Chapter 135 One Billion Golden Soul Coins

After everyone heard the effect of the spirit of the sea, everyone was astonished, and their faces were full of disbelief.

Does this sea spirit really have such a powerful effect?

It's simply breathtaking!

It is a spiritual thing condensed by the purest power in the world, which can improve all aspects of a soul master in all aspects, which is a bit too amazing.

However, most of the soul masters remained silent, not sure if this sea spirit was really as introduced by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?

At this time, Seahorse Douluo, who was in the box on the second floor, immediately expressed disbelief after hearing this introduction.

But later he realized that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was extremely powerful, and he would not use a fake thing to deceive them.

So Seahorse Douluo wanted to auction off this spirit of the ocean, and then bring it back for the priest to see what is so mysterious about this spirit.

"I won't say much about it, the first auction price of this ocean spirit is one billion gold soul coins."

At this moment, Xuanshuang solemnly announced the first auction price of this Ocean Spirit.

The preciousness of this ocean spirit is so precious that it can improve a soul master in all aspects without even thinking about it.

A price of one billion gold soul coins at the first auction is not too much. If the soul masters of Sea God Island were not too poor, it would not be so low.

When Lu Yun first started, he didn't intend to use this sea spirit as the finale of this auction.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Yun had no choice but to use the spirit of the ocean as the last auction item for the sake of the follow-up situation.

With this precious treasure, other soul masters should not remain indifferent.

At that time, the follow-up gains will be immeasurable.

Lu Yun is sure that this ocean spirit can definitely be auctioned off.

Leave this task to Seahorse Douluo!

With the wealth of a Titled Douluo, there is no difficulty in trying to auction off this spirit of the ocean.

Lu Yun understands that there are very few competitors to participate in the spirit of the sea.

The first auction price reached one billion gold soul coins, even if no one raised the price, Lu Yun would still make a lot of money.

Lu Yun spent [-] auction points to buy this ocean spirit.

It can be seen from this that the preciousness of this sea spirit is obviously beyond the reach of ordinary treasures.


As soon as this price appeared, the soul masters present were in an uproar, and they all looked at each other, showing helplessness.

They are very envious of this sea spirit, if it is really as the Star Dou Auction Pavilion introduced, it is indeed very valuable.

However, the first auction price of this Ocean Spirit is too expensive. Even if all the things they collect are used for bartering, it will not be able to offset the preciousness of the Ocean Spirit.

Almost all the soul masters showed disappointment, and they didn't have the courage to participate in the next competition.

The atmosphere of the auction at the scene fell into silence at this moment.

Only one of them became extremely excited, looking at the spirit of the ocean in front of Xuanshuang with bright eyes.

This person was Seahorse Douluo on the second floor, and Seahorse Douluo couldn't keep calm in his heart.

With his titled Douluo's eyesight, he can naturally see how precious this sea spirit is, which he has seen in his life, and nothing can compare with it.

It can even be said that he has never seen such a pure power, a spiritual creature completely condensed by the pure ocean power.

What kind of good fortune is this!

Seahorse Douluo couldn't wait to auction off this sea spirit.

On the one hand, it is for the improvement of his own strength to reach the realm of Titled Douluo, and it is very difficult to increase his soul power by one level.

Moreover, his talent is not at the top level. If he takes this sea spirit, maybe his strength can go a step further, and even break through to a higher level.

According to the introduction of Xingdou Auction Pavilion, the effect of this spirit of the sea is very mysterious, and it needs to perceive the specific benefits of it.

"One billion gold soul coins!"

Seahorse Douluo shouted out the first auction price of Ocean Spirit.

As soon as this price appeared, every soul master showed a look of surprise. They didn't expect that there were actually people with such money who chose to compete for this sea spirit.

Everyone didn't know that it was Seahorse Douluo who bid for the competition.

After Seahorse Douluo bid, no soul master chose to continue to increase the price, and everyone became extremely silent.

"One billion gold soul coins!"

"One billion gold soul coins twice!"

"One billion gold soul coins three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then this spirit of the ocean will belong to Box [-]."

After repeated confirmation, Xuanshuang announced that the Ocean Spirit had been auctioned off by Seahorse Douluo.

For this result, Xuanshuang was not surprised at all. After all, before this, Lu Yun had already greeted her in advance.

Obviously, this competitor of the spirit of the sea will be rare like never before, so there is no reason to make a fuss.

Lu Yun on the third floor had a calm smile on his face when he heard that Seahorse Douluo had won the Ocean Spirit at the price of one billion gold soul coins.

Seahorse Douluo had long been expected to be auctioned off, but in the end only one billion gold soul coins were auctioned.

Overall, he earned more than 9 auction points.

Let's earn one less this time!
Not surprisingly, Seahorse Douluo accepted Bo Saixi's order and came to observe the auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Seahorse Douluo will definitely tell Bo Saixi everything that happened in today's auction.

With Bo Saixi's eyesight and the last sea spirit, Lu Yun is sure that Bo Saixi will truly understand the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Maybe the next auction, Bo Saixi will come to participate in person, and then he can collect a lot of auction sites.

The collection of an Extreme Douluo level powerhouse is very valuable.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun smiled slightly, looking forward to the start of the follow-up auction.

"Today's auction is completely over. Let me announce that from now on, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will hold a small auction every month and a large auction every year."

"In addition, the transaction currency of the next auction will no longer use gold soul coins and barter, but soul crystals. As for what soul crystals are, we will explain later in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."


A moment later, Xuanshuang announced the end of the auction, and told the soul masters present a serious news.


When many soul masters heard Xuanshuang's words, everyone showed a puzzled expression.

Then I heard Xuanshuang's explanation, so I had no choice but to suppress my inner curiosity and wait for the follow-up news.

After a while, all the soul masters left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion one after another, and Seahorse Douluo paid the corresponding things to get this ocean spirit.

Seahorse Douluo, who got the Ocean Spirit, disappeared in a flash and went to the Sea God Temple where Bo Saixi was.

He planned to tell Bo Saixi everything about today, as well as the news about this sea spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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