Chapter 203 Activating the Three Lives Stone

Ning Fengzhi's thinking is almost the same as that of the several powerful people in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Everyone felt very weird for Xuanshuang's last smile.

At this time, Gu Yuena naturally saw the last scene clearly, and a sense of incomprehension suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Could it be that I really guessed wrong?"

This thought involuntarily emerged in Gu Yuena's heart.

In her opinion, seeing through a person's future is indeed incredible, but why does Xuanshuang show such a smile?

Suddenly, Gu Yuena had an idea in her heart.

That being the case, then she might go to meet the owner of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion next.

If Xingdou Auction Pavilion can really see the future, no matter what the price is, Gu Yuena will not let it go easily.

After this incident, Gu Yuena once again realized that the mystery of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is not as simple as she imagined.

"This auction has come to an end, all soul masters are welcome to participate in the auction next time."

Afterwards, Xuanshuang told Bibidong and the others to stay and prepare to exchange for the last chance.

Turning around, he also faced the many soul masters, announcing the complete end of the auction.

After hearing Xuanshuang's words, many soul masters showed disappointment and could only leave the scene sadly.


After half an hour, almost everyone left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion one after another, only the people from Wuhun Palace and Gu Yuena remained here.

As for Di Tian and others, under Gu Yuena's order, they left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion ahead of schedule.

No matter what the final result was, she had to ask the owner of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to get the answer she wanted.

A moment later, Bibi Dong and the others came in front of Xuanshuang.

Seeing this scene, Xuanshuang said lightly: "You all come with me!"

After finishing speaking, Xuanshuang led Bibi Dong and the others towards the direction of the third floor.

With curiosity, Bibi Dong followed Xuanshuang's figure with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

Seeing this situation, maybe this opportunity is real.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong was very disturbed, hoping to see the future of Wuhundian.

Will Wuhundian's future completely unify the Douluo Continent as she expected?

At this moment, I saw a flash in the space ahead, and Gu Yuena's figure appeared behind Bibi Dong.

Xuanshuang naturally noticed Gu Yuena's arrival, and immediately frowned, wondering whether to let Gu Yuena follow her?

Before that, the pavilion master had already told her about Gu Yuena's identity. Gu Yuena's identity was a bit special, and Xuanshuang didn't dare to make her own claim, so she acquiesced that Gu Yuena followed her.

As for the final outcome, it is entirely up to the Pavilion Master to decide.

Xuanshuang brought Bibidong and the others to an empty room, where Lu Yun had been waiting for a long time.

The room was quite empty, and there were no other sundries. It was just an irregular stone floating in mid-air, exuding a miraculous aura.

Complementing each other with the power of the surrounding space, this stone is the Sansheng Stone.

"I don't know what kind of future you want to see in the future of Wuhundian this time?"

Lu Yun turned around and asked Bibi Dong in a solemn tone.

Let her directly exchange for a chance to see through the future. As for Gu Yuena coming here with Bibi Dong, Lu Yun ignored it.

This is not something shameful, as long as he is in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, no one can take away the Three Life Stone from him.

Lu Yun didn't care about this hidden danger at all.

"I want to see the future of Wuhundian!"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong took a deep breath, and said to Lu Yun firmly.

"Yes, I hope you can watch everything calmly."

Lu Yun sighed leisurely, and said softly.

After all, he had already anticipated Bibi Dong's thoughts in his heart, her ambition was to dominate the Douluo Continent.

Therefore, Bibi Dong is very concerned about the future of Wuhundian, and Lu Yun knows the ending of Bibidong and Wuhundian in the original book.

Now with his intervention, Bibi Dong's strength has become much stronger, and she has obtained another divine pill. She is about to step on the road to becoming a god, and there will be certain changes in the future.

For all of this, Lu Yun is not sure, which time period of the future is the future scene finally shown by this three-life stone?

Did he not travel to the future before Douluo Dalu, or did he interfere with the future of Douluo Dalu?
Regarding this aspect, Lu Yun was rather curious, and then let this three-life stone explain the answer in his heart.


Lu Yun had no doubts. The next moment, a huge amount of soul power was condensed in his hands, and he used the invincible domain to instantly seal off the entire space.

Immediately afterwards, a steady stream of soul power gradually floated forward from Lu Yun's hand.

Turning into chains, the Sansheng Stone was completely imprisoned in the void, and the majestic soul power was injected into it.

This dark, irregular Sansheng Stone immediately released a bright white light when it received this huge soul power.

Immediately, a light curtain was formed above, and a strange brilliance shone in the light curtain.

Immediately afterwards, under the serious expressions of Bibi Dong and the others, the scene ahead suddenly changed.

In this way, everything that Wuhundian will develop in the future will appear on this light curtain.

"Huh? Strange!"

After Lu Yun looked at this picture, he fell into deep thought.

Looking at the future shown in this screen, it is obvious that it follows the development track of the original book.

Could it be that his arrival didn't affect the current future trajectory of Douluo Dalu?
"System, what's going on here? Is it possible that my arrival has not affected the future trajectory of Douluo Dalu?"

Lu Yun expressed his doubts in his heart. After all, he believed that the current status of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion had greatly affected the future trajectory of Douluo Continent.

But why does the Sansheng Stone show the future trajectory and develop according to the direction of the original book?

[The future is full of illusory meanings, and everything related to this system is hidden by this system. Even with the sky-defying skills of the Sansheng Stone, it is impossible to detect the existence of the host and the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. 】

【Therefore, the future manifested by the Sansheng Stone is only the future in the original work. Please don't pay too much attention to the host. In any case, the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will definitely affect the future trajectory of Douluo Continent today. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind, dispelling his worries.

The current status of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion can be said to be the highest existence in the Douluo Continent, so how could it not affect the future of the Douluo Continent?
This is simply impossible!
"I see!"

Hearing this explanation, Lu Yun nodded slightly, it seems that his thinking is still superficial.


After all, the system is so powerful that it is not surprising that it can do this.

(End of this chapter)

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