Chapter 288 Entering the Vortex
"Great, thank you!"

Hearing this sentence, Hai Na's eyes lit up, and she thanked Lu Yun.

Then came to her mother's side, waiting for her mother to wake up.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun showed a dignified expression.

What happened just now made Lu Yun extremely worried. He didn't know what the last plot of that strange man was.

In order to avoid Ye Changmeng, Lu Yun glanced at Jiuyou. After seeing this look, Jiuyou immediately understood Lu Yun's plan.

Immediately after the two bid farewell to Heina, they left the palace slowly.

After leaving the palace, Lu Yun and the two disappeared instantly.

With extreme speed, shuttled through the territory of the entire mermaid clan, flying towards the deepest direction.

In less than a while, the two of Lu Yun and Lu Yun came to a place of nothingness. A dark vortex appeared in front of them, and a strange black mist spread towards the surroundings all the time.

The surrounding sea was also blackened by the power of this vortex.

And the color is getting darker.

Seeing all this, Lu Yun's previous confusion was easily resolved. The change in the color of the sea water was indeed related to this black vortex.

"Strange, I can't pass through this vortex with my spiritual power!"

Lu Yun used his mental power to go deep into the vortex to find out what was going on.

But within this vortex, there was an inexplicable force that isolated his spiritual power.

In this way, Lu Yun realized that the depths of the vortex might not be simple.

"Pavilion Master, I can't find out what is in the depths of this vortex. If the two of us enter rashly, will it be dangerous?"

Jiuyou on the side also encountered the same predicament as Lu Yun before, and his god-level mental power was still unable to detect things deep in the vortex.

This made Jiuyou very vigilant. If the two of them entered the vortex now, there might be some danger.

"It's okay, if there is any accident, I will easily resolve it!"

Hearing this sentence, Lu Yun shook his head secretly. Although he was also very cautious in his heart, this situation was beyond his expectation.

Must figure out!
No one knows whether the black mist will spread towards the entire sea area, or whether it will spread to the Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent.

And the task issued by the system should be related to this whirlpool.

If it can't be resolved, then the final reward is a waste.

He has a god-level store, and there are countless treasures in it. He only needs to spend a certain amount of auction points, and any danger is not a problem.

If you are really in mortal danger, you can buy some strong experience cards from the god-level store, then all difficulties will be solved.

After hearing Lu Yun's words, Jiuyou didn't say anything, her soul power circulated her whole body, ready to enter the vortex, always be alert to the dangers around, and ensure the safety of the pavilion master.

Lu Yun also used the power of time and space to surround his whole body, and then stepped into the vortex together with Jiuyou.

After the two entered the vortex, their minds were in a trance for a while, and when they reappeared, they came to a dark area.

This area contained a very strong depressive atmosphere, and Lu Yun and Jiuyou felt very bored.

It seemed that the black air around them affected their emotions.

Lu Yun knew that these changes were all related to these strange black mist.

In this way, Lu Yun and Jiuyou began to walk in this strange place, trying to find out the source of the black mist.

The mental power is released towards the surroundings, trying to find out how big this area is.

When the mental power was released, the surrounding black mist actually suppressed the spirit of the two of them.

Thinking of this, the faces of Lu Yun and the two became serious. It seems that the methods of the people behind the scenes are not simple.

Even so, Lu Yun and Jiuyou still walked towards the surroundings with heavy steps.

However, the two released their martial spirits one after another, isolating the surrounding black mist, and at the same time being alert to the imminent danger.

Just as Lu Yun and the two explored the entire area.

In an unknown place, the black mist here is ten times thicker than in other areas, and the black mist from the outside world is spreading continuously towards the outside world in this place, which is extremely strange.

In the very center of the black mist, between a strange man in cross-legged, this man was dressed in a black robe, and the moiré between his brows looked extremely cold.

A pair of black wings on the back cannot be ignored.

The black air around him also emanates from the man's body all the time, forming a cycle with the black air outside.

Suddenly, the man suddenly opened his eyes, sensing the arrival of Lu Yun and the two, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect the two of you to come here to die on your own initiative. I originally planned to wait for my strength to rise to another level before going out to settle accounts with the two of you."

"Since the two of you came to die on your own initiative, don't blame me for being rude."

The strange man naturally sensed the arrival of Lu Yun and the two, and the phantom of the outside world was connected with his body.

When Lu Yun destroyed the phantom, he immediately sensed that it was Lu Yun who made the move.

The man didn't intend to let Lu Yun go, but he was at the critical moment of breaking through and couldn't be interrupted.

"Let these evil spirits play with you first."

A strange light flashed in the man's eyes, and he smiled sinisterly.

With the seal of both hands, a series of dark symbols flashed in the void, and then flew not far away.

This man directly controlled the black mist in the entire area, continuously gathering in the direction of Lu Yun.

After doing these things, the man fell into a deep retreat, and the black energy released from his body became more and more intense.

Lu Yun and the two were walking around, and they really couldn't figure out the direction to go.


Suddenly, a bad premonition emerged in the hearts of the two of them, as if there was imminent danger.

But before the two of them continued to investigate, the surrounding black air suddenly surged violently.

The violent evil force filled the entire area, and the black energy suddenly turned into a series of phantoms of spirit beasts such as an illusory evil tiger and ghost wolf.

All of a sudden, he rushed towards Lu Yun's direction.

Hundreds of phantoms of soul beasts attacked in Lu Yun's direction. This scene made people feel their scalps go numb.

In addition, the surrounding black mist kept entering the bodies of these phantom spirit beasts to help them improve their strength.

After seeing this situation, Lu Yun and Jiuyou knew that there was no way to delay it.

If the black mist continues to gather, I am afraid that the strength of these spirit beast phantoms will reach a very terrifying level.

In order to avoid the following troubles, the only way to deal with these phantoms of soul beasts as soon as possible is to find the ultimate culprit.

(End of this chapter)

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