Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 136 Absorbing the Spirit of the Sea

Chapter 136 Absorbing the Spirit of the Sea
Inside the Sea God Temple.

In front of the statue of Seagod, which contained divine power, stood two great men, Bo Saixi and Seahorse Douluo.

At this time, Seahorse Douluo had already told Bo Saixi everything that happened in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"God bestowed spirit ring? What is the origin of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion? Even things like god bestowed spirit rings can be taken out."

"It seems that I have underestimated the background of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. Is there really a strong god behind the Xingdou Auction Pavilion?"

After hearing Seahorse Douluo's words, Bo Saixi's expression became extremely solemn, and he murmured softly.

Until Seahorse Douluo told her what happened before, this was the reason why Bo Saixi was so shocked.

Whether it's a god bestowed spirit ring, or spirit power pill, etc., they are all extremely rare treasures.

Unexpectedly, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion actually put these things up for auction, and the trading currency was only gold soul coins.

From Bo Saixi's point of view, the preciousness of these items cannot be measured by gold soul coins at all, and even these items cannot be bought.

The method of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is very strange!
Using Golden Soul Coins for auction really made Bo Saixi extremely confused. What is the purpose of Star Dou Auction Pavilion doing this?


Can the Star Dou Auction Pavilion benefit from these auctions?

"By the way, great offering, this is the last auction item in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, which is called the Spirit of the Sea!"

At this moment, Seahorse Douluo thought of something, and immediately waved his hand, and immediately the spirit of the ocean, made of a mass of liquid, floated in front of Bo Saixi.

Immediately afterwards, the liquid began to change rapidly, and the entire Sea God Temple emitted waves of blue light, slowly converging towards the liquid.

It made the entire Seagod Temple beautiful, but the Seagod statue still didn't have any light.

"Hey, what is this thing? It can actually attract the remaining power of the Seagod from the Seagod Temple!"

Bo Saixi looked at the Ocean Spirit in front with a shocked face, and asked suspiciously.

She was originally curious about the last auction item in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

When the sea spirit was taken out by Seahorse Douluo, it ended up inadvertently attracting the remaining divine power of the Sea God Temple.

It’s incredible!
Bo Saixi didn't know what to think of, and her serious eyes suddenly fixed on the statue of Sea God in front of her.

She found that the Poseidon statue was the same as before, without any changes, and she also had no way of perceiving the divine power and divine sense inside the Poseidon statue.

The Seagod's power in the air is just the remaining Seagod's power, these powers are insignificant.

Even so, it was divine power, but it turned out to be attracted by this mass of ever-changing liquid.

This made Bo Saixi very curious, what is the origin of this sea spirit?
"This ocean spirit is the last auction item in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. After introduction, this ocean spirit is formed by the condensed power of the extremely pure ocean between heaven and earth..."


Next, Seahorse Douluo told the introduction of the ocean spirit, and he didn't know whether the introduction of the ocean power by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was true or not.

"Spiritual things? Does such a thing really exist in Douluo Continent?"

Hearing these words, apart from being shocked, Bo Saixi was more puzzled.

too weird!

Up to now, he has reached the realm of Ultimate Douluo. It seems that he has never heard of such a spiritual creature as the spirit of the ocean, and he doesn't even know the concept of a spiritual creature.

Where did the Star Dou Auction Pavilion get this ocean spirit?

If it is really like what the Xingdou Auction Pavilion introduced, this sea spirit is definitely a rare treasure in the world.

Even Douluo Dalu couldn't find a second treasure comparable to it.

"I haven't heard of this sea spirit either. As for whether the specific function is as described by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, you still need to perceive it yourself."

Immediately, Bo Saixi said these words, expressing that he was also extremely unfamiliar with this sea spirit, and had no idea of ​​its origin and specific functions.

"Then... what should I do with this sea spirit?"

At this time, Seahorse Douluo fell into a dilemma, and asked Bo Saixi, how to deal with this sea spirit?
After all, even the great priest couldn't tell what the origin of this object was?What if he took it rashly and caused irreparable consequences?

He didn't want to destroy his follow-up hopes because of this sea spirit after he had cultivated to the Titled Douluo realm after so many years.

However, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't believe that Xingdou Auction Pavilion would lie to him.

On the other hand, the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is an external force to Sea God Island, so they cannot completely trust the introduction of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"The Xingdou Auction Pavilion shouldn't lie to you, you just absorb this sea spirit in the Seagod Temple, and I will protect you."

"Even if there is an unpredictable force, I can temporarily use the Seagod's divine power remaining in the Seagod Temple to help you interrupt the absorption of the sea spirit."

After a long time, Bo Saixi said to Seahorse Douluo with a solemn expression.

Let him absorb the power of the ocean. From her perception, the power in this ocean spirit is indeed very pure.

The level of that kind of power is far higher than her soul power.

Analyzing from various aspects, this sea spirit may really have such a powerful effect, but it may not be as heaven-defying as the Star Dou Auction Pavilion introduced.

So, Bo Saixi planned to let Seahorse Douluo absorb the spirit of the sea.

She was protecting Seahorse Douluo from the sidelines to avoid unpredictable situations. Anyway, this sea spirit is also Seahorse Douluo, so he bid to auction it off.

By the way, through Seahorse Douluo, the next process of absorbing the spirit of the ocean was to verify her guess.

Even if Seahorse Douluo encountered danger during the absorption process, she could still use the scattered Seagod power around her to interrupt Seahorse Douluo's absorption.

She has no way to use the Seagod's power inside the Seagod Statue.

After all, the Seagod Island has undergone a change, there is no way to perceive the Seagod's divine sense, and it is not clear what happened to the Seagod Island!
It's not the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, so what's the reason?

This put Bo Saixi in a predicament, and he couldn't solve the confusion for a long time.

"Okay, it's a big trouble to worship!"

Hearing this, Seahorse Douluo nodded lightly, then sat down cross-legged.

The next moment, the endless soul power in the palm was instantly poured into the spirit of the ocean in front of him.

The spirit of the ocean suddenly turned into a stream of light, entered Seahorse Douluo's body, continuously differentiated into pure power, and wandered among Seahorse Douluo's limbs and bones.

Constantly improving Seahorse Douluo's whole body, such as talent, mental strength, and so on.

Just like that, from the moment the spirit of the sea entered Seahorse Douluo's body, a powerful aura erupted instantly.

Fluorescent blue light emanated from his body, and the blue light spots scattered in the air of the entire Sea God Temple entered Seahorse Douluo's body.

(End of this chapter)

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