Chapter 220
Ning Fengzhi poured spiritual power into the ring, and found that there were countless things inside.

There are even many treasures that have been passed down by the sect for countless years. Now that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is facing such a predicament, Sword Douluo must not make any mistakes.

Otherwise, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School would absolutely fall apart.

As for these treasures are belongings outside of the body, the big deal is to look for them later.

The most urgent task is to use these treasures to get Xingdou Auction Pavilion to save Jian Douluo's life.

"I don't know if everything in it can be sold by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

Ning Fengzhi made a decisive decision and handed the ring in his hand to Lu Yun.

Also let Lu Yun see if the price is enough.

Hearing this, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Bone Douluo to bring out the treasure of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Doesn't that mean that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has been destroyed by the Wuhun Palace?
In the end, Lu Yun didn't care about this matter anymore, anyway, the battle between the Douluo Dalu forces had nothing to do with him.

He is responsible for running the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

With this in mind, Lu Yun sank into the ring and found countless treasures inside.

After seeing these treasures, Lu Yun's eyes lit up slightly.

More unexpected!

He didn't expect that there were so many things inside, and even some treasures among them surprised him very much.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is indeed the most tyrannical force in the Douluo Continent.

Although the trading currency system of Douluo Continent has changed from gold soul coins to soul crystals, it still cannot shake the mysterious background of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

"System, help me estimate how many auction points can be exchanged for the items inside?"

Lu Yun said to the system in his mind that he couldn't assess the value of these treasures.

[Everything in the ring can be exchanged for 132 million auction points. 】

At this time, the cold voice of the system rang in Lu Yun's mind.


After hearing the price, Lu Yun did not show any surprise expression.

These prices are not bad. Although there are countless treasures in the ring, some things still cannot be exchanged for auction points.

In the eyes of the system, those things are obviously not popular.

Even so, it is really rare to be able to exchange more than 100 million auction points.

"Yes, if you Qibao Glazed Tile School are willing to sacrifice everything in this ring, I can help you save him."

Lu Yun said slowly, and asked Ning Fengzhi's thoughts again.

Are you sure to use everything in the ring to save Sword Douluo?

"We do!"

After finishing speaking, Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo nodded without hesitation.

Sword Douluo is apparently the guardian of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but in fact, they have already gotten along with Sword Douluo and become family members.

Therefore, Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo would definitely not let Sword Douluo fall before their eyes.

"Fengzhi, I..."

Jian Douluo heard from the side that Ning Fengzhi was willing to use all the knowledge of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School to save his life.

There is no way to hide the emotion in my heart, but I still want to refuse.

He didn't want Ning Fengzhi to consume the entire sect's foundation in order to save him.

"Uncle Jian, stop talking, this time it's all my fault, otherwise the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School would not have fallen into a place of eternal doom."

There was a gloomy look in Ning Fengzhi's eyes, it was a decision he made before, which caused the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to live a life of homelessness.

Sword Douluo was seriously injured as a result.

No matter which aspect, Ning Fengzhi couldn't forgive himself.

"It's started, hold your breath, I'll get rid of the power of the gods in your body for you."

Lu Yun directly interrupted the conversation between the two and started the treatment.

Don't want to waste too much time here.

Lu Yun used the invincible domain, surging power surged out of his hands, and instantly poured into Sword Douluo's body.

Sword Douluo's body was slowly suspended in mid-air. Driven by Lu Yun's power, the purple-black energy retreated towards the surroundings one after another, as if a mouse had seen a cat.

In this way, Lu Yun kept displaying his absolute strength to completely get rid of the black energy.

In less than a while, the black energy in Sword Douluo's body was completely eliminated, the vitality of his body also stopped flowing, and his face became slightly rosy.

Sword Douluo, whose heart was pierced, has no way to recover quickly.

"Forget it, let's save people to the end!"

Lu Yun shook his head secretly, and continued to increase his soul power in the next moment. Sword Douluo spread out his left hand uncontrollably, and the Ancient Life Tree Martial Soul floated out, standing in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, exuding a powerful life force.

Lu Yun used his power to activate this ancient tree of life. At the next moment, Sword Douluo, whose heart had been pierced, recovered instantly under this force of life.

Moreover, the injuries on his body are gradually recovering, and the overall appearance does not seem to have suffered any injuries.

"All right!"

After doing all this, Lu Yun withdrew his strength, and announced to Ning Fengzhi and the two that this transaction was completely over.


Jian Douluo felt his own injury, he fully recovered, his soul power also reached its peak, and a turbulent sea arose in his heart.

With a careless effort, the injury was completely recovered. Is this the method of Xingdou Auction Pavilion?

It's too strong!
Moreover, the owner of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in front of him was able to control his martial soul out of thin air, so that he had no power to resist.

This made Sword Douluo once again realize that Lu Yun's strength is far beyond his reach.

If Lu Yun only helped him get rid of the power of the gods in his body, it would take a few days for him to restore himself to his heyday.

But in Lu Yun's hands, it took only a moment to reach this level.

"Uncle Jian, is your injury healed?"

Seeing this scene, Ning Fengzhi was also very pleasantly surprised, and then asked expectantly.

"Well, it has completely recovered to its heyday."

Hearing this, Sword Douluo responded with a smile all over his face.

"Thank you Star Dou Auction Pavilion for your help!"

After finishing speaking, Ning Fengzhi thanked Lu Yun in front of him.

If Lu Yun hadn't helped him, with Uncle Jian's injury, he might not be able to continue at all.

The power of gods cannot be resisted by mortals.

Fortunately, I got the help of Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"Don't thank me. After all, you have paid enough. It's just a deal for me to save him. Don't think too much about it."

Lu Yun smiled lightly and didn't care at all.

After all, for him, this is just a transaction.

"Whether it is or not, I still want to thank you for your help."

Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi stubbornly thanked Lu Yun.

This time, Ning Fengzhi was full of gratitude to Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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