Chapter 185 A Thousand Ways Flow Out of the Mountain

"I know that there is a god-level martial soul in the hands of a certain faction. This is an auction item that was previously taken from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

"I believe you are very interested in this god-level martial spirit!"

At this time, Bibi Dong directly told Qian Daoliu the news, but she didn't say that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School had a god-level martial soul.

She wanted Qian Daoliu to take down this god-level martial spirit, but she knew that the price of doing so was that she probably had no chance for this god-level martial spirit.

However, Qian Daoliu has a bottle of God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid in his hand, so just let him hand over the God-level Martial Soul Evolution Liquid to her.

She didn't believe that after weighing the pros and cons, Qian Daoliu would still hold this god-level martial soul evolution liquid in her hands.


Originally, Qian Daoliu was very puzzled, why Bibi Dong would tell him this news.

After he knew the good news, Qian Daoliu felt a wave of turmoil in his heart.

He heard it right!

In the hands of a certain faction, there is a god-level martial soul?
Thinking of this, Qian Daoliu's breathing became rapid.

During this period of time, he had the god-level martial soul evolution liquid in his hand, so he naturally hoped that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could auction off another martial soul.

With the help of the god-level martial soul evolution fluid, the martial soul was successfully evolved into a god-level martial soul.

Let Xiaoxue take it at that time, then Xiaoxue can become the first owner of the Douluo Continent, the owner of twin god-level martial souls.

Even Qian Daoliu dare not imagine the future achievements.

It's a pity that he also participated in the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before, and he didn't get the news of the auction of the martial soul.

This time, because of important matters in the hall of worship, everyone fell into retreat, so they missed this auction!

They never expected that they would miss such a big opportunity.

This time the Xingdou Auction Pavilion actually put out a god-level martial soul auction, how could this not shock Qian Daoliu?
As long as he knows which force has successfully photographed this god-level martial soul, then he has certain means to get his hands on the god-level martial soul.

"Tell me, what are your conditions!"

At this moment, Qian Daoliu took a deep breath, calmed down his restless mood, raised his head and asked Bibi Dong with a serious face.

He didn't believe that Bibi Dong would be so kind to tell him the news, so he asked Bibi Dong what she wanted.

"I don't have any conditions. The god-level martial soul belongs to you to decide. I only want the god-level martial soul evolution liquid in your hand!"

After hearing Qian Daoliu's words, Bibi Dong smiled lightly.

She had anticipated the occurrence of today's scene long ago, so she stated her conditions unhurriedly.

That's right!

With her current situation, with the suppression of the divine test, she definitely cannot successfully win that god-level martial soul from the hands of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

That is the only way to let Qian Daoliu do it.

If Qian Daoliu really succeeded in getting the god-level martial soul, she would have no way to get the god-level martial soul.

It's better to take the next step and take the god-level martial soul evolution liquid in Qian Daoliu's hand.

This treasure can completely give her a god-level martial soul.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong has a worry in her heart, after all, there has never been a Sansheng Wuhun owner in the history of Douluo Continent.

So she didn't dare to take the risk.

In case her body couldn't accommodate three spirits, the final price would not be something she could afford.

At present, she only hopes to obtain the god-level martial soul evolution fluid in Qian Daoliu's hands, and evolve one of her own martial souls into a god-level martial soul.

The big deal is that in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in the future, I will meet a similar treasure, and then evolve her other martial soul into a god-level martial soul.

This is the calculation in Bibi Dong's heart, to gradually improve her own strength.

"Yes, I promise you this condition!"

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu thought for a while, and then decisively agreed with Bibi Dong's idea.

His original intention for keeping the god-level martial soul evolution liquid was nothing more than to let Xiaoxue obtain a second god-level martial soul.

Since someone has a ready-made god-level martial soul, why waste time waiting for another martial soul to be auctioned by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion?

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has what you want, and I hope to get good news from you."

After Bibi Dong heard that Qian Daoliu agreed, a relaxed smile appeared on her face.

Finally, I wish Qian Daoliu a smooth completion, then turned around and returned to the Pope's Palace without hesitation.

Although it was said that this time it was the Hall of Enshrinement who made the move, just in case, Bibi Dong would not sit idly by.

This matter must be fully prepared to deal with the next attack.

Although the strength of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is not enough to make her feel threatened, she still needs to make some preparations in advance.

In this way, a shocking plan of Wuhundian was launched.

Douluo Dalu was very calm as usual, and it was not expected that after today, Douluo Dalu would usher in an earth-shattering battle.


Time passed slowly, three days passed, and the Douluo Continent was so peaceful.

However, among the top powerhouses, they noticed something was wrong. After all, the major forces were too quiet, which was a bit unusual.

Sunset Forest.

At this time, in the depths of the setting sun forest, there was a huge tiger-like soul beast, exuding a powerful ten-thousand-year soul beast coercion.

Lying lifelessly on the ground, the area was stained red with blood.

This soul beast is the Life and Death Devil Tiger, and the age of the soul beast has reached the 9-year level.

This soul beast contains rare power of life and power of death.

Therefore, this kind of soul beast is very suitable for Sword Douluo's second martial soul: the ancient tree of life.

Beside this tiger-type soul beast stood three figures, none other than Sword Douluo, Bone Douluo and Ning Fengzhi.

However, the condition of the three of them was extremely poor, and each of them had wounds of different sizes.

After all, the 9-year life-and-death devil tiger is no less powerful than the 10-year soul beast.

Even if the three of them fought together, it took a lot of effort.

Originally, the chances of victory were within their grasp, but the Demon Tiger of Life and Death unleashed the final blow, which caused them to suffer a lot of injuries.

One of the reasons why Sword Douluo and the others went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt soul beasts was that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was located in the Star Dou Forest.

Moreover, there are countless soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest!
The three of them are not absolutely sure that they can retreat from the Star Dou Forest.

So he retreated and looked for suitable soul beasts in other forests and sunset forests.

But in the end, the harvest was not cheap, and several soul beasts were hunted down, each of which was almost 5 years old.

It's a pity that after three days, Sword Douluo only absorbed five suitable ten thousand year soul beasts.

"Uncle Jian, if you absorb this 9-year life and death demon tiger soul ring, are you sure that you can successfully step into the realm of Limit Douluo?"

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi looked at the soul beast lying on the ground, took a deep breath, and asked Jian Douluo excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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