Chapter 243 Continental Fusion Card

"here it is……"

"It actually came directly outside the Star Dou Great Forest."

The three of Bibi Dong lost control of their bodies in an instant under the irresistible force of space.

When he came back to his senses again, he found that they had already left the Star Dou Forest.

This also shocked Bibi Dong and the others, what kind of method is this?

With just a big wave of their hands, it seemed like a moment had passed for them to teleport such a long distance.

This place is far away from the core area of ​​Star Dou Great Forest, even so, it was still easily done by that woman.

A guess emerged in Bibi Dong's mind, that woman should be a real god.

Otherwise, ordinary soul masters would not be able to do this at all.

Bibi Dong was very helpless, not only did not get the Juyuan tree, but also offended a strong man, resulting in three years of unable to improve her strength.

It's like stealing chicken without losing rice.

But she didn't intend to seek revenge from that woman, so she could only swallow this breath.

Bibi Dong left here with a complicated expression, to see if she could break the seal on her body.

Otherwise, after three years and then proving himself a god, this is not a scenario Bibi Dong would like to see.


Lu Yun in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion converted all the soul crystals obtained in this auction into auction sites.

With nothing else to do, he naturally noticed the strange behavior of Bibi Dong and the others.

So let Xuanshuang hide in the void, wanting to see what happened.

Sure enough, after everything was over, Xuanshuang told him all about the conflict between Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena and the beasts.

After Lu Yun heard the news, he was also full of laughter.

"I have to say, Bibi Dong is really courageous. Gu Yuena is a soul beast co-lord with combat power comparable to that of a god king. Bibi Dong actually robbed and hit her on the head."

"Let's not talk about Gu Yuena, even Di Tian and other fierce beasts will make Bibi Dong go home empty-handed, and may even escape from the Star Dou Forest with serious injuries."

After Lu Yun asked Xuanshuang to leave, he murmured softly.

Lu Yun still admires Bibi Dong in his heart.

If she didn't know the enemy's strength before she made a rash move, Bibi Dong would one day pay the price for what she did.

"Bibi Dong's strength has been sealed for three years. It seems that in a short period of time, Bibi Dong is not able to prove herself as a god and completely change the situation among the forces in the Douluo Continent."

"Since this is the case, the previous plan can be put on hold for a while, and it is time to start another huge plan."

At this moment, a gleam flashed across Lu Yun's eyes.

In three years' time, the power of Douluo Continent will not change much.

And he has more time to do what he is doing.

That's right!

Now the prestige of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has spread throughout the Douluo Continent, and even Sea God Island cannot ignore the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

But at the end of the sea area, there is also a continent called the Sun Moon Continent.

The soul masters of Douluo Dalu almost don't know the existence of Sun Moon Dalu, and vice versa.

It can be said that the two continents are completely separated by a sea area.

The Sun Moon Continent is developing rapidly, especially the soul guide, far surpassing the Douluo Continent.

However, the strength of soul masters in the Sun Moon Continent is far inferior to that of the Douluo Continent.

This time, Lu Yun intends to fully extend the hand of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to the Sun Moon Continent, so that he can get more auction sites.

Strive to break through the god-level realm as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Lu Yun didn't know what he thought of, he turned his wrist lightly, a burst of golden light flashed, and an ordinary golden card appeared in his hand.

"Continental Fusion Card, I don't know if it is really as bad as it was introduced?"

Lu Yun looked at the card in his hand and muttered thoughtfully.

The name of this card is Continental Fusion Card. As the name suggests, it is used to completely fuse two unconnected continents together, regardless of you and me.

As for this Continental Fusion Card, it is naturally sold in god-level stores, but the selling price is ridiculously high, reaching 5000 million auction points.

With his current net worth, he couldn't afford it at all.

As for why Lu Yun possessed this Continental Fusion Card, it was naturally a mysterious reward for completing the tasks issued by the system before.

There was only one thing that was issued by that mysterious reward, and that was this Continental Fusion Card.

Lu Yun who got this Continental Fusion Card was also very pleasantly surprised.

When Lu Yun established the Star Dou Auction Pavilion on Sea God Island, he thought of the Sun Moon Continent.

Now that he has obtained the Continental Fusion Card, this plan must be implemented as soon as possible.

Spread the prestige of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion throughout the Sun Moon Continent.

If this is really the case, he can also proceed to completely integrate the Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent.

According to the ending in Douluo Zhong's original novel, after ten thousand years, the Sun Moon Continent and Douluo Continent will also merge together for some reason.

Lu Yun's move only allowed the two continents to merge in advance.

Afterwards, Lu Yun put away the Continental Fusion Card, left the room, and began to discuss with other staff in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion when to go to the Sun Moon Continent.


Killing capital.

This place is still filled with the atmosphere of killing as always, and the strange atmosphere inside is constantly eroding the soul masters in the capital of killing.

In the depths of the killing capital, there is a huge battlefield, with two figures standing in the center.

Crazy attack, the terrifying soul power spread to the surroundings, even deep pits appeared on the ground.

"Kill, use your strength!"

"Kill them all, I want to see who wins this battle."

"Hahaha, it's wonderful. It's hard to imagine that the boy is about to complete his [-]th consecutive victory in the killing field. He did it in such a short period of time. What a genius."

"Huh, genius, once you come to the capital of killing, you will be addicted to it like us forever, unable to extricate yourself, and you will never be able to leave this place."


The crowd around the battlefield began to discuss one after another.

Everyone looked at the two fighting figures on the battlefield with great interest.

Everyone emitted black-red gas, and a touch of scarlet appeared in their eyes.

Obviously, most of the onlookers were affected by the killing spirit and gradually lost their minds.

At this time, I saw six figures standing in a remote corner, each of them looked worriedly at the young man ahead.

The six people here are exactly the Seven Shrek Monsters who fled into the Slaughter City a month ago.

That masked boy fighting in the arena was none other than Tang San.

"Boss Dai, how confident is Third Brother that he can win this time?"

Oscar on the side asked Dai Mubai in bewilderment.

(End of this chapter)

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