Chapter 193 Resurrecting the White Dragon
"This is where?"

Just as Lu Yun was thinking, he saw the "sky" in front of him suddenly looking at the strange scene around him, as if he didn't pay attention to everything, and an indifferent tone came out.

"Heaven" was very curious about him suddenly coming into this world, especially the man in front of him.

Originally, he was resting in another world, but suddenly a strong sense of summoning called him.

He actually didn't want to leave that world, but when he thought about his current predicament, there was no way to resurrect in that world.

So he ventured to follow the sense of calling and came to this strange world.

Hope to find a way to cure his beloved: Bailong.

It wasn't until he came to this world that he realized that his thoughts were really naive.

He felt that the surrounding barriers in this world were too weak, and he didn't dare to use his full strength, for fear of completely destroying the whole world.

But what makes "Heaven" feel strange is that there is actually a wave of energy that completely suppresses his display of strength.

In other words, in this world, he has no way to use all his strength.

No matter how he uses any means, there is no way to smash this imprisonment.

But thinking about it a little bit, it all has something to do with the man in front of him.

If nothing else, it was the man in front of him who successfully summoned him to this world.

"This is the Douluo Continent, the Star Auction Pavilion..."

After a while, Lu Yun told "Heaven" the specific news about the world of Douluo Continent.

Seeing that "Tian" didn't attack him immediately, Lu Yun understood everything.

As for why "Tian" didn't make a move immediately, I think it was because "Tian" had been invincible for too long and was too lazy to do it.

"What is your purpose in summoning me to this world?"

"Heaven" said in a calm tone.

I am very curious about how the man in front of me summoned him from that world to the Douluo Continent?

"There is no purpose, I summoned you to Douluo Dalu because of a coincidence, but I don't know how to send you back to that world again, I'm sorry."

Lu Yun said casually that he had no way to successfully send "Heaven" back to the world of Wu Gengji.

The system must have such means, but he knows that the system will not shoot for no reason.


Hearing this, "Heaven" responded casually, without any change in expression.

In fact, "Tian" is very curious about this world. The cultivation system here is completely different from the world he lives in, and this world is really too weak.

"I see that white dragon on your shoulder is completely lifeless. I have certain means to revive it."

Lu Yun focused his eyes on the white dragon on "Tian"'s shoulder. There was no vitality in the whole body of the white dragon, but a faint aura emanating from it.

These means should be the last means left by "Heaven" on Bailong, to keep her body immortal.

One day the white dragon will also dissipate between the heaven and the earth because it cannot bear these forces.

At that time, no matter how terrifying the strength of "Heaven" has reached, there is no way to restore everything.


"Do you really have a way?"

At this moment, the black dragon's expressionless face could no longer remain calm when he heard Lu Yun's next words.

Striding forward, he stared at Lu Yun closely. Because of his unsteady breath, his body produced a violent momentum, shaking everything in an instant, and the space turned into nothingness one after another.

Lu Yun immediately used the invincible domain to calm the surrounding movement, so as not to let this momentum continue to spread.

Otherwise, the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion will definitely suffer unprecedented heavy losses.

"Of course there is a way, but it requires a considerable price."

Lu Yun touched his chin with his hand and said lightly.

He just found a kind of treasure from the god-level store, which can indeed successfully revive the white dragon, but it needs a full 200 ​​million auction points.

It can be said that the price of this treasure is really terrifying, but it seems that it is not precious enough to save a person's life.

He is a businessman, and he will not resurrect the white dragon for "Heaven" for free.

"You said, as long as you can successfully resurrect her, no matter what the price is, I can afford it."

"Tian" said to Lu Yun with a short breath, with unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

He has been waiting for this day for too long, and now there is a huge opportunity in front of him.

In any case, "Heaven" is unwilling to refuse.

"Okay, as for the price..."

"You have also seen that there are very few strong people in this world, so I need you to work for the Star Dou Auction Pavilion for ten years. As for where you will go after ten years, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will never interfere."

"Don't worry, if there is something against your wishes, you can also choose to refuse."

After a long time, Lu Yun told "Heaven" his purpose.

Letting "Tian" be his subordinate only served the Xingdou Auction Pavilion for ten years.

Ten years later, the development of Star Dou Auction Pavilion is absolutely unpredictable.

At that time, if "Tian" wanted to return to Wu Geng Jizhong, he could also let the system take action and send him back successfully.


After "Heaven" heard the answer, he agreed without thinking about it.

All he wanted in his life was to revive the white dragon!

As long as he can save Bailong and lose ten years of freedom, so what?

After Lu Yun heard this answer, a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

Immediately spent 200 million auction points to buy a Sansheng Shendan from the god-level store.

The main function of this elixir is to resurrect the dead.

In addition to the main function of the Sansheng Shendan, there are other effects. The medicinal effects in the Shendan will also make the resurrected person's strength to a higher level.

He believed that under this three-life elixir, Bailong would not only be able to be resurrected successfully, but his own strength would also be countless times stronger than before.

This is also why the price of this Three Lives God Pill can reach 200 million auction points.

After Lu Yun bought it, a white elixir suddenly appeared in the space in front of him, and a trace of white mist appeared on the surface.

An extremely extraordinary aura rippled towards the surroundings.

"This is the elixir you need. You only need to take this elixir. Not only will you be able to successfully resurrect the deceased, but your strength after resurrection will also increase countless times compared to before!"

Lu Yun handed this elixir to "Heaven", and by the way introduced the nature of this elixir.

"Thank you!"

The black dragon stared closely at the white pill in front of Lu Yun, and looked at Lu Yun gratefully.

His strength has been cultivated to the current state, so he naturally has eyesight. In his opinion, this elixir does contain a huge vitality.

It can be said that in the original world, he has never seen any treasure whose power can compare with this pill.

This made "Tian" feel a sense of hope, maybe this elixir can really revive the white dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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