Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 221 Nine Ten Thousand Year Soul Rings

Chapter 221 Nine Million Year Soul Rings

Lu Yun ignored this matter and asked Ning Fengzhi and the others to leave the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

After all, his current level of soul power is only one step away from the titled Douluo powerhouse.

The most urgent thing is to absorb the soul power as soon as possible, so that his strength can completely reach the realm of Title Douluo, and then he will get unexpected gains.

After Ning Fengzhi and the others left, Lu Yun didn't stop there.

The whole person instantly turned into a stream of light, entered the chaotic secret realm, and walked to the deepest part.

This place has completely changed. Due to the effect of the world-purifying white lotus, it is full of huge power of purifying the world.

And the intensity of the soul power is countless times that of the outside world.

Ordinary soul masters take a breath here, and the bottleneck of their own soul power will be broken immediately. This can be said to be the best training ground in Douluo Continent.

Lu Yun took a deep breath and sat cross-legged beside Jingshi Bailian.

Immediately absorb the huge soul power around, to sprint the last step.

His current soul power level has reached level 89, and he is only one step away from completely breaking through the Title Douluo realm.

So Lu Yun didn't want to waste time, he must break through to a new level as soon as possible, and then finish absorbing the spirit ring.

At that time, there should be no one on Douluo Continent who will be his opponent.

He has two chaotic level martial souls, and his own soul power is so concentrated, and the configuration of the soul ring is so heaven-defying.

It can be said that, except for the strong gods, no one should be his opponent.

Under the cover of huge soul power, Lu Yun fell into a deep retreat.


Time passed, three days passed.

Lu Yun's body began to generate a strong coercion, and the surrounding soul power entered Lu Yun's body more intensely.

At a certain moment, there was a sound of a broken bottleneck coming from Lu Yun's body

A titled Douluo-level aura instantly filled the entire area, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees moved with the wind.

After a while, Lu Yun let out a long breath, and his breath gradually calmed down.

"It's been less than two years since I came to this world. It's really not easy for me to become a Titled Douluo from an ordinary person!"

After Lu Yun checked his soul power level, he sighed again and again.

After all, it took him two years to break through to the Title Douluo realm, which was really too slow.

If Lu Yun's words were heard by the soul masters of Douluo Dalu, they would definitely scold Lu Yun for being inhuman.

In two years, from an ordinary person without any soul power, he broke through the realm of Titled Douluo.

In the history of Douluo Continent, it has never appeared before.

For ordinary people, being able to break through two levels of soul power in two years is not bad.

Even top geniuses may not be able to break through to the fifth level of soul power in two years, and it is still when the soul power level is relatively low.

"It's time to absorb the ninth spirit ring."

Lu Yun calmed down his excitement, and bought a god-bestowed spirit ring that could grow infinitely from a god-level store.


With force in the palm, crush the god bestowed spirit ring.

A large piece of golden light surrounded Lu Yun's body, and he began to increase the lifespan of the soul ring with all his strength.

In an instant, the white spirit ring suddenly turned red.

This means that in this second, Lu Yun raised the age of this soul ring to the level of 10 years.

As time passed, golden lines appeared on the surface of this soul ring.

Less than a moment later, the red soul ring suddenly turned into a golden soul ring, releasing a dazzling light of god-level soul ring.

In other words, the age of Lu Yun's ninth spirit ring has completely reached the million-year level.

Ordinary soul masters will only absorb a god ring after breaking through to the god level.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Yun got the ninth soul ring, the age of the soul ring reached the million-year level.

It is enough to shock the world if it spreads!

Lu Yun's current physical strength is so strong that it is against the sky.

Only in this way can he bear the million-year-level spirit ring so easily.

Looking at Lu Yun's current state, it is obvious that he has not reached the limit yet.

Continue to increase the age of the soul ring!

With a thought of Lu Yun, the whole person gradually floated in the mid-air, and the time-space god tower martial soul in his right hand instantly expanded several times, standing in the depths of the chaotic secret realm.

The majestic power of time and space rippled around, and then all nine of Lu Yun's own soul rings appeared in the world.

Eight red and one gold.

Shocking soul ring configuration!
The nine soul rings released a powerful aura, and the soul power in the entire chaotic secret realm was continuously injected into the nine soul rings to increase the lifespan of the nine soul rings.

Lu Yun's physical strength has long since reached the level where he can absorb a million-year spirit ring.

It's just that Lu Yun didn't upgrade before, since he absorbed the ninth soul ring today, he will raise all the previous soul rings to the million-year level together.

In this way, he doesn't need to waste other time to increase the age of the soul ring.

In this way, Lu Yun kept absorbing the surrounding energy to increase the lifespan of the nine soul rings.

After half an hour, Lu Yun himself reached the limit, and immediately stopped absorbing soul power.

But at this time, the soul power in the entire chaotic secret realm is extremely scarce, and it is not even as strong as the soul power in the outside world.

This also shows how huge the soul power Lu Yun has absorbed this time.

Lu Yunling stood in the void, holding the time-space god tower martial soul, surrounded by nine golden soul rings.

Release a powerful aura of majesty!

The nine soul rings on Lu Yun's body have all reached 200 million years.

Indirectly raised Lu Yun's soul power level to level 95.

If it wasn't for Lu Yun's deliberate compression of his soul power, Luo would have a chance to raise his soul power to level 99, and even become a god-level powerhouse in one fell swoop.

"It seems that I have almost absorbed the soul power in the secret realm of chaos, and the soul ring plan for the second martial soul will be delayed for a while."

Lu Yun sighed leisurely after sensing the changes in the secret realm of chaos.

He originally wanted to add nine soul rings to his second martial soul, but seeing that the soul power in the secret realm of chaos was so scarce, there was no way to support him to continue absorbing the soul rings, so he could only give up.

After the soul power in the chaotic secret realm recovers in the future, the second martial soul will be formally attached with nine soul rings.

After absorbing the soul ring, Lu Yun did not leave the Primal Chaos Realm immediately, but sat next to Jingshi Bailian to draw a lottery.

It's been a long time since I drew a lottery, and I just plan to draw a lottery this time, to see if I can get one, as something for the next auction.

Lu Yun's thoughts sank into his mind, and he opened the lottery page. The next moment he spent [-] auction points, the huge golden disc began to spin violently.

A golden light flashed in front of Lu Yun's eyes, which was exactly what was drawn out.

And in Lu Yun's mind, the names of these ten things also sounded.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a piece of divine crystal. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Deep sea dark shark head soul bone (50 years). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a thousand god-given soul rings. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Soul Orb. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a blue silver grass. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: random soul. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Deep Sea Demon Whale King Trunk Soul Bone (100 million years). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: mermaid head soul bone (80 years). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Magic Mirror. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Wanli Tracker. 】

"I'll go, this time luck, is it so against the sky?"

At this moment, Lu Yun looked at the thing that was pulled out this time, dumbfounded, and his heart couldn't stop beating.

(End of this chapter)

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