Chapter 173 God Level Martial Spirit
After knowing this situation, Ning Fengzhi fell into hesitation.

He also doesn't know which titled Douluo in Douluo Continent has the martial spirit of water element?
Although any soul master can take this water element essence, there is no doubt that the soul master of the water element martial soul will have greater benefits if he takes it.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo at the side were equally serious, and began to think about the strong man in the second box, especially the titled Douluo strong man.

When they delivered the goods just now, they clearly sensed a brand-new Title Douluo aura, and they had no impression of it based on their investigations.

In other words, the strong man in the No. [-] box had never fought against the two of them, and they hadn't even met each other.

For the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, a new titled Douluo powerhouse appeared in the Douluo Continent. This is definitely not a good thing.

Not a moment later, Ning Fengzhi didn't pay any attention to this matter.

After this auction is over, he will naturally know how strong the person in the second box is.

As for the top experts in the other boxes, they almost had the same idea as Ning Fengzhi, everyone was very curious about the people in the second box.


This situation did not last for too long. When Xuanshuang took out the fourth auction item, everyone's eyes returned to the auction itself.

Xuanshuang waved his hand, and a green ball appeared in front of him.

Inside this sphere is a shrunken tree, and the branches and leaves all over the sky contain an indescribable breath of life.

Even in this sphere, it cannot conceal the extremely powerful vitality of this tree.

When the soul masters present saw Xuanshuang taking out the fourth auction item, everyone's eyes were focused on the front.

All of a sudden, most of the soul masters remembered that an unbelievable idea emerged in their hearts about the auction items that had been auctioned before.

" it the same as the previous auction item, a kind of martial soul?"

Most of the soul masters couldn't help but have an idea in their hearts.

The Martial Soul that was auctioned before also had such a scene. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that their guess was extremely correct.

However, they were very curious about this martial soul, is it the same level as the previous martial soul?
Belonging to the top martial soul?
Thinking about it this way, it seems possible, but the preciousness of a top martial soul seems to be really not comparable to an auction item.

Therefore, there was a doubt in everyone's mind.

Seeing the curious look in everyone's eyes, Xuanshuang didn't continue to show off, and then introduced the fourth auction item to everyone.

"When you see this ball, you should be able to guess what it is."

"That's right, this is a martial soul. Since this martial soul can be the fourth auction item in this auction, its value will definitely not be lower than the first three auction items."

"The name of this martial soul is: Ancient Tree of Life, and it is an extremely rare healing martial soul in Douluo Continent. This martial soul is not a top-level martial soul."

"It's...a god-level martial soul!"

Xuanshuang roughly introduced the name and specific type of the martial soul in the ball to everyone.

When Xuanshuang said that the ancient tree of life spirit was a god-level spirit, all the soul masters present were dumbfounded, staring blankly at the ball in front of Xuanshuang.

Horror filled his eyes!

Did they hear it right?
God level martial soul!

This is too bad!

Although most soul masters didn't know the existence of god-level martial souls before, but because the Star Dou Auction Pavilion had introduced god-level martial souls before.

But they didn't expect that this time the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would actually put a god-level martial soul up for auction, which is so shocking!
It is also a Martial Soul with the attribute of life.

On the whole, this kind of martial soul belongs to the auxiliary type martial soul, and this level of auxiliary martial soul can also be called the best in the world.

This made everyone very curious about how powerful this god-level auxiliary system martial soul would be.

"how is this possible!"

"It's actually a god-level martial soul..."

At this moment, when Bibi Dong heard Xuanshuang's introduction and learned that this ball was a god-level martial soul, waves of waves surged in her heart.

how could be?

It's actually a god-level martial soul, what on earth is the Star Dou Auction Pavilion going to do, the things that are brought out become more and more precious.

At this moment, Bibi Dong regretted spending so many soul crystals to get the Nirvana Pill.

Although Nirvana Pill has indescribable benefits to her, this god-level martial soul is also extremely heaven-defying.

She has two top-level martial spirits herself, but she does not have a god-level martial spirit. She knows very well how powerful a god-level martial spirit is.

Therefore, she also wanted to take down this ancient tree of life and become the first owner of the three-life martial soul in the history of Douluo Continent.

It's a pity that she doesn't have enough soul crystals to participate in this competition.

"You don't need to wait for the last auction item, the three of you work together to take down this god-level martial soul, and don't let it fall into the hands of other forces."

Bibi Dong realized the importance of this auction item, and gave serious orders to Ju Douluo and the other three beside her, with a solemn tone unprecedented.

A god-level martial soul, if nothing else happens, will lead to the birth of a god.

This god-level spirit must be in the hands of their spirit hall. If it is taken away by other forces, it may not take many years for a new god to be born in Douluo Continent.

It is very unfavorable for their Wuhundian to dominate the Douluo Continent.

No matter which way you think about it, this god-level spirit must be obtained by the Spirit Hall.

Although this ancient life tree martial soul is an auxiliary martial soul of the life attribute, it is a god-level martial soul after all, which is rare in the world.

Douluo Continent has top-level auxiliary spirits, similar to Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, Nine Heart Begonia, etc. These auxiliary spirits are very powerful.

It's hard to imagine, to what extent can a god-level auxiliary martial soul go against the sky?

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope!"

Ju Douluo and the others responded firmly after hearing Bibi Dong's order.

Agreeing with Bibi Dong's idea, he will get this god-level martial soul at all costs.

The eyes of the three of them stared sharply at the Wuhun in front of Xuanshuang, always ready to participate in this fierce competition.

"It's actually a god-level martial soul, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really a big deal!"

When Ning Fengzhi saw this scene, his breathing became very short of breath.

With bright eyes, he looked at the ancient tree of life, Martial Soul, in front of Xuanshuang.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, why on earth did the Star Dou Auction Pavilion put all god-level martial souls up for auction.

His heart couldn't even react!

If the first three auction items are rare in the world, then this god-level martial soul is not weaker than the first three auction items.

Even in some aspects, it is even stronger than the first three auction items.

Possessing a god-level martial soul, if there are no accidents in the future, he can definitely become a new god.

What a temptation!

None of the soul masters present was willing to reject this god-level martial soul.

(End of this chapter)

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