Chapter 195 Can't Predict the Future
The Sansheng Stone in his memory is a mythical item from the underworld.

Sanshengshi has the effect of guarding against the sky, and you can see a person's past life, present and future.

It can be said that Lu Yun is full of endless anticipation for the Three Lives Stone he drew out this time.

I hope that the effect of this three-life stone will not disappoint him.

Lu Yun's eyes focused on an irregular stone in his hand. The surface of this stone was extremely black, and there was nothing strange about it.

It's just that the soul power was injected into it, and it was found that the stone began to emit a glistening white light.

Afterwards, the specific information of the Sansheng Stone appeared before Lu Yun's eyes.

[Three-life Stone: A thing from the underworld in mythology. Since the level of Douluo Continent is too low, it cannot bear the arrival of the Three-life Stone. Therefore, the Three-life Stone is a weakened version, and it can only see the future of one person. 】

"It seems that my thinking is still too naive!"

After Lu Yun understood the specific information of the Sansheng Stone, he sighed leisurely.

After all, his previous idea was too ideal, but this three-life stone can see a person's future, which is also a very heaven-defying thing.

Lu Yun didn't plan to put the three-living stone up for auction. For this kind of treasure, it would be very difficult to come across it in the future.

It's better to keep it for later use. Of course, Lu Yun thought of an opportunity to collect a large number of auction points.

He can sell the opportunity to use the Sansheng Stone, and each soul master only needs to pay a certain amount of soul crystals to see his own future.

Lu Yun will not set the price too low.

If everyone sees their own future through the Sansheng Stone, I am afraid that the future trajectory of Douluo Continent will undergo earth-shaking changes.

As for the butterfly effect that will be triggered in the end, even Lu Yun has no way to estimate, so he can only control the number of times the Sansheng Stone is used.

At this moment, Lu Yun had an idea in his heart, and immediately injected the soul power in his body into the Sansheng Stone.

He knew how to open the Sansheng Stone, and in an instant, a ray of light flew out from the Sansheng Stone in his hand, forming a light curtain.

Lu Yun looked at the light curtain ahead, wondering what his future would look like.

After a while, there was no picture on the light curtain in front of him. Lu Yun's expression was rather puzzled. Could it be that the way he opened the Sansheng Stone was wrong?

So Lu Yun continued to use it several times, but in the end he still got nothing.

Through the Sansheng Stone, he can't see his future at all.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun threw this question to the system, wanting to know the reason.

"System, what's the reason? Why can't I see my future from the Three Lives Stone, or is the way to open the Three Lives Stone wrong?"

Lu Yun asked the system in bewilderment.

[Because the host has been bound to the system, the future of the host is full of uncertainty, so relying on the ability of the three life stones is not enough to see your future. 】

【You have this system, your future is full of infinite possibilities, and the future is changing all the time. This three-life stone has no way to detect your future. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind.

Explained to him why Sanshengshi couldn't see his future.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Lu Yun nodded lightly, and after thinking for a while, he knew what was going on.

Emotion is a systematic existence in his mind, which interferes with Sanshengshi's judgment.

Without the Sansheng Stone, Lu Yun could roughly guess his future. In the future, he will continue to develop the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion will also become the most powerful existence in the world.

As the Pavilion Master of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, his future achievements are naturally limitless.

Although the Sansheng Stone is useless to him, it is obviously useful to other soul masters in the Douluo Continent.

In his memory, he knew the future of some characters in Douluo Continent.

The future picture finally presented by the Sansheng Stone should not be much different from his memory.

Although with his arrival and the appearance of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the future trajectory of Douluo Continent has changed, but it will not deviate too much from the trajectory.

I believe that this three-life stone will definitely bring him a lot of benefits.

That being the case, Lu Yun intends to use a chance to use the Sansheng Stone as the finale of the next auction.

I believe that no soul master can refuse this opportunity. This is related to the future of the soul master.

Knowing one's own future will avoid many impending crises and seize many opportunities.

After a long time, Lu Yun put away the Sansheng Stone, but Lu Yun didn't pay much attention to other things.

Afterwards, Lu Yun left the room, and saw that the door next to him was also opened, and "Tian" and Bailong walked out slowly.

After Bailong saw Lu Yun's figure, he said gratefully: "Thank you very much for saving my life. Without you, I don't know when I would be able to reunite with "Heaven."

"Thank you!"

"As for the price you mentioned before, I promise. If there is anything difficult to solve, you can order it as you like, and I will spare no effort to complete it for you."

"Heaven" also said to Lu Yun with a grateful face.

Before that, he only had a little hope, but he didn't expect that Lu Yun could really bring Bailong back to life.

As for the price Lu Yun said before, as long as he can do it, he will do it with all his strength.

"That's good!"

Lu Yun nodded in relief, he believed that "Heaven" would not break his promise because of the resurrection of the white dragon.

Later, Lu Yun arranged for "Tian" and Bailong to live in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

He went back to his room to prepare for the auction items in a month's time, and which auction items should be presented this time.


Time flies, and a month has passed.

This day was also the day when the Star Dou Auction Pavilion held an auction, so all the major forces in the Douluo Continent went to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to participate in this grand event.

Compared with the previous auction, the scale of this auction is also not small.

The auctioned items from the previous auction were extremely precious, which shocked all the soul masters.

This time, they also want to come to this auction to see if they can meet their favorite baby?

Even if they spend all their money, they are willing.


far north.

In the deepest part of an ice-blue palace, a woman suddenly walked out, and this person was the Ice Emperor.

"Xue Di, one month's time has come, today is the day when the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will hold the auction, let's go and participate."

The Ice Empress had been looking forward to the day for a long time, and when the time came, she hurriedly shouted into the depths of the palace.

I want to follow Snow Emperor to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and see how mysterious the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is in the legend.

I hope they can get a lot of gains this time.

(End of this chapter)

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