Chapter 244 Mysterious Voice

Among the seven of them, Tang San's winning streak was the highest.

It has achieved 29 consecutive victories. If today's battle is won, it will reach [-] consecutive victories.

Among the six of them, only Dai Mubai had completed 25 consecutive victories, and was under Tang San.

"This battle should not be easy."

"Xiao San has not yet broken through to the soul king, and he is still not far away from the soul king, and his opponent is a long-established soul king. Although he cannot use soul skills in the killing capital, the body's Soul power is not a level at all."

"So it's a bit difficult for Xiaosan to defeat his opponent intact."

Dai Mubai looked forward with a solemn expression, and expressed his opinion.

After all, the opponents in the killing field are extremely strong.

After a month of training, they have continuously sharpened their combat effectiveness, and their strength has improved a lot, which is why they can maintain such a high winning streak.

"Then this is a bit tricky. It is so difficult to achieve [-] consecutive victories, so how long will we have to wait to leave the killing capital?"

"That's a record that needs to reach a hundred consecutive victories."

Ma Hongjun's face was depressed, he couldn't help looking up to the sky and screaming.

The difficulty of [-] consecutive victories has reached this level, and it is as difficult as heaven to achieve a hundred consecutive victories.

I don't know how many years it will take.

"Hey, take a step and see."

Dai Mubai also felt very distressed by the current predicament, and then he sighed leisurely.

Don't pay attention to the current matter, the most urgent thing is to solve the matter in front of you.

At this time, the battle between the two on the battlefield was in full swing.

The offensive from both sides became more and more fierce, Tang San's expression became extremely serious.

"So strong, it seems that the man in front of him has been immersed in the soul king realm for many years. Under the premise of not being able to use soul skills, it is impossible to be the opponent of the man in front of him with conventional means."

"Since this is the case, we can only resort to risky tactics!"

Tang San thought about the next situation in his heart, and the surging spirit power in his hand was rippling forward.

In an instant, Tang San's hands suddenly turned into a pair of jade hands.

When the attack from the front was about to hit, Tang San pushed forward with both hands.

Tang San released the Purple Demon Eye, and began to pay attention to the actions of the opposite man.

From the moment the man was about to resist his own attack, Tang San immediately reacted.

With a light wave of his right hand, several hidden weapons appeared in his hand, emitting a sharp light.

"It's now!"

Thinking of this, Tang San instantly attached his soul power to the hidden weapon, and shot forward with extreme speed.

When the man in front responded to his own attack, he suddenly sensed a fatal crisis.

Looking at the several hidden weapons coming from the front pole, mixed with an indescribable threat, he was ready to resist immediately.

Tang San had expected such a situation long ago, stepped on the ghost shadow fascination track, and came behind this man in an instant.

A dagger appeared in his hand, and it was instantly slashed towards the man's neck.


A smear of bright red blood sprinkled the battlefield, and the man died instantly.

"Sure enough, as expected, Xiaosan still won the victory as usual, achieving a [-]-game winning streak."

Seeing the final result, Dai Mubai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the rest of the Shrek Seven Devils, they felt pleasantly surprised for Tang San's victory from the bottom of their hearts.

The rest of the spectators around the killing field saw the man in the realm of the soul king, but was killed by a boy who was not even the soul king.

This made everyone dumbfounded, once again realizing Tang San's strength.

There were also individual soul masters who regarded Tang San as a threat.

In a short time, don't provoke Tang San.


"This battle is finally over!"

After Tang San dealt with this man, he panted heavily, and the spirit power in his body was consumed enormously.

Can't help but feel the difficulties for the next battle.

It is so difficult to win [-] consecutive victories, let alone a hundred consecutive victories.

Is it really possible to successfully achieve a hundred consecutive victories and leave the killing capital?

Such hope is really too slim.

At this moment, the scene in front of Tang San suddenly changed.

Right now Tang San was in a void space, this space was full of dark red gas, it seemed extremely mysterious.


Tang San immediately came back to his senses, his whole body was ready to fight, and he was always alert to the movement around him.

How is this going?

Why did he suddenly come to another place?

Moreover, the surrounding environment was obviously not a killing capital. Although he had won, his mental power was also always paying attention to the surrounding movements.

On the premise of his consciousness, he can be quietly pulled into this space. I am afraid that the person who makes the move must be a strong person.

"Could it be the master of the killing capital: the king of killing?"

At this moment, a guess emerged in Tang San's mind.

In the Slaughter City, he heard the most about the Slaughter King, whose strength has reached the level of Limit Douluo.

It can be said that in the Slaughter Capital, the Slaughter King is an invincible existence.

It seems that only the Slaughter King can do this.

Only he has this strength, but on the premise that he has no resistance, he is pulled into this strange space.

"I'm not the king of killing."

Suddenly, a serious voice sounded next to Tang San's ear, which instantly woke Tang San up.

"Who are you? Why did you drag me into this unknown space out of thin air."

After Tang San heard this sudden voice, a turbulent wave rose in his heart, and he quickly backed away.

The mental power spreads towards the surroundings, wanting to see who it is, pretending to be a ghost?
What Tang San was puzzled about was that the voice said that he was not the King of Slaughter, could it be that the Capital of Slaughter hides other powerhouses.

"Me? You don't need to know my name."

"You just need to know my title: God King Shura."

This voice murmured, followed by a domineering voice, which entered Tang San's ears.

This voice also carried a god-level aura, even though it was just a negligible aura, it still made Tang San unbearable.

Even the black and red mist around it began to move with the wind, as if welcoming the arrival of the owner of the voice.

"God King? Could it be that you are a god!"

Hearing this voice's self-introduction, Tang San was stunned for a while, and soon he exclaimed in disbelief.

The one who dares to call himself a god king is probably a god in the god realm.

But because he didn't offend the gods, why should he be pulled into this space?

After all, if a god wanted to kill him, it was a breeze, and it didn't even take a lot of effort.

Suddenly, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this god king didn't have any malicious intentions towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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