Chapter 124 Deep Sea Demon Whale King

The entire sea suddenly became choppy, and waves of wind and waves surged towards the surroundings, as if it was a scene of annihilation.

Slices of waves attacked Xuanshuang's body, and the power was enough to annihilate a region.

"Small tricks are worthy of showing embarrassment!"

Xuanshuang glanced lightly at the surrounding ocean waves, and in the palm of her right hand, the power of the martial soul burst out.

The violent ice power attacked all around, and the incoming waves froze the ice sculptures.

With a wave of his hand, all the ice sculptures shattered into pieces and scattered on the ground.

"Human soul masters, don't you know that this sea area is my territory, trespassing into it without permission, there is only one word: die!"

The black shadow below suddenly revealed its true colors, the huge and oppressive Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

The murderous tone of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King reached Xuanshuang's ears, wishing he could tear this human soul master to pieces immediately.

After all, he is also a 99-year-old soul beast, so his mental power is enormous.

As a result, he actually sensed a hint of danger from this woman, which made the Deep Sea Demon Whale King not move for a long time.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King couldn't understand, when did such a young and extremely strong man appear in the Douluo Continent?

Even the pressure on him was greater than the pressure that woman from Sea God Island put on him.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King had to consider the next situation and did not dare to act rashly.

"Leave quickly, or don't blame me for killing!"

Xuanshuang did not continue to talk nonsense with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, but directly stated her purpose.

If it wasn't for this big guy blocking their way, perhaps they would have arrived at Sea God Island long ago.

There is no need to waste such a long time in this sea area.

"Hmph, this is my place. Come and leave whenever you want, don't you think I'm not in your eyes."

When the Deep Sea Demon Whale King heard Xuanshuang's disdainful tone, he was furious and roared forward, with endless killing intent flashing in his scarlet pupils.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King snorted coldly when he heard the woman's words.

As a 99-year-old soul beast, he naturally has his majesty. No matter where he starts from, he will not let this woman leave this sea area easily.

"Stubborn, since that's the case, then you are ready to bear my wrath."

Xuanshuang had long expected that the Deep Sea Demon Whale King would not let them leave, and suddenly the violent soul power in his body rippled around.

The Black Ice Ling Martial Soul in his right hand emerged, and gradually stood behind him, releasing bursts of light blue light, shining brightly.

Xuanshuang spread out her hands and slowly floated above, looking down at the deep sea demon whale king in the sea.


Six blacks and three reds, nine soul rings emerged, and the coercion belonging to the peak level of Limit Douluo instantly filled the entire sea area.

It even spreads toward farther sea areas.

The power of cold ice was emitted, causing all the surrounding sea water to freeze into ice sculptures, and the scene was very spectacular.

"Damn it, how could she be so strong!"

After the Deep Sea Demon Whale King felt this terrified aura, a trace of fear arose in his heart.

Soon after seeing the heaven-defying soul ring configuration on Xuanshuang, he couldn't keep calm anymore.

What kind of configuration is this human soul master, so heaven-defying?

He has never seen anyone with this kind of soul ring configuration, even the soul ring configuration of the great priest of Sea God Island is far less terrifying than this soul master!

Could it be that she is also the inheritor of a certain god?
Thinking of this, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's eyes flashed with even stronger killing intent. The group of gods in the God Realm were hypocritical to the extreme.

Since the woman in front of him is likely to be the inheritor of the gods, he will not let her go.

She must die!

There is no room for redemption!
However, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King did not dare to be careless, and had to use all his strength to resist the mysterious woman in front of him.

The deep sea demon whale king swam its huge body, and the surrounding soul power was rippling, using the power of the sea to condense drops of sea water, and flew forward.

However, the water droplets contain a very huge soul power.

After the Deep Sea Demon Whale King exerted his full strength, the power contained in this drop of seawater could also kill top Contra powerhouses.

This is the peak strength of the deep sea demon whale king who will step into a million-year soul beast.

Xuanshuang stood in the air, looked at the dense water droplets in front of him, did not show any flinch, and then the third soul ring on his body shone with brilliance.

"The third soul skill: Mysterious Ice Spirit Art!"

Xuanshuang decisively released her third soul ability. After her martial soul evolved into a god-level martial soul: Xuanbing Zhiling, her own soul ability changed.

Become more powerful and unpredictable.

Waves of icy blue mist emerged from Xuanshuang's hands, moving slowly in the void.

As the mist spread, the incoming water droplets were immediately frozen and remained in the void.

Xuanshuang continued to increase the output of soul power, freezing all the water droplets in front of him into ice beads.

The next moment, under the action of Xuanshuang's power, these ice beads condensed into ice cones, releasing terrifying killing power.

After Xuanshuang saw that the attack was condensed, she waved her hand without being polite at all.

All the ice picks in front of him pierced towards the Deep Sea Demon Whale King at an extreme speed.

"How could it be, you turned my attack into your attack, and even shot at me, it really amazes me!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King couldn't keep his composure, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

He knew that the drops of sea water he released contained so much energy that even a strong Titled Douluo would find it difficult to resist.

However, the woman in front of her easily dispelled his attack.

Even with the help of his attack, transforming it into an extremely fierce attacking technique, attacking him, these methods are really weird!

"My martial soul is an ice-type martial soul. I use all your water elemental attacks, so you don't have any advantage in fighting in the sea."

Xuanshuang said lightly!
After all, the ice element is completely condensed from the water element. It can be said that the entire Douluo Continent, except the extreme north, is the most suitable for Xuanshuang to fight, and the rest is only the sea.

Although Xuanshuang can't directly use the water element to fight, he can use the power of the martial soul to transform the water element into ice element and release powerful power.

As long as the sea doesn't dry up, she will use a steady stream of ice elements for her.

The sea has also become an advantage in the battle between Xuanshuang and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.


"Don't think that just one attack from you can hinder me, you're overwhelmed!"

Hearing this, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's face became ugly.

What Xuanshuang said was correct, and the advantage that she was proud of originally disappeared at this moment.

It seems that in the future, he can't spend it with the woman in front of him.


With the help of the power of the sea, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King unleashed terrifying power, concentrating all his soul power and attacking forward.

This force smashed all the ice cones on the spot, and continued to attack Xuanshuang with a violent momentum.

Seeing this situation, Xuanshuang will not let the aftermath of these attacks pass behind her.

Lifting his right hand slightly, the power of the Martial Soul in his palm rippled out towards the surroundings.

An ice-blue shield covered the entire area, forcibly resisting the power of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

"Bang bang bang!"

A roar sounded, and Xuanshuang's body did not move at all, staying in place.

(End of this chapter)

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