Chapter 222 A Piece of Divine Crystal

After all, the items drawn this time are really too precious!
Especially this time, three soul bones were drawn out, and each soul bone was no less than 50 years old, which is incredible.

Even a 50-year-old soul bone is sold at a god-level store far above the [-] auction point.

In other words, he made a lot of money this time, not to mention there are a few things in it, which seem to be very rare from the name.

Could it be that his luck exploded this time?
"What's the matter with the system, why are the things drawn this time so precious?"

Lu Yun, who really didn't understand, asked the system, hoping the system would give him an explanation.

[Every time the host's strength breaks through a new level, he will get a chance to draw a lottery bonus. Now that the host's strength has broken through to the title Douluo realm, so if he conducts a lottery in these few days, he will get a lot of money. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind.

"Mani? The system still has this kind of bug, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Hearing this, Lu Yun couldn't help feeling a little regretful. He didn't expect the system to have such a bug.

Didn't he miss so many treasures during this period of time?

[The host didn't ask! 】

The words that the system was beaten came out.

After hearing this answer, Lu Yun's face was covered with black lines.

Every time he broke through to a new level before, he never held a lottery draw, and he only had a random draw today on a whim.

Otherwise, maybe after he suddenly became a god-level powerhouse, he might not know about this bug.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun sighed helplessly.

The matter has come to this point, and there is no way to undo it, so I can only let it go.

Lu Yun ignored the system and began to check the lottery.

There are several things whose names are very mysterious, and the things drawn out this time will definitely not disappoint him.

When Lu Yun saw the torso and soul bone of the million-year-level deep-sea demon whale king, a strange expression appeared on his face.

Logically speaking, after the deep sea demon whale king was killed by Tang San in the original book, a spirit bone burst out, which was naturally a million-year-level torso spirit bone.

I didn't expect the system to pull it out. Could it be that the system stripped out the soul bone of the deep sea demon whale king.

Lu Yun couldn't help wondering, how can the current Deep Sea Demon Whale King be considered a member of the Star Auction Pavilion.

"System, what's going on with this spirit bone?"

Lu Yun continued to ask the system.

[There is more than one million-year-level deep-sea demon whale king in the world. Besides, the supernatural powers of this system can create a million-year-old soul bone at will. What is there to be surprised about? The Magic Crystal King is also in the lottery pool. 】

The cold voice of the system interrupted Lu Yun's thoughts.

Hearing this, Lu Yun thought about it, yes.

The system is so powerful, it's really not surprising that this spirit bone was drawn out.

However, Lu Yun did not intend to absorb this soul bone himself. Although he did not absorb a single soul bone, there were countless precious soul bones in the god-level store.

He also planned to think about whether he needed to absorb spirit bones or not?

The strength is already strong enough, and there is no need for the blessing of the soul bone at all.

After a while, Lu Yun didn't worry about this matter any more, whether to continue to absorb the soul bone in the future, let's talk about it.

Lu Yun put away the three back soul bones and began to check the rest.

[A piece of god crystal: the energy essence from the life of a strong god. An ordinary person who takes this piece of god crystal will immediately become a strong god, but he cannot go any further for his entire life. 】

The function of this divine crystal appeared before Lu Yun's eyes.

After seeing this effect, Lu Yun turned pale with shock, it turned out to be such an effect.

Ordinary people can immediately become powerful gods after taking this piece of god crystal, saving countless years of bitterness in the middle.

It can be said that this piece of divine crystal is really too precious, the only pity is that the price of taking this piece of divine crystal is a bit serious.

For him, this side effect is indeed very unfriendly, but for others, it is also an incomparably heaven-defying treasure in the world.

After all, the soul masters of Douluo Dalu spent their whole lives not just to transform mortals into gods, to become invincible god-level powerhouses?

However, ordinary soul masters, even the top geniuses in Douluo Continent, can't break through the god-level realm after a lifetime of pursuit.

Therefore, this shortcoming may be insignificant in the eyes of others.

Lu Yun began to think about the ultimate ownership of this divine crystal. The powerhouses summoned by the system are all very talented.

Becoming a god-level powerhouse is a certainty, it's just a matter of time.

Lu Yun didn't intend to let them absorb this piece of divine crystal. Letting them absorb it would just cut off their subsequent cultivation path.

But Lu Yun didn't want to simply put this divine crystal up for auction, even if it was put up for auction, it wasn't now.

If there is no god-level powerhouse born in the Douluo Continent today, if a new god is born in the Douluo Continent by rashly taking out this piece of god crystal, then the Douluo Continent will definitely undergo tremendous changes.

It is very unfavorable for Star Dou Auction Pavilion to hold an auction next.

Therefore, Lu Yun does not plan to auction this piece of divine crystal for the time being.

Maybe it won't be too late to put it up for auction after a god-level powerhouse really appears in Douluo Continent.

Lu Yun put away this piece of divine crystal, and began to look at the things that were drawn out next.

But when he saw a thousand god-given spirit rings drawn out, Lu Yun was secretly speechless.

There are too many god-bestowed spirit rings in his hand, why does he feel like he has become a wholesaler of god-bestowed spirit rings.

He didn't get too obsessed with these things, these god bestowed spirit rings were very common, only reaching the 10 year level.

For him, it is not of much use, and the big deal is to put it up for auction in the future.

I believe that other soul masters in Douluo Continent cannot ignore their desire for the god-given soul ring.

The next moment, Lu Yun focused on the soul orb.

In the blink of an eye, an extremely dark black bead appeared in Lu Yun's hand, and there were clusters of vortices inside, absorbing the soul power in the air all the time.

[Soul Orb: Concentrate and refine the surrounding soul power all the time to form an extremely pure soul power. 】

The specific information of this soul orb appeared in front of Lu Yun's eyes.

"Can you temper your own soul power? It is indeed a very rare treasure, and this can be auctioned."

After seeing the specific function of this soul orb, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows, obviously surprised by this soul orb.

To a certain extent, any soul master who possesses this soul orb can continuously refine his own soul power.

When releasing the soul skill, not only did the soul power used was very little, but the power of the final burst of the soul skill could not be ignored.

Unfortunately, this soul orb is not of much use to him.

Every time he increases his soul power by one level, the soul power will be compressed countless times.

Lu Yun shook his head secretly, put away this soul orb, and focused on other things.

(End of this chapter)

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