Chapter 192 Summoning Again
As long as she becomes a god-level strong, no matter how strong Ning Fengzhi and the others are, they won't be able to make waves in her hands.

The top priority is to become a god as soon as possible.


After Lu Yun returned to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he began to prepare for the auction in a month.

His eyes fell on the system's lottery drawing interface, and he planned to do another ten consecutive draws.

After all, it had been a long time since he had drawn ten times in a row, so he just took advantage of this opportunity to see if he could draw some top treasures.

Then next month's auction item will be available, and there is no need to buy it from the god-level store.

"Start ten consecutive draws!"

At this time, Lu Yun spent [-] auction points to start a ten consecutive draw.

The golden disc in his mind began to rotate violently, and golden rays of light emerged in front of Lu Yun.

When the lottery draw was completely over, Lu Yun knew the ten items drawn this time.

Lu Yun looked at the items in this lottery and was not very satisfied.

Most of the things drawn out were really ordinary, but what surprised Lu Yun the most was that.

This time he actually drew out a summoning card.

Lu Yun thought in his heart, which world's powerhouse can be summoned this time?

I just hope that the strength is not much lower than Medusa and the others.

Lu Yun put other things aside and began to prepare for the summoning, hoping that the next summoning would not disappoint him.


Lu Yun took a deep breath.


A golden card appeared in Lu Yun's right hand, and with force in his hand, the card exploded immediately.

Bursts of golden light emerged, and soon formed a golden portal in the void ahead.

A vortex extended to an unknown space, Lu Yun stood in front of the golden portal, looking forward to the scene with full expectation.

Hope this time can summon the top powerhouse.


After a while, the golden portal in front began to tremble slightly, and cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

It seems that this golden portal is about to break.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yun took a step back slightly.

There was no such scene when Medusa and others were summoned before, but what happened this time?

"System, what's going on here? Why is this golden portal tending to be destroyed soon."

Lu Yun told the system this question, hoping that the system would give him an explanation.

No one knows what kind of crisis they will face next.

【Depending on the summoned strong man, the strength of the Time-Space Gate is naturally different. This scene also shows that the host was so lucky this time that he summoned a peerless strong man. 】

[However, since the characters summoned this time exceed the limit of Douluo Dalu, they will not obey the host to a certain extent. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind, explaining the circumstances of the accident to him.

It is because the strength of the summoned strong men exceeds the limit of the golden portal.


After Lu Yun heard the answer from the system, his face was full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, this time he was able to summon an extremely strong man, and then he was extremely looking forward to it.

However, loyalty is not sure, that's a little troublesome!
However, he quickly recovered his calm. He was in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. According to the system, he was an invincible existence.

Even if such a strong person is summoned, there will be no trouble in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Lu Yun began to look forward to who would come out of the golden portal soon?

Under Lu Yun's expectant eyes, a figure suddenly came out of the golden portal.

This man was dressed in a black robe, with black hair fluttering in the wind, but his eyes were filled with supercilious look, and his whole body exuded a melancholy aura.

Surrounded by a black dragon behind him, the aura unintentionally released caused ripples in the surrounding space.

The next scene that turned pale with shock happened. The moment the man stepped out of the golden portal, the golden portal behind him instantly shattered into pieces.

Even the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion was in shock because of this man's appearance.

Fortunately, Lu Yun quickly used the invincible domain to cover up this aura, and only then did the Star Dou Auction Pavilion return to calm.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lu Yun sent a message to Medusa and the others to ignore it for the time being.


After Lu Yun saw the figure clearly, his expression was a little puzzled.

In his memory, it seems that there is no such peerless powerhouse. Could it be that he came from a brand new world.

Lu Yun quickly surrounded the invincible domain around his body, always responding to the coming crisis
It felt that the aura in the man in front of him was really too strong, it could be said that it far exceeded the limit that Douluo Continent could bear.

Lu Yun still underestimated the true strength of this man.

Lu Yun stared forward, and a line of subtitles appeared in front of him, which was the specific introduction of this man.

【Name: Tian】

[Strength: Above the God King (Sealing)]

[Information: Tian, ​​whose real name is "Black Dragon", is the lord of the Protoss, also known as "Tian"...]

After Lu Yun saw the man's specific information, he was stunned and shocked.

how could be?

He actually summoned this ruthless man.

He knew that "Tian" was a peerless figure in the Wu Geng era. It can be said that in the Wu Geng era, "Heaven" was an invincible existence.

No one can end him, only he destroys everything.

"Heaven" was the ceiling of strength in Wu Geng Ji, and he never thought that his luck was so against the sky that he successfully summoned "Heaven".

Then he looked at his specific strength, and it was exactly as he expected.

The strength has reached the realm above the god king, but it seems that he is in the seal, after some thinking, he probably understands.

Now the Douluo Continent obviously cannot bear the existence of being too strong. If "Heaven" releases all its aura, I am afraid that the entire Douluo Continent will fall into turmoil.

Lu Yun was extremely happy in his heart. With such a powerful master as "Heaven", sitting in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, even those powerful gods from the God Realm would not be able to make any waves.

This gave Lu Yun the confidence to flex his muscles.

No longer have to worry about the surveillance of the gods in the God Realm.

However, Lu Yun knew very well that for a peerless person like "Tian", it was simply impossible for him to obey his orders.

But Lu Yun, who has seen Wu Gengji, naturally knows what the weakness of "Heaven" is, and it is nothing more than his true love: Bailong.

As long as he has a way to successfully resurrect the white dragon, "Heaven" will never hurt him, and may even obey him.

Of course, Lu Yun has a way to revive Bailong. After all, the god-level shops sell all the treasures in the heavens and worlds.

As long as there are enough auction points, whether it is resurrection from the dead or the creation of the world, it is trivial.

Lu Yun put this matter aside, thinking about how to deal with this terrifying man in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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