Chapter 123 Going to Sea God Island

After thinking about it for a day, Lu Yun discussed everything and was ready to set off immediately to Sea God Island.

Try to establish a branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion on Sea God Island within a month.

For this trip to Sea God Island, Lu Yun planned to take Medusa and Xuanshuang with him.

As for Jiuyou and Dugu Bo, they stayed here to protect the safety of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Lu Yun knew that there might be some unexpected situations when going to Sea God Island this time, so he had to be fully prepared.

Inside the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, Queen Medusa is the most powerful, followed by Xuanshuang.

With the two of them by my side, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Medusa's strength is able to resist god-level powerhouses, so naturally there is no big problem.

As long as the branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is successfully established on Sea God Island, all difficulties will be easily resolved.

In the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he is an invincible existence, and he can teleport between the two Star Dou Auction Pavilions without going out and taking unnecessary risks.

Just like that, the three of Lu Yun packed their luggage and set foot on the road to Sea God Island.

In less than half a day, the three of Lu Yun came to the sea and looked at the boundless sea. The majestic power of the sea rushed towards them, which made Lu Yun couldn't help sighing.

Since he traveled to the Douluo Continent, it was the first time he came to the seaside. When he saw such a scenery, he had to appreciate it for a while.

After admiring it, Lu Yun rented a boat from nearby and prepared to go to Sea God Island.

Lu Yun paid a certain fee, got on the boat, sailed to the sea, and headed towards Sea God Island.

Lu Yun bought a map to Sea God Island from a god-level store, but he didn't know where Sea God Island was.

In order to get to Sea God Island faster, he had to spend a certain amount of auction points to get the map to Sea God Island.


In this way, two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The three of Lu Yun were getting closer and closer to Sea God Island.

On this day, the sun set, and the moonlight shed its afterglow, illuminating the whole world, exuding a sense of desolation.

"Master Soul Master, do you want us to drive in another direction, after all, the front is a forbidden area, we really dare not step into it!"

At this moment, I saw a middle-aged man walking towards the bow of the boat. He looked forward with fear on his face. The sea was blackened by the moonlight, and his face showed fear.

Every fleet is very careful when passing through this sea area.

Even so, every captain is unwilling to sail to this sea area, for fear of encountering great terror.

There are rumors that there is a very powerful soul beast in this sea area.

There is not even a soul master who can successfully live from his mouth.

Lu Yun looked at the fear on the face of the middle-aged man, and his face was filled with interest. What is it that makes the captain who walks the sea all the year round so scared.

So Lu Yun took out the map to watch, carefully studied the sea area, and an answer came to his mind.

That's it!

This sea area is the habitat of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King is an existence that stepped into the god-level domain with one and a half feet, and its strength is extremely powerful. Even the ultimate douluo powerhouse can hardly resist.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King is often entrenched in this sea area, which has led to very few crew members willing to sail to the depths of the sea from here, for fear of encountering inevitable threats.

"I know the situation in this area. You can safely drive there. With us, your people will not be in any danger."

Suddenly, Lu Yun assured the captain in front with a solemn tone.

Whether it is Xuanshuang or Medusa, they can defeat the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, so there is no need to worry too much during this trip.

If the Deep Sea Demon Whale King doesn't have eyes, don't blame him for being rude.


Hearing Lu Yun's assurance, the captain didn't relax at all, and said very worriedly.

The rumored existence is at least a 10-year-level soul beast, even if it is a titled Douluo powerhouse, it is difficult to win against it.

Not to mention the three young men and women in front of them, it seems that their age is not more than 30 years old. At this age, how can it be possible to reach the realm of Titled Douluo?

It can't be blamed that he didn't listen to the assurances of Lu Yun and others. It can only be said that it is too dangerous.

The captain was also unwilling to bring the crew behind him into this extremely dangerous sea area.


Knowing the captain's worry, Lu Yun sighed helplessly, turned to look at Xuanshuang, and asked her to give the captain a reassurance.

Xuanshuang sensed Lu Yun's meaning, and immediately his face became extremely cold.

The next moment, he spread his right hand, and suddenly a diamond-shaped crystal floated out, and the coldness beyond the ultimate ice spread to the entire room in an instant.

Everything around seemed to be frozen into an ice sculpture, turning into an ice-blue crystal palace.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shocking scene where the nine soul rings on Xuanshuang's body flickered one after another.

Black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red, red.

Six blacks and three reds!

Such a heaven-defying configuration of the soul ring immediately made the captain in front turn pale with fright, and was extremely shocked by what he saw.

This kind of soul ring configuration?

how can that be possible?
This is really the soul ring configuration that a human soul master can achieve, and then the captain counted carefully, the number of soul rings on Xuanshuang's body was extremely horrifying.

Doesn't that mean that the young woman in front of her is actually a titled Douluo powerhouse, and the soul ring configuration on her body is so heaven-defying.

This made the captain's mouth wide open, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

The changes in Xuanshuang's body were naturally caused by Lu Yun.

He used the power of rules in the secret realm of chaos to evolve a powerful soul beast, which was hunted by Xuanshuang and increased the lifespan of the soul ring.

This also caused Xuanshuang's soul ring configuration that is against the sky today, reaching six blacks and three reds.

Coupled with the strength of Xuanshuang Ultimate Douluo's peak level, it can be said that Xuanshuang at this time can definitely defeat all soul masters in Douluo Dalu.

Her strength is only below that of Medusa, which is why Lu Yun is so relieved.

With the existence of Medusa and Xuanshuang, he will never be in any danger.

If it really doesn't work, at worst, he will enter the secret realm of chaos, so that no one can hurt him at all.

"How? You can rest assured now, take us to the sea area over there?"

At this moment, Lu Yun said to the captain who was in a daze ahead with a smile all over his face.

Let him feel at ease, take them to the sea area over there, if there is any danger, just let Medusa and Xuanshuang take responsibility.

"Ah, no problem!"

"Dear Your Majesty the Titled Douluo, please forgive my previous rudeness, and I will use the fastest speed to take you to the final destination."

The captain was so startled by Lu Yun's words that he came back to his senses. He looked terrified, and said respectfully to Lu Yun and the others.

The captain didn't expect that the person in front of him was actually a strong titled Douluo, and he didn't dare to show any disrespect, and he felt scared because of what he said before.

A legendary powerhouse like Title Douluo has an unstable temper. If he encounters a strong man with a bad temper, he may die on the spot.

Fortunately, the few people in front of them didn't have too many scruples, and with the protection of a strong Titled Douluo, the captain's heart was relieved at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the captain left the room with light steps, and ordered the crew behind him.

Start to drive towards that sea area at the fastest speed, and reach the final destination.

The three of Lu Yun fell into deep seclusion in the cabin, hoping that they would be able to arrive at Sea God Island as soon as the day dawned.

Will things really go as smoothly as they expected?

The ship moved forward at an extremely fast speed, and although the movement caused by it was very small, it still had a certain impact.

There was a burst of movement in this sea area, and it quickly spread towards the bottom of the sea.


Thousands of meters below the seabed, there is a gigantic monster with black and red lights flashing, its size is completely comparable to a small island.

Seeing this scene is terrifying!

At this moment, the huge beast moved, and a scarlet lantern suddenly flashed in one direction, containing an extremely astonishing killing intent.

If you look carefully, you will find that this blood-red lantern is actually an eye.

This gigantic beast is the strongest soul beast that frightens the entire sea area, the 99-year-old Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

Naturally, the Deep Sea Demon Crystal King was awakened by the movement from above, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he moved his huge body to walk around.

The berserk aura was generated, directly causing the surrounding sea spirit beasts to shatter into pieces, and they ceased to exist, leaving only patches of blood.

This kind of movement began to happen violently throughout the seabed.

The sea level is still endless, if you don't observe carefully, you can't find any clues at all.


Medusa in the room felt something, and suddenly opened her eyes, with an indifferent look in her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanshuang on the side also opened his eyes, a solemn look flashed in his eyes, and the violent ice power poured out towards the surroundings.

Lu Yun was awakened by the movement of Medusa and Xuanshuang, and after some thinking, he already knew what happened.

"Deep Sea Demon Whale King? You really dare to attack us!"

There was no expression of fear on Lu Yun's face, and he murmured to himself.

I don't feel any worry about the next crisis at all.


Suddenly, a light flashed in Lu Yun's mind, and a gloomy expression appeared on his face.

Since the Deep Sea Demon Whale King wanted to die by himself, don't blame him for being rude.

The auction pavilion located in the Star Dou Great Forest is guarded by the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Great Ape at the entrance, acting as the facade of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The branch pavilion is established on Sea God Island, and there must be a powerful existence responsible for protecting the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. It seems that the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is very suitable.

The more Lu Yun thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. After all, if there was a nearly million-year-old soul beast guarding the branch of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it would be quite majestic!

Other powerful soul masters dare not make any mistakes!

However, Lu Yun's main attention was still on the auction pavilion of Star Dou Great Forest.

There are far more soul masters in Douluo Continent than in Sea God Island.

Which is more important, Lu Yun can still distinguish clearly.

In the future, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion on Seagod Island will be sub-chambered, and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King will guard it, and another powerful titled Douluo will be sent to preside over the auction on Seagod Island.

"Xuan Shuang, I'll leave this big guy to you to deal with. It's just for you to test how far you have reached after your strength has improved."

"But I have to live. From now on, this big guy will be responsible for guarding the branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. It's okay to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson!"

After thinking about this matter clearly, Lu Yun said to Xuanshuang without any hesitation.

Let her go and get rid of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, if she wants to live.

Lu Yun also wanted to see what kind of strength Xuanshuang could unleash after exerting all his strength?
If nothing else, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King would certainly not be Xuanshuang's opponent.

Xuanshuang has a god-level martial spirit: Xuanbing Zhiling, and a heaven-defying soul ring configuration with six blacks and three reds, and the soul power level is as high as the peak level of Limit Douluo.

Combining the three aspects, Xuanshuang can be regarded as the strongest below the god level.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who has not stepped into the divine beast, will naturally not be Xuanshuang's opponent.

"Yes, Pavilion Master, I promise to catch this soul beast in front of you."

After Xuanshuang heard Lu Yun's order, a fighting spirit appeared on her pretty face, and she was eager to try.

According to her perception, the guy on the bottom of the sea is not simple, and it is worth using all her strength.

Let her test her own strength and see how far she can go.

Thinking of this, Xuanshuang's whole body turned into a blue streamer and disappeared in place.

Came to the bow of the ship, suspended in the mid-air, staring at the movement of the surrounding sea area with a solemn expression.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what's the matter with you coming here so late?"

At this moment, after seeing Xuanshuang's figure, the captain asked respectfully.

I don't know what is going to happen when she comes here so late?

"You leave here with all the crew, a big guy is about to attack, everything here is handed over to me."

Xuanshuang didn't continue to talk nonsense with the captain, but directly talked about the crisis they were facing next, and let them run for their lives.

Later, she was going to fight that big guy, and the aura that she finally erupted must be earth-shattering.

She couldn't pay attention to the movements around her, and couldn't guarantee the safety of these people.

Anyway, with the existence of Medusa, their lives will not be in any danger.


After the captain heard it, his expression changed drastically, and he became extremely panicked.

Xuanshuang looked forward, her whole body was extremely calm, as if she was not afraid of the coming crisis.

It made the captain feel as if there was a pinnacle in his heart, and he left the place quickly, so that the crew members from all over the place gathered together and must not go out.

Just like that, in less than a moment, everyone left the place.

In the entire bow, Xuanshuang was the only person volleying in the air, watching the surrounding movement.

After a long time, Xuanshuang's mental power suddenly locked in one direction, with a meaningful smile on his face: "It's finally here!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the entire bottom of the sea.

The huge body like a small island produced an extremely depressing aura.


A coercion close to a million-year-old soul beast spread in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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