Chapter 276 Fusion of Martial Soul
"I'm going, did I hear correctly?"

"Could it be that we really picked up the treasure this time!"

Xu Hao's breathing suddenly became extremely rapid, and he asked the elder beside him excitedly.

"If the Star Dou Auction Pavilion really has such means, then we will really make a lot of money this time!"

The elder tried his best to calm down the excitement in his heart, and said unhurriedly.

He just stared fixedly at the phantom spear in front of Mu Tianxing.

Suddenly, a questioning voice rang in the ears of Xu Hao and the elder.

"Would you like to be here, and our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will help you fuse this top martial spirit?"

Mu Tianxing received Lu Yun's order, and wanted the Sun Moon Empire to send a soul master to fuse this top martial soul face to face.

I don't know, can Xu Hao agree?

"Old man, this..."

After hearing this question, Xu Hao showed hesitation.

If the Star Dou Auction Pavilion can really have such means, wouldn't it be revealing his identity.

If other forces know that the Sun Moon Empire has given birth to an owner of twin martial souls, it will be difficult to control the next situation.

Since Xingdou Auction Pavilion has already asked aloud, it's not good for him to refuse.

On the other hand, he has not found a suitable soul master to fuse this top martial soul.

"Go ahead. With your current talent, breaking through to the current level of soul power is already the limit. Maybe if you integrate this top-level martial soul, your own talent will be improved to a higher level."

After hearing these words, the elder hesitated for a while, and then directly stated his decision.

Immediately let Xu Hao go to fuse this top martial soul.

"No, I'm too old now, and I can't bring out the advantages of my twin martial souls, and if this matter is exposed, it will be a big trouble for our Sun Moon Empire."

Hearing this, Xu Hao refused without hesitation.

He intends to let the genius soul masters of the Sun Moon Empire absorb this top-level martial spirit. How could he absorb this top-level martial spirit by himself?

Wouldn't that be a waste of this martial soul?
"It's okay, my Sun Moon Empire has developed for so many years, and it's not something other small forces can covet, so you can fuse this top-level martial soul with confidence."

The old man said calmly, let Xu Hao absorb this martial spirit with peace of mind.


Xu Hao laughed and cried when he saw that the elder was so determined.

He knew that no one could refute the decision made by the elder, so he had no choice but to agree.

With this in mind, Xu Hao responded to Mu Tianxing, left Box No. [-], and walked towards the auction platform.

The other soul masters all showed doubts when they saw Xu Hao's appearance.

However, there are a few top experts who naturally recognized that Xu Hao is the emperor of the Sun Moon Empire.

Reminiscent of the first auction item, a guess emerged in their minds.

Could it be that this top martial spirit was captured by the Sun Moon Empire?

Thinking of this, many soul masters felt uncomfortable. They didn't expect that such a great opportunity would be taken by the Sun Moon Empire.

How does this keep them calm?
There are also individual forces that are hostile to the Sun Moon Empire, and some other ideas have arisen in their hearts.

No one knows what conspiracy they are planning.

When Mu Tianxing saw Xu Hao coming, he nodded slightly to signal, and quickly turned around and said to the many soul masters in front of him.

"I know you guys don't believe that our Star Dou Auction Pavilion has such means. Next, we will fuse this spirit face to face."

At this moment, Mu Tianxing directly told many soul masters that he would personally perform the fusion of martial souls next.

After everyone heard the news, they fell into discussion again.

Seeing the appearance of Xingdou Auction Pavilion so swearing, is it really possible to do it?

So most of the soul masters held their breath and concentrated, wanting to watch the next wonderful scene.

Being able to witness the birth of a twin martial soul can also increase a lot of knowledge for them.

After announcing the news, Mu Tianxing didn't act immediately, but retreated to the side.

A burst of light flashed, and Lu Yun's figure appeared in front of Mu Tianxing out of thin air.

For Mu Tianxing, the method of fusing martial souls is still out of his grasp.

In order to avoid accidents, Lu Yun had to do it himself.

"Next, I will personally fuse the martial soul for you. During the process of merging the martial soul, you only need to relax and leave the rest to me."

"Besides, there is some pain in the process of fusing the martial soul, so you must not keep your heart."

Lu Yun came in front of Xu Hao and said in a serious tone.

There can be no mistakes in the fusion of martial souls. In order to prevent any accidents, Lu Yun still told Xu Hao some precautions in advance.


Hearing these words, Xu Hao nodded slightly, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

I don't know if it will be possible to successfully fuse this Martial Soul in the future?

Xu Hao didn't think much, just sat cross-legged on the spot, waiting for the fusion of the martial soul.

Seeing that Xu Hao was ready, Lu Yun did not delay any further.

Raising his right hand slightly, the Huoyun gun in front of him immediately came to Lu Yun's body.

Lu Yun separated two strands of soul power, one strand entered Xu Hao's body, and the other adhered to the surface of the Fire Cloud Spear.

Make the two forces have the meaning of fusion.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, the fire cloud gun gradually sank into Xu Hao's left hand.

The majestic momentum suddenly caused the soul power in Xu Hao's body to rush wildly. After Xu Hao felt this violent soul power, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

After Lu Yun saw this situation, his expression became extremely serious.

Constantly use the power in the body and inject it into Xu Hao's body, helping him to have a little connection with the Fire Cloud Spear.


The time was long, and 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

A stronger aura emerged from Xu Hao's body, and his expression suddenly became extremely calm.

All the pain from before disappeared at this moment.

A burst of red light flashed, and Xu Hao was instantly engulfed in flames.

Many soul masters were startled when they saw this scene. Under the flames, Xu Hao didn't use any defensive measures. Could something happen?
As for the veteran in the third box, seeing Xu Hao being engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, his heart skipped a beat.

Could there be some accident?
But seeing that Lu Yun didn't change his expression, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Hope this all works out.

"It's now!"

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun shouted loudly, formed a seal with his hands, and immediately formed a red mark, which directly patted Xu Hao's eyebrows.

These flames dissipated in the blink of an eye, and the power of the remaining flames poured into Xu Hao's left hand continuously.

So far, the whole change has completely restored calm.

(End of this chapter)

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