Chapter 204 Future Screen
In addition, this three-life stone is only a weakened version of the three-life stone in the mythical underworld, and does not have the power of the three-life stone in its heyday.

Just like that, Lu Yun ignored the matter and began to watch the future picture displayed on the light curtain quietly.

At this time, the picture suddenly changed. A young man defeated the Wuhundian team in the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition!
"Tang San!"

Bibi Dong, as well as Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo behind him, knew for the first time Tang San's talent was powerful.

Unexpectedly, this soul master with the blue silver grass spirit would make the Spirit Hall fail many times.

This also made Bibidong and the others itch with hatred, after all, this is the future trajectory of the Spirit Hall.

That said, there's a good chance these things will come up.

Their Wuhun Hall was actually being played around by a weak soul master, how could this not make Bibi Dong angry?

However, since this is inside the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, I can only suppress the anger in my heart and continue watching.

At this time, Bibi Dong and the others didn't know that Tang San was Tang Hao's son, otherwise there would be no way to keep so calm.

In this way, the screen continues...

Knowing Xiao Wu's identity as a 10-year soul beast, Wuhundian sent a strong man to capture Xiao Wu, which led to Xiao Wu's successful sacrifice to Tang San.

So far, Tang San has become a strong soul emperor with a 10-year soul beast.

This scene made Bibi Dong and the others feel a little threat in their hearts.

The sixth soul master at the 10-year level, how unnatural is this?

If there is no Xingdou Auction Pavilion, the soul master absorbs a 10-year soul ring in the sixth soul ring, which is simply the first in the history of Douluo Continent.

Such an impossible thing was accomplished by this ordinary boy.

What surprised Bibidong and the others even more was that the girl turned out to be a 10-year-old soul beast. Thinking of this, Bibidong had a thought in her heart.

Now that there is the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and the soul ring and soul bone have just reached 10 years, she still doesn't like it.

Although she doesn't like it, it doesn't mean that these two things are not precious. She can leave them for other soul masters in Wuhun Hall to absorb.

After this trip is over, we must send the masters of Wuhundian to Shrek Academy to capture Xiao Wu and Tang San to Wuhundian, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo also looked greedily at Xiao Wu, it was a 10-year transformed soul beast.

Just by hunting her, you can easily obtain a 10-year spirit ring and a 10-year spirit bone. How can this not excite the two of them?
The screen changed again, Bibi Dong and the others knew Tang San's identity, he was actually Tang Hao's son.

The murderous intent in Bibi Dong's eyes was even stronger, after all Tang Hao was considered the enemy of Wuhundian.

Never thought that he actually has a son, jumping around under the skin of Wuhundian, how can this not make Bibi Dong angry?

However, Tang Hao has already been killed by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion at this time, and Tang San will also fall into the hands of the Spirit Hall in the future.

After all Tang San's potential was too great, too threatening, even Bibi Dong couldn't ignore him.

Immediately afterwards, Bibi Dong's eyes focused on the Sansheng Stone again, the more she looked back, the hearts of Bibi Dong and the others became more and more heavy, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"We actually died in Tang San's hands?"

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo saw that they died in Tang San's hands, which made them feel extremely uneasy, and murmured in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, their brilliance was lost in the hands of a weak soul master in the end.

The two wished they could leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion immediately and kill Tang San, lest this scene would really happen again in the future.

Bibi Dong also saw that her daughter Qian Renxue became the new Angel God, and then chased and killed Tang San.

And Tang San was also in crisis, with the help of Seagod Divine Sense, he fled to Seagod Island.


The screen changed again, Tang San had become the sea god, and she had also become a god-level powerhouse.

What surprised Bibi Dong was that she would actually inherit the position of Rakshasa in the future and become a powerful god.

Bibi Dong suddenly saw a scene, she and Qian Renxue jointly attacked, completely killing Tang San.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong breathed a sigh of relief.

However, without waiting for Bibi Dong to continue to be happy, the scene suddenly changed, Tang San was resurrected again, and inherited a more powerful god: the god of Shura.

The two teamed up, neither is Tang San's opponent!
At this moment, in the depths of the endless sky, suddenly there was a blood-red long sword stabbing directly in front of Bibi Dong.

At this critical moment, Bibi Dong realized that she was powerless to resist, and could only watch helplessly as the huge sword in front of her attacked towards her.

Next, the scene that made Bibi Dong extremely uneasy happened.

A golden figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and she could see clearly that it was her daughter: Qian Renxue.

Just as the sharp sword was about to pierce Qian Renxue's chest, Lu Yun swung his hand and turned off the light curtain on the Sansheng Stone.

By this time, Bibi Dong should also know the future ending of Wuhundian.

The atmosphere became extremely silent!

Lu Yun looked at Bibi Dong and the others with a calm expression, without speaking.

As for Bibi Dong at this moment, a crystal tear flowed from the corner of her eye.

She never thought that her daughter would resist the fatal blow for her at the moment of life and death.

Although the last scene didn't continue, Bibidong already knew the ending of Wuhundian!
Under Tang San's attack, she and Qian Renxue were absolutely unable to resist, only to fall.

As for the Spirit Hall, it would also fall apart, completely ruined in Tang San's hands.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong felt mixed feelings, never thought that the future of Wuhundian would be like this.

"Yu Xiaogang!"

After the silence, Bibi Dong suddenly remembered a figure, and she gnashed her teeth and roared angrily.

She knew that Tang San was a talented and powerful soul master, and he was Yu Xiaogang's disciple.

Wuhundian finally went to perish, and Yu Xiaogang's participation was indispensable behind all this.

Bibidong felt extremely regretful in her heart, she was blind before and had always been in love with Yu Xiaogang.

But Yu Xiaogang is so cruel to her, he has always been against Wuhundian, he doesn't pay attention to her, and even destroys Wuhundian's plan again and again.

Until seeing this scene, Bibi Dong's last trace of love was completely wiped out.

Bibi Dong couldn't help sighing that she was too kind before.

That being the case, then don't blame her for being cruel, after leaving the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, she must smash Yu Xiaogang, Tang San and others to pieces.

As for the group of people from Shrek Academy, they can't let it go, those people who Bibi Dong saw in the future have also become god-level powerhouses.

In order to prevent the final ending of Wuhundian from happening again, Bibidong is willing to eliminate all hidden dangers at all costs.

(End of this chapter)

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