Chapter 172 Bo Saixi Wins

"90 soul crystals!"

At this moment, the astonishing price was reported in the second box, which made everyone on the field look shocked.

90 soul crystals!
This is outrageous.

The previous person's bid reached 85 soul crystals, but in the second box, the price was raised by [-] soul crystals directly, causing almost all the forces to show horror.

Hesitating for a while, wondering whether to continue to increase the price?

The people in the second box were exactly Bo Saixi and the others.

"Great offering, these soul crystals are all the soul crystals on the three of us. I wonder if we can take down the source of this water element?"

Seahorse Douluo said to Bo Saixi with a worried face, telling them about their current situation.

And these 90 soul crystals are all the soul crystals they brought with them this time.

If someone continues to increase the price, then they can only miss this heaven-defying treasure.

At this time, Bo Saixi and the others were extremely helpless, and they did not expect that this treasure from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was so precious.

In the auction held on Sea God Island, even if it was the finale auction item, it was not as good as this item.

The auction items that appear on Sea God Island are not very precious, and there is no way to compare with the auction items here.

As a result, the few of them didn't bring too many soul crystals, and they only had 90 soul crystals in total.

If they knew that the auction items in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion were so precious this time, they would have chosen to bring more soul crystals, see this auction.

This is the end of the matter, there is no way to undo it!
I can only pray in my heart, hoping that other forces will give up this competition.

Under the anxious mood of Bo Saixi and others, the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion fell into silence, and no one chose to increase the price immediately.

As time passed, there was still no bid. After seeing this situation, Bo Saixi breathed a sigh of relief.

According to this situation, she should be stable at the source of this water element.

"90 soul crystals once!"

"90 soul crystals twice!"

"90 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, the source of this water element belongs to the second box."

After Xuanshuang confirmed again and again, no one continued to increase the price, announcing that the source of the water element was taken by Bo Saixi.

After a while, Bo Saixi and Xuanshuang paid the money and delivered the goods.

The interior of the second box was filled with strong water elemental power. Bo Saixi had the water elemental source suspended in his right hand, and felt that it contained a powerful water elemental power, and couldn't help being extremely horrified in his heart.

What kind of power is this, it is countless times purer than the Seagod's power.

There is a supreme power mixed in this water element source, which makes her feel very frightened.

This made Bo Saixi realize that the source of the water element is really as precious as the Star Dou Auction Pavilion introduced!
Spending 90 soul crystals to win it was not a loss, and even made a fortune.

"The origin of this water element is really against the sky, so close, I can feel the desire of the martial spirit."

Seahorse Douluo and Sea Dragon Douluo looked at the source of the water element in Bo Saixi's hands in surprise, and felt the strong power of the water element in the air, which was very suitable for their cultivation.

"Indeed, this kind of treasure is very suitable to stay on our Sea God Island."

"Next, I will place this water element source in the Sea God Temple. At that time, all of you will try to comprehend this water element source, which will make your strength even stronger."

A moment later, a thoughtful look flashed in Bo Saixi's eyes, and she made an astonishing decision.

He didn't choose to swallow it himself, but chose to benefit the many soul masters of Sea God Island.

Although she also wanted to swallow the source of this water element completely to improve her strength.

But she had to face the fact that she was the great enshrinement of Sea God Island, the guardian of Sea God Island, and she had never been able to step into the realm of the gods throughout her life.

Unless Lord Seagod personally takes action, but such hope is so slim, instead of wasting this water element source, it is better to leave it on Seagod Island to benefit the soul masters of Seagod Island.

When the inheritor of the Sea God appeared and completed her own mission, the Sea God Island would be guarded by others.

"Great priest, you...don't you take this water element source? Then you really have hope, and you can step into the god-level realm!"

As soon as the words fell, Sea Dragon Douluo asked Bo Saixi with a surprised face. He really didn't understand what Bo Saixi's purpose was for doing this.
Seahorse Douluo at the side also showed a puzzled expression, very incomprehensible of what Bo Saixi did.

"I know my own situation. Even if I take this water element source, the chance of becoming a god is too small. I am in the Sea God Island, and I can use the power of the Sea God. As long as it is not a god-level powerhouse, I am invincible Existence, so whether or not I control the power of the water element is of little use to me."

"It's better for you to participate in the origin of this water element. By then, your control over the water element will be improved to a higher level, and your strength will be quickly improved."

Afterwards, Bo Saixi casually found a reason, and said to Seahorse Douluo and Sea Dragon Douluo, letting them accept this matter with peace of mind.

Regarding this matter, Bo Saixi didn't say much.

Hearing this explanation, Sea Dragon Douluo and Seahorse Douluo frowned, and fell into deep thought.

These words, no matter how I feel that something is wrong!

Soon the two fell into silence, very unaware of Bo Saixi's actions.

But they also knew that since Bo Saixi had spoken out, there was no way to change it. It seemed that this matter was finalized.

However, there was a hint of joy in the hearts of the two of them. With this source of water element, their own strength can definitely be greatly increased.

How could this not excite the two of them?

At this time, the two ignored the matter and prepared to watch the next auction.

According to the rules of the auction, the subsequent items that are still being auctioned should be countless times more precious than the first two items. I don't know what kind of treasure it is?

What happened in the second box is unknown to others.

Spending 90 soul crystals to photograph the origin of the water element still caused other forces to wait and see.

Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

"Which faction is sitting in the second box, and why did it spend so many soul crystals to take it down? And it is definitely not easy for a force to take out so many soul crystals."

Wisdom flashed in Ning Fengzhi's eyes, and he began to analyze the situation in the second box.

After all, the price of 90 soul crystals is really terrifying.

The power that can produce these soul crystals must have a titled Douluo level powerhouse.

What he didn't understand was, who was the Titled Douluo in the second box?

(End of this chapter)

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