powerful soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent, and no one wants to miss this precious treasure.

No need to think about it, the intensity of the next bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid is unimaginable.

If you want to completely win this final auction item, you need to pay countless soul crystals.

At this time, Qian Renxue didn't have much hope and could auction it off.

Just like that, Qian Daoliu stared solemnly at the god-level martial soul evolution liquid in front of him, waiting for the start of the auction.

The eyes of the strong men in the other boxes shone brightly, and they couldn't wait to compete for this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

"25 soul crystals!"

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, decisively called out an astonishing price, wanting to compete for this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

Prices are still soaring all the way, and there are fewer and fewer forces participating in this competition, but without exception, they are all the top forces in Douluo Continent.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Star Luo Empire, Heaven Dou Empire, Spirit Hall and so on.

All the top forces want to compete for this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

As time slowly passed, nearly 10 minutes passed, the price still increased upwards, and even the increasing speed did not decrease.

It is enough to imagine that this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid is an irresistible temptation for other forces in the Douluo Continent.

"Not bad!"

On the third floor, Lu Yun looked at the price of the god-level martial soul evolution liquid, with a happy smile on his face.

The higher the price of this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid, the better, so that he can collect a large number of soul crystals and turn them into auction points.

Generally speaking, these two bottles of god-level martial soul evolution liquid were drawn out by him, and they only cost [-] soul crystals.

And this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid is only a quarter of it, which is [-] auction points.

The final transaction price of this final auction item is absolutely unbelievable. He really made a lot of money.

A god-level martial soul is a treasure that cannot be ignored by other soul masters in the Douluo Continent.

This caused every faction to compete for this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

"40 soul crystals!"

At this time, Bibi Dong continued to increase the price, a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

After all, she did not expect that the transaction price of this auction item would soar to such an extent.

The number of soul crystals accumulated in Wuhundian this year is not much left.

In the previous auctions, the Hall of Spirits won a treasure almost every time, and most of the soul crystals stored for such a long time have been consumed.

All the soul crystals brought this time are only 50. If the price soars, I am afraid that Wuhundian will really miss it this time!

Could it be that she really has no chance to take pictures of this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution fluid?

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's complexion became ugly. No matter what, she must get this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

If it is really impossible to win the auction through legitimate means, then only some other means can be used.

Just like that, a gloomy look flashed across Bibi Dong's face, and no one knew what was going on in her heart.

"42 soul crystals!"

Ning Fengzhi also continued to increase the price, but at this time Ning Fengzhi showed the same embarrassed expression as Bibi Dong.

The number of soul crystals in their hands is running out. I wonder if they can get this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid?

Almost all forces are facing a dilemma. With the price soaring all the way, the number of soul crystals on them is no longer enough.

No one knows to what extent the final price will soar, and it may miss this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution fluid.

Time flies, and the price has soared to 45 soul crystals. There are only a few forces participating in it this time.

"50 soul crystals!"

At this time, Qian Daoliu was the first to call out a serious voice.

When this price appeared, the soul masters present were in an uproar.

so horrible!

That's 50 soul crystals!

Which faction is it that possesses such huge financial resources? Immediately after they saw the box where Qian Daoliu was, everyone showed a hint of doubt on their faces.

Before that, they hadn't seen anyone bid in that box, but who knew that 50 soul crystals were called out as soon as the bid was made, which was unbelievable.

"Damn, who is it!"

Bibi Dong's face became extremely ugly when she heard this price. The previous 45 Soul Crystals was the price she called out.

Unexpectedly, someone called out 50 soul crystals again, which caught Bibidong by surprise.

Wuhundian only has 50 soul crystals, so naturally there is no extra financial resources to compete.

Bibi Dong had an unclear look in his eyes, and had no choice but to give up this competition.

She wants to see what kind of people are in that box after the auction is over.

If it is what she guessed, she must use some other means to get this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

"52 soul crystals!"

At this time, Ning Fengzhi in the other private room gritted his teeth and continued to increase the price by [-] soul crystals.

At this time, the number of soul crystals of Ning Fengzhi was almost reaching the limit, and the other forces all withdrew from this competition.

With more than 50 soul crystals, these forces can't get them out. Only Qian Daoliu and Qibao Liulizong continue to compete.

"60 soul crystals!"

At this time, Qian Daoliu didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with them, and directly called out the number of 60 soul crystals.

To some extent, these soul crystals are also all the soul crystals Qian Daoliu brought this time.

If nothing else happens, he should be able to get this bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid.

If anyone dares to snatch this bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid from him again, after this auction is over, don't blame him for bullying the small.

For the sake of his granddaughter's future, Qian Daoliu can do anything.

When Ning Fengzhi heard the 60 soul crystals, his expression was extremely ugly, and he smiled helplessly.

He also couldn't get so many soul crystals, so he could only give up this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid unwillingly.

What a pity!

Originally, he wanted to use this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid to evolve his Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul into a god-level martial soul, completely breaking the restrictions of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

But who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would come out on the way, and at the sky-high price of 60 soul crystals, he would stop here.

How can this make Ning Fengzhi reconciled, but the matter has come to this point, there is nothing to do.

Who made the number of soul crystals accumulated by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School too small.

This made Ning Fengzhi have another idea in his mind, it seems that in the next period of time, he must use other methods as soon as possible to restrain a large number of soul crystals.

If something like this happened again today, wouldn't it be too late for him to regret.

After all, the treasures that Xingdou Auction Pavilion brings out every time are extremely rare, maybe they missed it this time, and there will be no chance to see them again.

"60 soul crystals once!"

"60 soul crystals twice!"

"60 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, this bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid will go to Box No. [-]."

Seeing that no one continued to increase the price, Xuanshuang announced that the bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid was obtained by Box No. [-].

Lu Yun, who was idle on the third floor, couldn't help but be delighted when he heard the final transaction price of this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

That's 60 soul crystals!

There are 60 auction points converted into auction points, which is more than all the soul crystals accumulated before.

Let Lu Yun enjoy the mood of the nouveau riche.

Lu Yun naturally knew that it was Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue who auctioned off this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution fluid.

The two are already god-level martial souls, so what's the use of auctioning them off?

Lu Yun didn't think too deeply about it. After all, this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution fluid could indeed evolve a top-level martial soul into a god-level martial soul, but it wasn't of much use to the two of them.

As for why Qian Daoliu was able to produce so many soul crystals, Lu Yun did not have any doubts.

After all, the more powerful soul masters and soul beasts, the more soul crystals they can condense.

As the ultimate Douluo powerhouse of Douluo Continent, Qian Daoliu would be very easy to condense a large number of soul crystals, let alone several other super Douluo in the Temple of Enshrinement.

Therefore, even if millions of soul crystals are condensed within a year, it is not an exaggeration at all.

Seeing this situation, an idea came to Lu Yun's mind. It seemed that he still had to find a way to improve the overall strength of Douluo Dalu.

In this way, more and more powerful soul beasts and soul masters will participate in the auction, and the auction points he will obtain will increase endlessly.

This is a very worthwhile plan.

"This is the end of this small auction. Welcome to our Star Dou Auction Pavilion next time for the auction."

After Xuanshuang handed over the god-level martial soul evolution liquid to Qian Daoliu, she announced the official end of this small auction with a smile on her face.

After the auction ended, Xuanshuang left the auction stage and gave all the soul crystals he got this time to Lu Yun.

After Qian Daoliu obtained the god-level martial soul evolution liquid, he did not stay any longer, and slowly left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion with Qian Renxue, walking towards the Spirit Hall.

He must keep this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid properly, and remember not to lose anything.

After Bibi Dong heard that the auction was over, she left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion at an extremely fast speed.

After walking out of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, majestic spiritual power instantly enveloped the entire area, wanting to investigate the soul master who took away the bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

The moment Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue left, a weak angel power spread towards the surroundings.

At this time, Bibi Dong, who was full of spiritual power, naturally sensed the fleeting angelic power.


"Qian Daoliu, I didn't expect that it was you, an old fellow, who spoiled my good deeds."

At this time, Bibi Dong, who had thought about it for a while, probably understood that it was Qian Daoliu who got the bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

As for why Qian Daoliu took this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid, Bibi Dong didn't know either.

After all, his and Qian Renxue's martial souls are both god-level martial souls.

Logically speaking, this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution liquid is not very useful, but why is Qian Daoliu willing to spend 60 soul crystals to auction it off.

Bibi Dong couldn't understand all of this.

It seems that it's time for her to go to the hall of worship and try to get that old guy to hand over the god-level martial soul evolution liquid.

After all, the god-level martial soul evolution liquid is the most useful for her, and can make her martial soul evolve into a god-level martial soul.

For this temptation, Bibi Dong couldn't refuse, no matter what, she wanted to get this bottle of god-level martial soul evolution fluid from Qian Daoliu's hand.

However, it cannot be obtained by brute force!
Now that she is restricted by the divine test, she cannot display her full strength, so she will naturally not be Qian Daoliu's opponent, it seems that she can only use other means.

When all the soul masters left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Lu Yun returned to his room and sat on the bed.

"The system, convert all these soul crystals into auction sites."

At this moment, Lu Yun's thoughts sank into his mind, and he said to the system to convert all these soul crystals into auction sites.

A burst of white light flashed, and the auction site went directly to the account.

Before Lu Yun could continue to be excited, the cold voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[The host's auction site was detected, and the total exceeded 100 million, achieving a small celebrity achievement. 】

[So start the next task: Please host to establish a branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in other places as soon as possible, with the mission of spreading the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and strive to spread the reputation of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion throughout the Douluo Continent. 】

At this moment, the system announced that Lu Yun had reached a total of 100 million auction points, and by the way, started the next task.


Hearing this, Lu Yun's expression was a little confused, what is it?
"System, the reputation of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has spread throughout the Douluo Continent. How did it become so famous? How could there be such a mission?"

At this moment, Lu Yun asked suspiciously.

After all, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has indeed been known by all soul masters in Douluo Continent, but why does the system still issue this task?

【The Star Dou Auction Pavilion is only known to the soul masters on the Douluo Continent. As for the Sea God Island, the Killing Capital and other places, the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is not known. 】

At this time, the cold voice of the system continued to sound.

Hearing these words, Lu Yun showed a knowing expression!

That's it!


Now the reputation of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is only spread in this area, and the Sea God Island, which is far away in the depths of the sea, does not know the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

As for the killing capital, no one knows about it either!

The Slaughter City is full of evil soul masters, and there are slaughterers everywhere.

Ordinary soul masters would not dare to step into the Slaughter Capital, and when they entered it, they were almost all extremely talented soul masters.

Unless one obtains the Death God Domain, no one would be willing to step into the Killing Capital for no reason.

"In that case, the next stop is Sea God Island!"

Suddenly, after some thought, Lu Yun planned to build a branch of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion on Sea God Island.

There are also quite a few soul masters on Sea God Island, if a branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is established there, it will definitely be able to obtain a lot of auction sites.

As for the killing capital, Lu Yun didn't think about it for the time being.

It's better to spread the reputation of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion throughout the entire Sea God Island, and then consider the next thing.

(End of this chapter)

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