Chapter 184
At this time in the deepest part of the land of the extreme north.

Suddenly, a figure appeared. This person was dressed in a long green skirt, but exuded a powerful icy aura.

This person is the second expert in the extreme north, the nearly 40-year-old ice jade emperor crab.

Also known as the Ice Emperor, it is a very powerful ice-attribute beast. In the extreme north, its strength is second only to the Snow Emperor.

Bingdi rushed forward with an anxious expression, wanting to tell Xuedi the news she had just received.

After all, this matter is really too important.

Before the Ice Empress walked towards the ice-blue palace in front, a woman in a white dress suddenly walked up to her.

With an air of aloofness, it seemed that even the world was overshadowed.

This woman is the true master of the extreme north, the ice and snow girl of nearly 70 years, the Snow Empress.

"Ice Empress, why are you in such a hurry?"

Xuedi saw the current state of Bingdi, and immediately asked in doubt.

After all, Ice Empress has practiced for so many years, and her state of mind has long been as calm as water, and there is nothing worthy of her being so moved.

But today...

Could it be that something big has changed in the extreme north?
Otherwise, after so many years of cultivation, how could the Ice Emperor lose his composure like today?
Thinking of this, Xuedi's huge mental power instantly covered the entire northern land, and after searching, he still couldn't find any source of the mutation.

"Xuedi, something is wrong!"

The moment Ice Empress saw Snow Empress, she hurriedly shouted.

After hearing Bingdi's flustered tone, Xuedi's expression became even more puzzled, so he listened to Bingdi's explanation next.

Wanting to see what happened to make Bingdi so flustered.

In this way, the Ice Emperor told the Snow Emperor all the news she found out when she went to the world of human soul masters to investigate when she had nothing to do before.

These news include Soul Crystal, Soul Soul, Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and a series of auction items revealed before.

"What you said is true, all these things were done by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?"

After a long time, Xue Di became extremely shocked in his heart.

I can't believe she heard everything, but she knows Bingdi's character and won't deceive her because of these trivial things.

Then there is only one possibility, and all of this is true.

Xuedi, who knew the truth, couldn't keep calm.

Never thought that during her several years of retreat, Douluo Continent would undergo such earth-shaking changes.

The more he thought about it, the bad premonition in Xue Di's heart became stronger and stronger.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion belongs to the power of human soul masters. Over time, Douluo Continent soul masters have obtained some treasures from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

At that time, the strength of human soul masters will definitely be improved to a higher level. How will it make it difficult for their soul beasts to continue to survive?
Xuedi fell into deep thought, what should she do?

"No wonder the concentration of soul power in Douluo Continent has increased so much, maybe the source of all this has something to do with the Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"

At this moment, Xue Di suddenly remembered that before she finished her retreat, she felt that the concentration of soul power in Douluo Dalu had increased by more than a hundred times.

After thinking about the series of feats done by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it is determined that the change in the concentration of soul power must be related to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Being able to change the concentration of soul power between the heaven and the earth in Douluo Continent, this method of Star Dou Auction Pavilion is a bit too powerful.

Is this really a force created by human soul masters?It's incredible.

"Okay, so what should we do next?"

Bingdi hurriedly asked Xuedi, the development of soul masters is really too fast.

Perhaps in a few years, soul masters will step into the extreme north, and the homeland they rely on for survival will also be bombarded by human soul masters, and it will be reduced to ruins.

This scene is not what the Ice Empress would like to see.

"Wait and see what happens for now, and wait for the next time the two of us go to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion."

"The Star Dou Auction Pavilion does not prohibit soul beasts from participating in the auction, maybe we can get the answer we want from the next auction."

Xue Di took a deep breath, his thoughts were full of thoughts, and he ignored this matter after a while.

Wait until the next time I go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to reveal all the answers.

I hope that the next trip to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will not disappoint them.

After hearing Xuedi's answer, Ice Empress didn't say anything, and agreed with what to do next.

Only by going deep into the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, can they know everything they want to know.

Not a moment later, Snow Empress and Ice Empress left this place and returned to the ice-blue palace.

Start to gather a large number of soul crystals according to the soul crystal condensing method circulated in the Douluo Continent, and prepare for the trip to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in a month's time.

In case they come across a treasure that is beneficial to cultivation, they can also auction it off.

This little episode that happened in the extreme north is unknown to the soul masters of Douluo Dalu.


Wuhun Temple.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Spirit Hall became very solemn, Bibi Dong had already ordered before to summon a large number of soul masters.

The Wuhundian staff who don't know why are very puzzled!

Only the real top powerhouses of the Wuhundian know why Wuhundian has to summon a large number of soul masters during this period.

With a serious expression on her face, Bibi Dong walked away from the Pope's Palace, walking in the direction of the Shrine.

Bibi Dong had a plan in mind, that is to use the hands of the Temple of Enshrinement to get rid of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and get what she wanted.

She has the suppression of the divine test on her body, and she paid a lot of price last time when she made a rash move.

Therefore, in order to completely eliminate the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect this time, it would be very difficult for her to do it herself.

You can only ask the Title Douluo from the Hall of Enshrinement to take action, so that you can be sure.

This time, Bibi Dong would not let Ning Fengzhi and the others escape from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School safe and sound.

As for coming to the hall of worship this time, Bibi Dong naturally has a way to get Qian Daoliu out.

She didn't believe that the old guy from Qian Daoliu could let go of this opportunity.

Just like that, Bibi Dong walked into the worship hall with heavy steps.

He saw a man sitting cross-legged under the tall angel statue in front of him, and it was the Limit Douluo of Wuhun Temple: Qian Daoliu.

"You came to the worship hall, what's the matter?"

Sensing Bibi Dong's arrival, Qian Daoliu stood up slowly, turned around and looked at Bibi Dong solemnly.

I was very curious in my heart, why Bibi Dong came to the worship hall.

He didn't believe that Bibi Dong would go to the Hall of Three Treasures if he had nothing to do.

"I came here just to tell you good news."

Bibidong said to Qian Daoliu with a smile on her face.


Hearing these words, Qian Daoliu became even more puzzled, and always had a bad premonition in his heart.

Bibi Dong would be so kind?

(End of this chapter)

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