Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 138 Self-Created Soul Technique Guide

Chapter 138 Self-Created Soul Technique Guide
Star Auction Pavilion.

On the first floor of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Lu Yun stood where he was, with Medusa and others standing in front of him.

Lu Yun has successfully established the Star Dou Auction Pavilion on Sea God Island. This matter is completed, and it is time for him to leave Sea God Island and head to Douluo Continent.

After all, Sea God Island is not a place to stay forever.

Lu Yun didn't have any worries during this trip. He believed that after Bo Saixi saw the spirit of the ocean and knew its specific function, he would definitely not drive the Star Dou Auction Pavilion out of Sea God Island.

There is no need to worry, and Lu Yun intends to let the Deep Sea Demon Whale King stay here.

On the one hand, it is to protect the safety of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and on the other hand, it is to deter the thoughts of other soul masters.

"Deep Sea Demon Whale King, we will leave Sea God Island in a few days, so you stay here and protect the safety of this branch of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

"If you encounter something that cannot be resolved, you can send a letter to me. As for the specific method of sending the letter, you should already know."

"Of course, if you want to go to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in Douluo Dalu, there is a teleportation array on the third floor, just put in the soul crystal to activate it."

Lu Yun told the Deep Sea Demon Whale King about the next arrangement.

Let the Deep Sea Demon Whale King guard the safety of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. In addition to the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Lu Yun also exchanged a titled Douluo level soul master from the system.

It is similar to Xuanshuang and Jiuyou who were summoned by the system at the beginning, and they are both a living person.

It's just that the soul power has just reached level ninety, which cost Lu Yun 10,000+ auction points.

As for why Lu Yun didn't exchange for a titled Douluo expert with a higher level of soul power, it was because the price was too expensive.

Every higher level of soul power is tens of thousands of auction points more expensive, the higher the level of soul power, the more outrageous the price.

Anyway, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is protected by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, unless the Sea God personally descends to Douluo Continent to take action against him.

Otherwise, no one would be a match for the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, not even Bo Saixi.

Lu Yun was not too worried.

"I see!"

After the Deep Sea Demon Whale King heard Lu Yun's arrangement, he didn't have any rebuttal. After all, the sea is his place of life.

If you go away from the sea and go to the Douluo Continent, it will not be very comfortable.

It just so happens that he stays in Seagod Island and can go to the sea frequently, which is perfect.

After arranging everything, Lu Yun brought Medusa and Xuanshuang to the third floor of the Star Auction Pavilion, and used a large number of soul crystals to instantly activate the teleportation formation.

A burst of mysterious space power poured out towards the surroundings.

The figures of Lu Yun and the three disappeared in an instant.

Less than a moment later, when the three reappeared, they were in the auction pavilion of the Star Dou Forest.

Lu Yun's head was a little dizzy. His strength is not very strong, and it is inevitable that he will feel a little uncomfortable when he is teleported here.

After a few seconds of adaptation, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared immediately.

From the moment Lu Yun appeared, Dugu Bo, Yan Lingji, Tianqing Niuban, and Titan Giant Ape all sensed Lu Yun's arrival.

Afterwards, Lu Yun asked Dugu Bo what happened in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion during this period.

Fortunately, there was no big problem. He ignored the matter and went back to his room to prepare for the next auction.

There is still a long time before the small auction of a month, but the time passes quickly, so prepare the corresponding auction items in advance.

Fighting for the next auction item will brighten the eyes of most soul masters in Douluo Continent.

After Lu Yun returned to his room, his thoughts sank into the system. He hadn't drawn a lottery for a long time.

Today, let's start with ten consecutive draws, hoping to draw some top-notch treasures.

"Start ten consecutive draws!"

At this moment, Lu Yun spent [-] auction points, and immediately clicked a ten-draw button.

Immediately afterwards, the golden disc in his mind began to spin violently, and golden rays of light flashed out.

Ten treasures wrapped in golden light appeared in front of Lu Yun.

Lines of subtitles appeared in front of my eyes, introducing the specific information of these ten items.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Buddha Pearl. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Soul Power Pill (Normal). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: the mysterious seed. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: an all-purpose model mobile phone. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: talent enhancement pill (advanced). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Titan Great Ape Soul (20 years). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: 30-year-old soul bone (random). 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting: "Guide to Self-Created Soul Skills". 】

[Congratulations to the host for picking up: a strange antler Babel chrysanthemum. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: exclusive reclining chair for lazy people. 】

"Hey, it seems that my luck is not bad this time!"

At this time, when Lu Yun heard the ten items he had drawn, a smile appeared on his face.

Fortunately, luck wasn't too bad this time, otherwise he wouldn't have a place to cry, after all, it was a [-] auction point!

He got a 20-year-old soul and a 30-year-old soul bone.

With these two things alone, no matter how rubbish the other things are, they won't lose much.

The price of the 20-year-old soul and the 30-year-old soul bone sold in the god-level store is outrageous.

There are a few things that you can tell what they are just by looking at their names, but only two of them make Lu Yun very curious.

These two things are still to be watched at the end, hoping to give him a surprise, let's take a look at some other treasures for the time being.

[Self-created soul skills guide: It contains thousands of soul skills mysteries, and you can easily create any soul skills by practicing them. 】

Lu Yun checked one of the golden objects, which was called: Guide to Self-Created Soul Skills.

Based on the name, one probably guessed that this is a book about self-created soul skills.

Sure enough!

When Lu Yun saw the detailed introduction of this book, the conjecture in his heart was confirmed.

Afterwards, Lu Yun roughly flipped through it. It contained many types of soul skills, almost including all the soul skills that appeared in Douluo Dalu.

The dismantling and operation methods of these soul skills are extremely detailed!

It can be said that this is simply an encyclopedia of soul skills, not only introducing various types of soul crystals, but also the method of creating such soul skills.

This self-created soul technique guide doesn't have much effect on him.

After all, soul skills only rely on the appearance of soul rings and soul bones, and the level of Douluo Continent is so low.

Even if the soul ability created by oneself, how powerful can it be?

This cheat book only introduces some common soul skills of Douluo Dalu.

If he wants to create his own soul skills, he must at least use his own space-time power to create his own soul skills.

In this self-created soul skill guide, there is no explanation about the soul skills related to the power of time and space, so this cheat book is not attractive enough for Lu Yun.

Of course, it can be used as a reference, maybe he can also create a soul skill that belongs to his own time and space type, so that his strength can be greatly improved.

This self-created soul skill guide can be used as the final auction item in the next auction.

Soul masters in Douluo Dalu are very curious about self-created soul skills.

As we all know, soul masters who can create their own soul skills are almost all top geniuses.

Ordinary soul masters simply cannot touch this area.

It just so happened that this self-created soul technique guide gave them a direction.

I believe that there should be no soul master who can refuse such a temptation.

Perhaps the auction in a month's time will give Lu Yun a big surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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