Chapter 168

"Of course, these strengths are permanent improvements. This Nirvana Pill only has the effect of one Nirvana."

Xuanshuang told everyone the specific function of Nirvana Pill.

After the soul masters present heard the specific function of this Nirvana Pill, everyone showed horror. This Nirvana Pill must be too heaven-defying.

On the verge of death, not only can he return to his heyday, but his strength will be even higher after Nirvana rebirth. How can this not shock everyone present?
"I would like to ask, taking this Nirvana Pill and succeeding in Nirvana at the moment of death, to what level can the specific strength be raised?"

Suddenly, one of the soul masters asked the doubt in his heart.

Taking Nirvana Pill will improve one's strength, this is just a general concept.

It is not clear how much strength can be improved after taking this Nirvana Pill and finally succeeding in Nirvana?
"After taking the Nirvana Pill, there won't be any changes at the beginning. This Nirvana Pill will only be triggered successfully when you are on the verge of death."

"According to the specific medicinal effect of this Nirvana Pill, a strong person who has just broken through the Title Douluo, after successful Nirvana, his own soul power level can reach 92, or even 93."

"As for soul masters below the Title Douluo level, you should be able to guess how many levels of soul power they can increase after successfully nirvana."

Xuanshuang continued to mysteriously explain to everyone the defying nature of this Nirvana Pill.

After a strong Titled Douluo succeeds in Nirvana, his soul power can be raised by about three levels, let alone a soul master below the title Douluo, it is more than enough to increase his soul power by five levels.

Therefore, everyone's heart set off a stormy sea.

It's so shocking!
It takes a long time for a titled Douluo powerhouse to increase his soul power by one level.

It can be as short as one year and as long as several years.

Who knew that this Nirvana Pill, after successfully Nirvana, could save several years of hard work, how could this not impress the hearts of the soul masters present?

And this Nirvana Pill is equivalent to another life.

Everyone's breathing became rapid, and they looked greedily at the Nirvana Pill in Xuanshuang's right hand, wishing to take it for themselves immediately.

But this is the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and they dare not make a random move, for fear that their lives will be lost in the next moment.

"These are the effects of this Nirvana Pill. Of course, these effects are only conservative. Although it is unpredictable to what extent it will reach in the end, the effect will definitely not be lower than what I introduced."

"The first auction price of this Nirvana Pill is 15 soul crystals."

Finally, Xuanshuang announced the first auction price of this Nirvana Pill.

As soon as Xuanshuang's words fell, the entire Xingdou Auction Pavilion erupted into today's shouts, bidding for this Nirvana Pill one after another.

After all, the effect of this Nirvana Pill is really too powerful.

It is the only treasure that can make all the soul masters present extremely moved.

Some of them didn't need the previous auction items, but this Nirvana Pill was something everyone longed for.

Not only can the strength be greatly improved, but also a life can be saved. No one can keep calm.

"15 soul crystals!"

"16 soul crystals!"


In this way, the price of this Nirvana Pill soared all the way, even at an extremely fast speed, which made most soul masters secretly speechless.

But after a little thought, they probably understood.

If you want to blame, blame this Nirvana Pill, it is too precious.


The box where the Spirit Hall is located.

Bibi Dong stared at the Nirvana Pill in Xuanshuang's right hand with bright eyes, and there was a look of certainty in her eyes.

"This Nirvana Pill must be taken, no matter what the price is."

Bibi Dong turned to Ju Douluo and the others and told them that no matter how many soul crystals they paid, they must take this Nirvana Pill.

The effect of this Nirvana Pill on her is really too great, which is related to the success of her follow-up plan.

Earlier, she bought a pill from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Originally, she wanted to rely on her own strength to prove herself as a god, but she has successfully passed on the test of the Rakshasa God.

Some time ago, Bibi Dong had been trying to figure out how to escape the divine test intact.

In the Star Auction Pavilion, the Nirvana Pill auctioned this time gave her a great opportunity.

Originally, she was a little worried, but if she said this matter rashly, she might arouse the killing intent of Rakshasa God. She has not become a god-level powerhouse, so how could she be the opponent of a real god?

That's why Bibi Dong was hesitant, but this Nirvana Pill was able to complete Nirvana when she was dying, and solved her worries.

Even if the Rakshasa God does something to her, she can completely achieve Nirvana, and perhaps relying on the magic pill in her body, she will have the opportunity to truly break through to the god-level powerhouse at the time of Nirvana.

This is also the reason why Bibi Dong chose to photograph this Nirvana Pill without hesitation.

As for the rest of the forces, everyone's motives are not pure, but without exception, they all want to take this Nirvana Pill.

Therefore, the level of competition for this Nirvana Pill is unprecedentedly fierce, far exceeding all previous auction items.

When Gu Yuena in Box No. [-] saw this Nirvana Pill, ripples rang through her heart.

I kept thinking in my heart, should I take this Nirvana Pill?
"My lord, can this Nirvana Pill really have such a heaven-defying effect as the Xingdou Auction Pavilion introduced?"

At this time, Ditian expressed his inner doubts.

Although he was also extremely shocked by the real effect of this Nirvana Pill, he was not sure whether this Nirvana Pill was real or not.

"Master, if this Nirvana Pill is really as described in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, then can you use this Nirvana Pill to successfully heal your injury completely?"

Suddenly, Ditian didn't know what he thought of, looked at Gu Yuena with surprise on his face, and said softly.

This is what Di Tian thought in his mind, since the dying person can be successfully nirvana, then the wounds in his master's body should have a chance to heal.

"It's unlikely. Although the injuries in my body are extremely serious, they won't be on the verge of death, which doesn't meet the trigger conditions for this Nirvana Pill."

Hearing this, Gu Yuena shook her head secretly, expressing that this Nirvana Pill was of little use to her.

Since the owner of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion told her earlier that there will be something she needs in this auction, it should not be this Nirvana Pill.

"This Nirvana Pill is not very useful to me, but it is also a rare treasure in the world. Try to take it, and it must not fall into the hands of human soul masters."

Afterwards, Gu Yuena said to Di Tian with a serious face.

This Nirvana Pill cannot cheapen human soul masters for nothing, this Nirvana Pill can completely create a top powerhouse

Gu Yuena also didn't want another top powerhouse to appear among the human soul masters. The threat to the soul beast clan would be too great.

(End of this chapter)

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