Chapter 194 Soul Devouring Gu
"Heaven" carefully placed this elixir in the palm of his hand, a burst of power surged in his hand, and instantly injected this elixir into Bailong's body.

Using the huge aura in his body, he walked around Bailong's body and helped Bailong refine this three-life elixir.


Time passes slowly.

Under the astonished eyes of the two, the white dragon was slowly detached from "Tian"'s shoulders and hovered in mid-air.

The glistening white light permeated the white dragon's body, exuding endless vitality.

The death energy that was originally full of white dragon's body gradually turned into nothingness under the illumination of these white rays of light.

"This is……"

"Heaven" saw the gradual recovery of vitality in Bailong, his heart was beating, and he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

He couldn't imagine the scene in front of his eyes. Is his white dragon really going to be resurrected?
In this way, "Heaven" began to wait for the next scene.

As for Lu Yun on the side, his expression didn't change in this situation.

He is very clear about the function of this three-life elixir, and it is easy to revive a white dragon.

This cost a full 200 ​​million auction points. It's really unreasonable not to be able to revive the white dragon.

Lu Yun was also very happy to watch the next scene.

Half an hour passed, and the light on Bailong's body became stronger and stronger.

At a certain moment, a bright and huge aura instantly permeated the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion.


White light enveloped the white dragon's body, followed by a flash of light.

In front of Lu Yun and "Tian", a figure suddenly appeared.

This woman was dressed in a long white dress, her ethereal aura could not be ignored, and her white hair hung down to her waist.

"Tian" looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief, and Bailong stood in front of him alive.

"Tian" was so happy that he couldn't help but walked forward, hugged Bailong, and talked about his longing for so many years.

Lu Yun did not continue to be a light bulb, and gave this room to "Tian" and Bailong. He went to another vacant room and began to check other things he had drawn.

[Congratulations to the host for getting: a Huawei mobile phone. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a summoning card. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Emerald Swan Head Soul Bone (5 years). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: ten god-given soul rings. 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting: Martial Soul Fusion Liquid (two bottles). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Soul Power Broken Mirror Pill (Contra). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Soul Devouring Gu Worm. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Sansheng Stone. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a 10-year-old soul (random). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a Rolls-Royce. 】

Of the remaining nine items, Lu Yun is very interested in three of them.

They are Martial Soul Fusion Liquid, Sansheng Stone, and Soul Devouring Gu Worm.

These three things, just hearing the names, Lu Yun felt extremely extraordinary.

Lu Yun put his attention on the Wuhun Fusion Liquid.

With a flash of light, two bottles of liquid suddenly appeared in the right hand, and purple light spots appeared in the liquid, which looked very conspicuous overall.

[Martial soul fusion liquid: two soul masters take it, no matter what type of martial souls the two parties have, [-]% will produce a martial soul fusion skill, the specific power of the martial soul fusion skill depends on the level of the martial soul. 】

The names of the two bottles of liquid appeared in front of Lu Yun. After seeing this introduction, he nodded in satisfaction.

He knew how rare the martial soul fusion technique was for the soul masters of Douluo Dalu.

It can be said that it is extremely rare for a pair of soul masters out of [-] soul masters to be able to produce martial soul fusion skills.

First of all, the condition for forming a martial soul fusion technique is that the martial souls of the two must have a super high degree of matching.

In addition to the high degree of matching, there is another possibility that fusion skills can also be formed, that is, the martial soul attributes are equal.

It is probably these conditions that can determine whether the martial souls of two people have martial soul fusion skills.

But all of this is unclear, the martial souls of Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo gave birth to the martial soul fusion technique.

The Ancient Tree of Life and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower Martial Soul are all auxiliary Martial Souls.

The difference in level is not very big, the probability of being able to produce a martial soul fusion skill is indeed very small, but unexpectedly, it was born by the two of them by chance.

These two bottles of martial soul fusion liquid can make the martial souls of the two soul masters connect, and the final fusion degree can successfully reach 100%.

In the end, regardless of the grade of the martial soul fusion skill that was born, the power it will explode is absolutely unimaginable.

The higher the matching degree of martial soul fusion skills, the greater the power that will eventually erupt.

But Sword Douluo and Ning Fengzhi's martial soul fusion skills shouldn't have a very high degree of fusion.

The previous battle showed that the martial soul fusion skills of the two of them are extremely powerful.

If the degree of fusion of the two martial souls can reach 100%, maybe they can burst out with all their strength, and they can really threaten the god-level powerhouse.

All of this is just Lu Yun's speculation, as to whether it has such power, it is not yet clear.

After a while, Lu Yun put away the Wuhun Fusion Fluid, intending to use this thing as an item in the next auction.

I believe that almost no soul master can refuse this auction item.

This is a living martial soul fusion skill!

Whoever refuses is a fool.

Lu Yun then set his sights on the Soul-devouring Gu worms, and at the next moment, two Gu worms appeared in his hands.

The surface of the Gu worm is black, which looks extremely mysterious.



Lu Yun stared closely at the two Gu worms, unexpectedly aware that his soul seemed to be swallowed by these two Gu worms.

It can be seen from this that these two Soul Devouring Gu worms are very extraordinary.

Lu Yun stared at the two Gu worms, probably knowing the specific information about the Soul-devouring Gu worms.

[Soul-devouring Gu worm: Those who take the mother worm can unconditionally control the person who takes the child worm. 】

Such a short one-line introduction made Lu Yun realize the power of the Soul-devouring Gu worm, which is simply an unsolvable existence.

As long as one soul master takes the female worm, then let the others take it.

At that time, the soul master who took the female worm will unconditionally order the soul master who took the child worm, and there is no cure for this.

In other words, the soul master who took the female worm got a subordinate who would never betray.

There is no doubt that the soul-devouring Gu worm can control any soul master below the god level, even the ultimate douluo powerhouse, cannot avoid it.

What Lu Yun is more curious about is whether this soul-eating Gu worm can successfully control a real god-level powerhouse?

Next, Lu Yun put away the Soul Devouring Gu worms, and began to think about how to treat these two Gu worms?
Soul-devouring Gu worms are indeed very precious. The soul-devouring Gu worms he searched for from god-level shops require a full [-] auction points to buy them.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yun ignored this matter and waited a month before deciding on the final ownership of the two soul-devouring Gu worms.

Then Lu Yun turned his attention to the product he was most interested in, which was the Sansheng Stone.

Is this three-life stone the one in his memory?

(End of this chapter)

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