Chapter 275 Top Martial Soul
Many soul masters showed incomparably curious expressions, and their eyes were fixed on the objects emitting golden light in front of them.


Soon I saw a red light flashing in this golden light.

After all the golden light dissipated, a spear floated in front of Mu Tianxing.

The entire body of the gun was red, and the flame-like power instantly diffused towards the surroundings.

The appearance of this spear directly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone was moved after feeling the power of the flame released by the spear.

Especially the soul master who is closest to this long spear can feel this scorching breath the most.

"What is this?"

"It looks like a soul guide? Then why is it in an illusory state?"

After everyone saw this illusory spear, everyone had a puzzled expression on their faces.

Logically speaking, the appearance of this long spear should belong to a kind of soul guide.

But why is it not an entity, but an illusory state?

This is so weird too!

"Could it be that we really made a mistake this time?"

After Xu Hao saw this phantom spear, a look of disappointment inevitably appeared on his face.

Originally, he also prayed in his heart that he could get a good baby this time.

Even if it is not a top treasure, it is better to be able to open relatively rare things.

At least he won't let him spend 50 soul crystals in vain.

But looking at this red spear, it doesn't feel like it's anything precious.

As for the other soul masters, they almost have the same idea as Xu Hao, thinking that this illusory spear is just an ordinary thing.

It is really a big loss to spend 50 soul crystals on the purchase.


At this time, Lu Yun, who was on the third floor, saw this illusory spear, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

So unexpected!
"I didn't expect that this blind box actually produced a martial soul, and it was a top-notch martial soul: Fire Cloud Spear."

At this time, Lu Yun's eyes were fixed on the illusory spear in front of him, and he could naturally see the specific information of this spear.

【Fire Cloud Spear: The top martial spirit, carrying powerful destructive power, and attached with the power of flame, it is unstoppable and burns everything. 】

Just a few lines of introduction like this, but it shows the power of this spear.

After all, among the top martial souls, which martial soul is weak?
This mysterious blind box produced a top-notch martial soul, completely beyond Lu Yun's expectations.

If this top martial soul is put up for auction, at least 1000 million soul crystals are needed to start.

But at this time, the transaction has already been made, and Lu Yun has no intention of going back on his word.

On the other hand, with the opening of this top martial spirit, the atmosphere of the following auction will definitely be raised to a higher level.

He can also restrain more soul crystals.

Lu Yun also had another thought in his mind, if he opened this blind box himself, maybe he might not be able to open this top-level martial soul.

Opening the blind box is related to luck.

Lu Yun looked into the third box, and naturally knew that the third box was the emperor of the Sun Moon Empire.

He couldn't help sighing that the Sun Moon Empire was really lucky.

At this time, Mu Tianxing, who was standing in the auction room, looked at the flame gun in front of him, also very puzzled.

He didn't know how to explain it, but he believed that the pavilion master must have paid attention to this situation, so he could only obey the next order.


Next, a sound transmission entered Mu Tianxing's ears, and after Mu Tianxing digested all the news, he also felt a turmoil in his heart.

how can that be possible?
This is actually a kind of martial soul, can it be stripped out?
Each piece of news shocked Mu Tianxing beyond measure.

However, considering the means possessed by the Pavilion Master and the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it seems that it is not surprising to deprive and bestow the martial soul.

So, Mu Tianxing took a deep breath to calm down his shocked heart.

His expression gradually returned to calm, and then he introduced this top martial spirit to everyone in a solemn tone.

"I believe that the soul masters present should be very curious about what this illusory spear is. Next, I will reveal its true face to you."

"First of all, I would like to congratulate Box No. [-] for being extremely lucky. Opening this blind box, I actually got such a top-notch treasure. This illusory long spear is a kind of martial spirit named: Fire Cloud Spear, which ranks among the top martial spirits. .”

Mu Tianxing solemnly told the soul masters the name and origin of the spear.

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone's eyes were dull, and the scene exploded quickly.

Check carefully, they heard right just now.

"Old man, just now the Star Dou Auction Pavilion said that this phantom spear is a kind of martial spirit?"

Xu Hao also murmured incredulously, and his eyes fell on the old man beside him, wanting to confirm that he heard correctly just now?
"That's right, it is indeed a top-level martial spirit: Fire Cloud Spear."

The old man was also stunned for a moment, and soon calmed down, confirming the authenticity of this spirit.

At this time, the elder was not too excited. He had never heard of Wuhun since he was a child, and he could have an independent existence.

I haven't even heard that there is any way to strip off a martial soul and endow a person with a martial soul.

Therefore, in his heart, he took it for granted that this illusory martial soul was not of much use.

As for the experienced soul masters, everyone has the same idea as the elder, and doesn't think this top-level martial soul is of any use.

Perhaps it won't be long before this illusory martial spirit will completely dissipate between the heaven and the earth.


Mu Tianxing saw the changes in everyone's expressions and snorted coldly.

If the Pavilion Master hadn't told him in advance, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion had means to help a person fuse their martial soul.

He also maintained a skeptical attitude in his heart.

It's no wonder that the other soul masters showed expressions of disbelief.

"I believe that most of you soul masters will think that this martial soul is not very useful, but I want to tell you here that you are wrong, and you are wrong too much."

"Our Xingdou Auction Pavilion naturally has the means to fuse this martial soul into another soul master's body, that is to say, it is absolutely possible to create a twin martial soul owner."

Mu Tianxing said in a firm tone, once again making everyone's minds extremely numb.

Does Xingdou Auction Pavilion really have the means to help a soul master fuse another martial soul?

how could be?

The atmosphere became extremely silent again, and everyone pondered whether the news was true or false.

But what happened before Lenovo, it seems that everything has traces to follow.

Could it be that Xingdou Auction Pavilion can really do it and successfully cultivate a top genius with twin martial souls?
(End of this chapter)

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