Chapter 169 70 Soul Crystals

Every faction has a different view on this Nirvana Pill.

Although there were many thoughts in their hearts, everyone honestly shouted out the sky-defying price and participated in this competition.

10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye!
The price of this Nirvana Pill soared to 40 soul crystals, and the price even rose faster.

For a while, almost no forces chose to withdraw from this competition. Of course, unless those own soul crystals were not powerful enough, they would choose not to participate in this competition.

"50 soul crystals!"

At this moment, Bibi Dong immediately called out 50 soul crystals, intending to take this Nirvana Pill.

After all, this Nirvana Pill is related to her plan to become a god, and other forces must not be allowed to get it.

No matter the price she pays, Bibi Dong is not willing to give up this Nirvana Pill to others.

"52 soul crystals!"

Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also followed the price, and he would not give up on this Nirvana Pill easily.

This is a treasure, if you miss it, you may never have the chance to encounter a similar treasure in the future.

"55 soul crystals!"

Yu Yuanzhen of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family immediately raised the price by [-] soul crystals, and also wanted to get this Nirvana Pill.

Immediately afterwards, the top forces in the Douluo Continent, such as the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, participated in the competition one after another.

This Nirvana Pill is really too precious!

Just like that, the atmosphere at the scene once again fell into a dignified state, and everyone tried their best to compete for this Nirvana Pill.

As for the soul masters who withdrew from this competition before, everyone was secretly dumbfounded, this auction is really too fierce.

There is an idea in my heart, how unrealistic will the final transaction price of this Nirvana Pill be?


In the NO.12 box.

A group of people were sitting, it was Bo Saixi and others who came from Sea God Island.

"Great offering, it seems that the auction items in the Douluo Continent Auction are countless times more precious than our Sea God Island!"

At this moment, Seahorse Douluo at the side sighed secretly when he saw this scene.

Sea God Island has also experienced several small auctions in the past few months, but even if it is the finale auction, there is no way to compare with these two items.

Seahorse Douluo is more envious of the soul masters in Douluo Dalu, who can often see such top treasures.

If he can obtain these treasures, it will be a breeze to improve his strength.

However, as a titled Douluo powerhouse of Sea God Island, with the task of protecting Sea God Island, he would naturally not leave Sea God Island and stay in Douluo Continent for a long time.

"Indeed, each of these two treasures is rare in the world. I have never seen this type of treasure before."

"However, according to my perception, the powerful Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in these boxes even have a few auras that even surprised me. It seems that the development of the mainland in recent years has far exceeded my expectations."

Bo Saixi sighed leisurely, and agreed with Seahorse Douluo.

After all, with these two things, even she couldn't keep calm.

She didn't bid immediately, because she had a hunch that there would be more precious treasures waiting for her to auction.

Once again, Bo Saixi's view of Douluo Dalu's overall strength has changed.

When she first came to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, she was naturally able to detect a few hidden auras, even on par with her.

Now for some reason, she couldn't sense the aura of those people, all this should be the method of Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"Then... Grand Priest, do you want us to go to the Star Dou Forest frequently in the future to participate in the auctions held here? After all, the auction items on Sea God Island are far less rare than those on the mainland."

Sea Dragon Douluo also expressed his thoughts, very much looking forward to Bo Saixi leading them to come here every month to participate in the auction held by the Star Auction Pavilion.


Hearing that, Bo Saixi didn't think too much, and directly agreed with Sea Dragon Douluo's opinion.

The things that were brought out at the auction held on the mainland were too precious, and there was no hidden danger in a short period of time.

If things go on like this, Douluo Continent will develop vigorously, but their Seagod Island will stand still and it will be difficult to move forward.

Then there might be unknown dangers in the future Seagod Island.

Bo Saixi can only come here regularly to participate in the auctions held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

I hope that the overall strength of Seagod Island can be improved, so even if we face a big crisis in the future, we don't have to worry about it.

After hearing what Bo Saixi said, Sea Dragon Douluo and Seahorse Douluo looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

The auction was still going on fiercely, and the price soared all the way.

"70 soul crystals!"

After a long time, Bibi Dong took a deep breath, and decisively shouted out 70 soul crystals, which is a sky-high price.

It can be said that this price has far exceeded Bibi Dong's expected price, but these 70 soul crystals are all the soul crystals she condensed in the past three months.

During the three months, she often digested the medicinal effects of the magic pill, and didn't have much time to condense the soul crystal.

Even so, as a soul master who is about to step into the god level, the speed at which she can condense soul crystals can be called the best in the Douluo Continent.

Bibi Dong was thinking deeply, the next few auction items should not be her fate, she must take this Nirvana Pill.

As long as she succeeds in Nirvana and becomes a god-level powerhouse, the forces of Douluo Dalu must submit to the feet of Wuhundian.

She believed that the follow-up Star Dou Auction Pavilion would definitely bring out more precious treasures, and the top priority was to become a god as soon as possible.

She had no choice but to give up the next few auction items, and she had to take this Nirvana Pill.


At the sky-defying price of 70 soul crystals, the moment the soul masters present were in an uproar, they all shut their mouths and withdrew from the competition.

Exclaiming the sky-defying price of 70 soul crystals!

so horrible.

Even if some forces can offer so many soul realms, they dare not gamble. No one knows how many soul crystals will exist in the force that calls out this price.

"70 soul crystals once!"

"70 soul crystals twice!"

"70 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, this Nirvana Pill will belong to Box No. [-]."

After repeatedly confirming that no one would continue to increase the price, Xuanshuang announced the final ownership of this Nirvana Pill, which was taken by Bibi Dong.

After the second auction item was over, Xuanshuang did not stop and continued with the auction of the third auction item.


With a wave of Xuanshuang's hand, a light curtain completely formed by water droplets appeared in front of everyone in an instant, forming a huge water curtain.

In an instant, the water curtain suddenly shattered, turning into drops of liquid, and suddenly condensed into a ball, suspended in Xuanshuang's right hand.

In this sphere, a powerful water element power is emitted.

(End of this chapter)

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