Chapter 205 Rejection
"I would like to ask, is the picture displayed by this stone almost certain to happen in the future?"

After thinking for a while, Bibi Dong gradually recovered from her sad mood, and asked Lu Yun in a serious tone.

According to the introduction of Star Dou Auction Pavilion, what is shown in this screen is what will happen in the future.

However, Bibi Dong still wants to confirm again, will these pictures really happen in the future as expected?

"That's right, these displayed pictures are the established future, but the existence of our Star Dou Auction Pavilion has interfered with the future direction of the Douluo Continent to a large extent."

"Therefore, there may be certain changes in this future picture, but overall, there is not much difference."

"And Tang San is also destined to stand on the opposite side of the Spirit Hall. As for the final result, you can guess for yourself. After all, the future is full of uncertainties. No one dares to say that the future will definitely be certain."

"Even our Star Dou Auction Pavilion cannot predict the future very accurately."

"If you do nothing in Spirit Hall, there is more than [-]% certainty that these scenes will reappear."

Immediately, Lu Yun solemnly reminded Bibi Dong and the others to make her pay attention to this matter.

The future shown by the Sansheng Stone is the ending in the original book, although the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion interferes with the Douluo Continent.

But these pictures overall, there is not much difference.

Tang San, as the protagonist of Douluo Continent, also has the help of Sea God and Shura God behind him. In the original book, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue are powerless to resist Tang San.

"thank you, I know now."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong made it clear that she was clear, and tried to calm down her sad emotions.

At this time, Bibi gradually believed in the words of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and would not lie to them for no reason.

However, what made Bibi Dong most rejoicing was that fortunately she chose to give it a go, and only then did she see the predetermined fate of the Spirit Hall.

Now that she knows the future fate of the Wuhun Hall, she must start planning after she leaves the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

First of all, get rid of Tang San and everyone in Shrek Academy, get rid of the source of this ending.

Bibi Dong didn't stay here for too long, and left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion one after another with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

After several people left, Gu Yuena was still standing behind Lu Yun, with a gloomy look in her eyes.

At this time, Gu Yuena's heart was extremely restless, she never thought that she could see such a scene.

In the future, nine gods will be born in the Douluo Continent, what an amazing thing this is.

If she didn't wake up during this period of time, nine gods would be born in the Douluo Continent, which would be a great disaster for the soul beast clan.

Since this picture shows what happened to human soul masters, she doesn't know what happened to the soul beasts.

When she saw Xiao Wu turned into a human being and fell in love with a human soul master, she helped Tang San hunt and kill soul beasts again and again.

A tinge of anger arose in Gu Yuena's heart. As a soul beast, it was unforgivable to fall in love with a human soul master, and she even helped him hunt down soul beasts.

All these things are things that Gu Yuena can't bear.

"Is there anything you need?"

Lu Yun shifted his gaze to Gu Yuena who was at the side, and asked pretending to be puzzled.

Lu Yun already knew in his heart that the purpose of Gu Yuena's coming here was simply not to believe that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could see the future.

This opportunity has already been used up, and Gu Yuena regrets it even if she doesn't want to.

"I don't know if you can help me see the future of the soul beast family, how many soul crystals do I need to pay?"

At this time, Gu Yuena stated the purpose of her trip, wanting to use this irregular stone to see the future of the soul beast family.

Missing that opportunity earlier, Gu Yuena felt a little regretful, who would have known that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion had such means?

Seeing through the future is simply too scary.

The degree of mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was beyond her expectation.

Even if Xingdou Auction Pavilion does more unbelievable things in the future, Gu Yuena doesn't think it's surprising.

"I'm sorry, the Sansheng Stone will only be opened once at the moment, and the previous opportunity has already been auctioned off by the people of the Spirit Hall."

"You also know that if you want to see through a person's future, the price you need to pay is not comparable to that of soul crystals. If you want to see the future of the soul beast family, you may have the opportunity to sell this opportunity again in the subsequent auction. .”

Lu Yun shook his head secretly, and politely rejected Gu Yuena's proposal.

He didn't want to interfere too much with the future direction of Douluo Continent.

If Gu Yuena is to know the future of the soul beast clan, with Gu Yuena's combat power comparable to that of a god king, there will be shocking changes in the Douluo Continent.

Lu Yun is unwilling to make a move this time, no matter how many soul crystals Gu Yuena pays, it will not work!

This is a matter of principle for him.

What if there is a real war in Douluo Continent because Gu Yuena sees the future of the soul beast clan.

At that time, Douluo Dalu will be devastated, and he must not be able to hold an auction.

No matter which aspect you think about, Lu Yun is unwilling to make an exception this time and help Gu Yuena check the future of the soul beast clan.

"All right!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yuena sighed.

Sure enough, she still thought too simply.

It seems that this opportunity is really missed!
After that, Gu Yuena didn't say anything. Originally, she wanted to make a move and force Lu Yun to help her check the future of the soul beast clan.

But she knew how mysterious and powerful Lu Yun's strength was, and even she was not even a little sure that she could fight Lu Yun.

What's more, she actually sensed another aura that could threaten her from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

This is why Gu Yuena has been standing still, not daring to be too presumptuous, otherwise, she will bring great disaster to the soul beast family.

Naturally, this scene was not what Gu Yuena wanted to see.

As for the aura that Gu Yuena felt threatened, it was naturally the black dragon "Heaven".

The strength of "Heaven" is on the Douluo Continent, but it belongs to the existence above the king of gods. Even if it is the sum of all the gods in the God Realm, it is not the opponent of "Heaven".

On the other hand, Lu Yun can use the invincible domain in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, not to mention Gu Yuena, even "Heaven" is not his opponent.

Lu Yun wasn't worried at all that Gu Yuena would attack him.

After a while, bursts of space power flickered, and Gu Yuena left the room in an instant and returned to the Star Forest.

At this time, Gu Yuena had an idea in her heart. From the previous picture, it can be seen that the final winner among human soul masters is Tang San.

And Xiao Wu beside him became Tang San's wife.

In the end, the soul beast family, no matter it is good or bad!

They are all related to this human soul master Tang San.

(End of this chapter)

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