Chapter 139

Lu Yun put away the self-created soul technique guide, and set his sights on the Talent Improvement Pill.

This talent improvement pill can greatly improve the talent of a soul master, but Lu Yun doesn't know, to what extent can it be improved?

This elixir can be used as a follow-up auction item, and it is not of much use for him to take it himself.

After the transformation of the system, and the possession of two chaotic level martial souls, Lu Yun's talent can be called a must.

Even after taking this high-level talent improvement pill, it doesn't have much effect.

This talent enhancement pill can be given to the soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion first.

As for what to do next, let's think about it later.

Lu Yun didn't know too much about the remaining things. After all, they didn't look very precious as a whole.

Lu Yun noticed the first thing he drew: Buddha beads.

Afterwards, Lu Yun's eyes showed the specific introduction of Futuzhu.

[Futu Bead: The meaning of the Buddha, to educate the world...]

A moment later, when Lu Yun understood the specific function of the Futu Pearl clearly, there was an unconcealable joy in his eyes.

Although there are so many introductions, generally speaking, this Buddha Pearl belongs to the treasure of spiritual attributes.

As for what level the Futu Pearl is, Lu Yun is not clear either.

Thinking about it is also an extraordinary thing!

Even the most precious thing in Douluo Continent cannot compare with it.

The amulet bead is a treasure that integrates offense and defense, not only can it resist other people's mental attacks, but also to a certain extent resist other forms of attacks.

Apart from attack, the most terrifying power of the Buddha Pearl is the power of the Buddha, which belongs to the highest power and can naturally destroy everything.

Especially the mental attribute attack, which was unleashed by Buddha Pearl, no one could resist this berserk mental power.

One of the most important functions of the Buddha Pearl is that it can enslave anyone.

It is absolutely possible to release a burst of Buddha power through the Buddha Pearl and enter the spiritual sea of ​​a soul master or soul beast.

He will definitely obey the instructions of the owner of the Buddha Pearl, and cannot give birth to any resistance.

This is the heaven-defying feature of this Buddha Pearl, no matter how powerful you are, you cannot break free from the restrictions of the Buddha Pearl.

If Lu Yun had obtained this Buddha Orb earlier, then the former Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Lu Yun would not have talked nonsense with him.

Directly use the Buddha Pearl to control it, then there will be no hidden dangers.

The Buddha Orb can ignore any difference in strength. Any low-level soul master can control a soul master who is countless times stronger than him by using the Buddha Orb.

This is the strength of Futu Pearl, which can be easily compensated by non-strength.

Lu Yun carefully put away the Buddha Pearl.

This is considered a top-notch treasure, put it away first, maybe it will be of great use in the future.

Later, Lu Yun noticed one of the products, which was the mysterious seed.

In the name of the system, hang the word mysterious.

not simple!
Lu Yun is full of expectations for this mysterious seed, hoping that it can bring him a surprise.

[Mysterious Seed: The lotus seed of the Twelve Grade Pure World Divine Lotus. 】

When Lu Yun saw the introduction of this mysterious seed, he was dumbfounded. Such a one-line introduction caused a storm in Lu Yun's heart.

He was right!

This mysterious seed turned out to be the lotus seed of the twelfth-grade pure world divine lotus, how could it be?

After all, he knew that the twelfth-grade Pure World Divine Lotus was something in the mythology, extremely powerful and extraordinary.

Not to mention the Douluo Continent, even a more powerful plane can't withstand a trace of aura from the twelfth-rank Pure World Divine Lotus.

He never thought that his luck would be so against the heavens, that he would win the lotus seeds of the twelfth-grade Pure World Divine Lotus.

After Lu Yun was excited, after some thinking, he probably knew the current predicament.

After all, the Twelfth Grade Pure World Divine Lotus is just a lotus seed, and the power of Douluo Continent is not enough to make it grow into a real Twelfth Grade Pure World Divine Lotus.

Even if it really grows into a perfect body, I am afraid that the Douluo Continent will be destroyed and cease to exist.

Lu Yun understands the power of the twelfth-grade pure world lotus. It has the power to purify the world and can purify all evil in the world.

"System, with the current situation in Douluo Continent, can this twelfth-grade Pure World Divine Lotus grow normally?"

Lu Yun remembered a key point. After all, this is just a lotus seed. If you want it to grow, you don't know how much energy you need to consume.

Maybe he couldn't let the twelfth-grade Pure World Divine Lotus grow up at all.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun was inevitably a little disappointed. With such a top-notch treasure, there is no way to make it grow, not to mention how depressed it is.

[The existence of the twelfth-grade Pure World Divine Lotus is far beyond what Douluo Continent can bear, so even if all the power of Douluo Continent is sacrificed, it will not be able to make the Twelfth-Rank Pure World Divine Lotus grow into its heyday. 】

[If the host is willing to consume most of the energy, you can also let the twelfth-grade Jingshi Shenlian grow a few lotus petals, and the host will need to feed a lot of resources in the future. One day, the twelfth-grade Jingshi Shenlian will really step forward into maturity. 】

As soon as the words fell, the cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Lu Yun nodded lightly, it seems that he still guessed right.

Sure enough, it still can't be done!

Fortunately, it seems that he can use the resources he has to make the twelve-grade pure world lotus grow a petal, and he will continue to feed a large amount of resources in the follow-up.

One day, the twelfth-grade pure lotus will bloom with twelve petals, reappearing the power of the pure world.

Lu Yun dodged and disappeared in place in an instant, preparing to plant the lotus seeds of the twelfth-grade Pure World Divine Lotus in the secret realm of chaos.

After all, in the secret realm of chaos, he can continuously use the power of rules to evolve some energy and inject it into the lotus seeds to make it grow faster.

Lu Yun teleported into the chaotic secret realm, and his spiritual power enveloped the entire chaotic secret realm. He found that some soul masters hunted and killed the soul beasts inside to increase the lifespan of their soul rings.

Afterwards, with a big wave of Lu Yun's hand, he sent all the soul masters out of the chaotic secret realm.

The sound transmission was sent to Dugu Bo, asking him to tell the other soul masters that the secret realm of chaos was temporarily closed for a few days.

He intends to plant the lotus seeds of the twelfth-grade Pure World Divine Lotus, and no one knows what will happen next.

Just in case, send all the soul masters out, and open the secret realm of chaos after everything is known.

Lu Yun came to the center of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye, and seeing the surroundings of the Soul Yuan Yushu, the soul power was extremely strong.

This place is very suitable for the growth of the Twelve-Rank Pure World Divine Lotus.

From the system space, Lu Yun took out the lotus seeds of the previous [-]th grade Pure World Divine Lotus.

A gray lotus seed appeared in the right hand, and there was no leakage of any breath on the surface.

If Lu Yun didn't know the identity of this lotus seed, he might have regarded it as an ordinary seed.

Immediately, Lu Yun gradually placed the lotus seeds on the surface of the water in the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi.

Lu Yun knew exactly how vast the heaven-defying divine power of the Twelve-Rank Pure World Divine Lotus was.

Even if it is just a lotus seed at this time, relying on the power in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, it can't cause any damage to the lotus seed.

For the time being, Lu Yun plans to use the power in the entire chaotic secret realm to force the lotus seeds to grow up.

With a wave of his big hand, the power of rules that instantly controls the entire chaotic secret realm, and a steady stream of soul power, gather and go from all directions towards the top of the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye.

(End of this chapter)

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