Chapter 287
Immediately afterwards, Lu Yun followed Haiyuan and Haina towards the depths of the mermaid clan.

Along the way, Lu Yun couldn't help sighing as he saw the beauty of the Mermaid Clan's territory.

In addition, Lu Yun used his mental power to investigate the entire mermaid family all the time.

Suddenly he noticed something strange, in the depths of the mermaid territory, there was a place that kept devouring his spiritual power.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun quickly cut off the release of mental power, guessing in his heart that maybe the place where the spiritual power was absorbed should be the strange place that caused the mermaid clan to change.

In this way, Lu Yun and Jiuyou, led by Hai Yuan, came to a blue palace.

Hai Yuan had other things to do, so he left here slowly and began to inspect the entire territory.

To prevent the evil killer whale king from penetrating into the territory of the mermaid clan, if that is the case, he cannot bear the consequences.

After seeing Hai Yuan leaving, Lu Yun and his eyes flickered slightly, and asked the innocent Hai Na: "Haina, I want to solve the plight of your mermaid clan as soon as possible. I wonder if you can take me to see the sleeping strong mermaid now."

Lu Yun said with a smile, intending to ask Haina to take him to the destination, let him have a look at the strong man of the mermaid clan, and fell into a deep sleep because of something.

"Okay, then trouble you."

After hearing this sentence, Hai Na's expression was happy, and she quickly agreed, after all, her mother was still in a deep sleep at this time.

She couldn't wait for Lu Yun to make a move and save her mother.

Haina walked ahead, leading Lu Yun and Jiuyou towards a deeper direction.

Not a moment later, Lu Yun and the others came to a splendid palace.

Hannah introduced the palace on the side, where she lived, and her sleeping mother was also in the room.

Led by Haina, Lu Yun came to a room slowly.

This room is filled with an inexplicable atmosphere, and a woman is suspended in midair in the central area.

This woman has almost the same appearance as Henna, but her aura is even stronger.

Even in the period of deep sleep, the aura on his body cannot be ignored.

According to Lu Yun's perception, Haina's mother, Haitianxin, is a 10-year-old soul beast.

Lu Yun came to the sleeping woman.

The soul power in her hand was running, slowly walking around Hai Tianxin's body, constantly sensing the reason that caused her to fall asleep.

After a long time, endless confusion arose in Lu Yun's heart. He found that Hai Tianxin didn't have any injuries in her body, and her Qi and blood were extremely active.

What was the reason that caused Hai Tianxin to fall into a deep sleep?
No matter how others call it, it will not help.

This made Lu Yun realize that the culprit behind this was not simple.

At this time, Lu Yun's eyes were fixed on the black line between Hai Tianxin's eyebrows.

This black pattern seems to be a pair of wings, and exudes an inexplicable breath.

After some investigation by Lu Yun, this breath was almost the same as the breath of the unknown place that absorbed his spirit before.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun probably understood that perhaps it was this pattern that caused the strong mermaids to fall into a deep sleep.

Lu Yun's fingertips condensed a ray of soul power and injected it into the black lines.


Immediately afterwards, a powerful force instantly bounced off Lu Yun's soul power.


Lu Yun's heart was filled with interest. A dead object could explode with such power, which made Lu Yun sure, and his guess was very correct.

Lu Yun increased the injection of soul power and entered Hai Tianxin's spiritual sea.

In the sea of ​​spirits, Lu Yun suddenly noticed a change, and there was a cloud of black mist in the most central area.

Lu Yun sensed a very strange aura from this mist.

Lu Yun guessed that it was this cloud of black air that caused Hai Tianxin to fall into a deep sleep.

So Lu Yun's soul power was activated, and he blasted forward, intending to destroy the black mist.

After Lu Yun's soul power collided with the black mist, a powerful black light shone in the sky.

Immediately, a strange man appeared. This man was in the form of a phantom, with wings on his back, releasing a powerful and strange breath.

"who is it!"

The strange man yelled out a roar, and his scarlet pupils were staring at the source of the power.

"Who are you? Why do you let others fall into a deep sleep for no reason? What is your purpose?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Yun was even more surprised, all these things were too weird.

According to the appearance of this man, it is obvious that he does not belong to Douluo Continent.

This man turned his back and had wings. He has both the form of a human soul master and the characteristics of a soul beast. What kind of race is this?

"The mere ants are also disturbing my big business, so don't retreat quickly, otherwise, when my retreat is over, you will definitely die."

When the strange man heard Lu Yun's words, his face became extremely angry. He didn't expect someone to discover his plot.

Said to Lu Yun full of killing intent, advised him to be sensible and leave here quickly.

"Oh, so what on earth do I want to see about you?"

A cold light flashed in Lu Yun's eyes. It seemed that the strong mermaid fell into a deep sleep, and it was obviously this man who moved his hands and feet.

He was able to plant a phantom in his mind without a strong man noticing.

As for the strangeness of this phantom, Lu Yun couldn't figure it out either.

But Lu Yun would definitely not let this man continue to be arrogant and use his martial soul power in an instant.

The pressure of the chaotic-level martial soul slammed into the phantom of that strange man.

The man originally had a disdainful expression on his face, but when he sensed this supreme power, his expression was extremely panicked.

"How is it possible? What kind of power is this? Why can it hurt my phantom."

The strange man let out a roar, and watched his body helplessly, being turned into nothingness by this powerful force.

"Damn it, I remember you, don't let me see you again, or I will definitely tear you to pieces."

The weird man knew that he was powerless to resist this force, so he made a threatening voice very unwillingly.

After Lu Yun saw that the phantom was destroyed, he continued to explore the sea of ​​spirits, but there was no other power left, so he directly withdrew from Hai Tianxin's sea of ​​spirits.

When Hai Na saw that Lu Yun had woken up, her eyes were filled with anticipation. She wondered how her mother was doing now.

"It has been resolved. Perhaps in less than a while, your mother will successfully wake up."

At this time, Lu Yun directly told the good news, so that Hai Na needn't worry too much.

(End of this chapter)

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